Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Eight Limbs of Yoga

There are Eight "limbs", "branches" or "chapters" of yoga. It is not just the physical posturing or asana that is yoga. That, in fact, is just one branch of the tree. The limbs, when practiced together and daily, become part of you and part of your life. They help you to live a good life and to find your life's purpose. They guide you to better choice-making, better habits, and a better life.

The purpose of embracing the Eight Limbs of Yoga is to connect you to the real you. You are layered and cloaked in veils that hide your inner spirit. These practices part the veils that hide you.

All of the limbs of yoga come to pass naturally as you grow spiritually.

First Branch of Yoga - YAMA - rules of social behavior

The Yamas are rules of social conduct that when practiced, engage you with others. They are important because we are co-creating our reality and thus provide a foundation for respect and peace.

AHIMSA Nonviolence
SATYA Truthfulness, integrity of thought word & action


Appropriate use of your energy
ASTEYA Honesty


Ahimsa is the practice of nonviolence. Your thoughts, your spoken word and your actions to others, your environment and yourself should be kind. Be aware of others. Simply noticing that a car has its blinker on and is trying to merge in traffic and allowing that to happen is an act of Ahimsa.


Satya means truthfulness. It is having integrity of thought word and deed. When speaking your truth, always be kind. Buddha says to ask yourself "Is it true?", "Is it necessary?" and "Is it kind?". If the answer in no to any of the questions, than find a better time or way to say it.


Pathway to unity consciousness, sexual appropriateness. Choose to use your energies wisely and don't give yourself away. This has traditionally been linked to the path of the celibate and the path of the householder. I like to think of it as how do I want to spend my energy and with whom. Choose the people you assoiciate with wisely. Hang out with people that uplift you and support you.


Ateya is honesty or relinquishing the idea that things outside yourself will provide you happiness and security

Asteya means being honest with yourself and learning that things outside of yourself cannot make you happy.

When you are dishonest, it is usually because you fear loss on some level.

Asteya is truly about ego attachment. Our ego defines itself by what it has around it. It clings to things and fears loss. Know that you are more than what is around you.. You are a beautiful soul having this experience of life. This life is temporary and all things around are as well.


Generosity or shifting from ego base to spiritual base approach. Shifting from material possessions.

You feel as if you are in this world, but not of it. Your expression of generosity in every thought, word, action and deed is spontaneous.

This is also witnessing awareness. You are not your thoughts. You are the witness.

The Yamas create a peaceful society and are the foundation of the Tree of Life.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I've been following with much interest the story of James Arthur Ray's healing retreat in Arizona which included a sweat lodge. The death toll is up to 2 with one person still listed as critical in the hospital. 19 others were injured. This story captures me because it is in my industry and because I have always had much interest in participating in a sweat lodge.

James Ray is famous for his book "Harmonic Wealth: the Secret for Attracting the Life You Want". He was in the movie, "The Secret". He's been on Oprah. He's pretty famous in the spiritual circles...yet somehow I had know idea who he was. There are so many self-proclaimed gurus running around right now, it's hard to keep track of them.

The retreat was called "Spiritual Warrior" and was designed to push people to their edges. Apparently, Ray's organization constructed a massive tent. There were more than 50 people participating. The people who died were in the back of the tent and had been there for 2 hours after fasting for up to 36 hours. Revenues generated from the event are estimated at $650,000. Costs were as low as $30,000. There was a nurse present, but no medical team. The retreat was in a remote location not less than 20 miles from medical care.

These are my unedited thoughts...

A sweat lodge is meant to be a sacred experience that is guided by a Shaman in the Native American Indian tradition. It is to be intimate and guided in a responsible and caring manner. It is not a large group activity. A traditional lodge is not more than 10 feet in diameter with a 2 foot hole dug in the middle for hot stones that water is poured over to create the steam. There are generally four flaps which are all opened and closed during the ceremony to refresh and cool participants.

Self is the Guru. We have officially entered the age of Aquarius. What this means on a spiritual level is that more and more people will start turning inwards to themselves to find connection to spirit. We no longer need spiritual leaders telling us what to do and think. We only need teachers and access to teachings. If a spiritual leader is swaying you to any extreme, its a red flag.

Discernment. When you embark on a spiritual journey, you end up at some point in a frenzy of spirituality. You are so excited by the changes taking place in your life that you keep seeking out more and more spiritual hits. At this point in your journey, you will participate in just about anything to feel that connection. This is when you must acutely practice Discernment. If something doesn't feel right...don't do it. Even in yoga, if you do not like the words or the poses, just skip them. Listen. Take what you love with you. Leave the rest. It is always okay to physically leave an uncomfortable situation. I have personally been to workshops where they make you promise to not matter what...because you are guaranteed enlightenment at the end. They are lying.

Spiritual Warrrior. I have friends who have dropped acid, participated in group sex, and fasted for 45 days to have an extreme experience to connect to spirit. It appears to have worked for them. They and I sit in the same space of spirituality. I, on the other hand, think of myself as a Spiritual Peacemaker. With no harm to myself, my body or others, I have connected to spirit. This is my safe and effective methodology and I do guarantee results:

  • Every morning, wake up with gratitude.
  • Spend a little time in silence each day.
  • Meditate.
  • Practice Yoga.
  • Spend time in nature.
  • Be Kind, Compassionate and Non-judgmeantal.
  • Know what you want.
  • Make good choices for your body and mind.
  • Every evening, go to bed with gratitude.

Be careful on your journey. Don't give yourself over to anything other than your very own heart. My prayers are with the families. Namaste.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

My least favorite word

I've been hearing a certain word lately and I've concluded that it is the least yogic word that I know.

The word is "try". Yogis don't try.

Yogis do.
Yogis exist.
Yogis are.
Yogis practice.
Yogis accept.
Yogis pause.
Yogis respond.

Buddha said "The only failure in life is not to be true to the best one knows".

Stop trying. Start doing. Be your best self.


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

God's Voice



Is God speaking.

Why not be polite and

Listen to


~ Hafiz

The Spiritual Immersion Group at EOM has been meeting for over 90 days now. We meet every 21 days to establish new habits that will help us transform our lives. We are meditating and working with Sutras. We are meeting special people with unique talents who are very connected to spirit.

Members of the group have started to shift and manifest. Some people call this the Law of Attraction, but I simply think of it as a grounding, a centering and a clearing that comes through a strong meditation practice. When you are aware of what it is you actually want, you will get it. When you are quiet and stress free, you can pick through all the clues or breadcrumbs that the universe leaves you to facilitate Dharma.

Hand in hand with this concept is realizing that everyone you meet is significant. Everyone has a role in the process of co-creating your existence. Honor these helpers by listening to them. Pause and ask yourself why you have met a certain person or why a person is talking about a specific situation. In every situation, ask yourself what the lesson is. Turn your life into a big game of Clue. After all, we are here for play.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


The Chopra Center provides yoga instructors not only the ability to certify in yoga, but also a foundation in the Seven Spiritual Laws of Success. The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success were written by Dr. Chopra and are his interpretation and recommendation from walking the eightfold path of Dharma. They are easy to understand and accessible to all.

Today, Thursday, is the Law of Intention and Desire. It provides an opportunity for you to sit down on Thursdays and get clear as to your intentions and desires, not just for the week, but for your lifetime. It keeps you on your path and facilitates Dharma, or simply interpreted, your life's purpose.

Mantra in Sanskrit: Om Ritam Namah
Mantra in English: My intentions and desires are aligned with Cosmic Law

The Law of Intention and Desire is based in modern physics and recognizes that at a quantum level there is nothing other than energy and information. If you accept that you are one with the cosmic body, then you can change your own body and life with attention and intention. This law resonates with your Solar Chakra located just above your naval. The color is Yellow. The Biji sound is RAM. This is where your will center lives. When you review your intentions and desires, place them in your solar chakra.

Incorporate this law on and off your mat daily:
  • Whatever you want to grow in your life, place your attention on. Whatever you want to diminish, turn your attention away.
  • Make a list of your intentions and desires. Be clear.
  • Surrender to outcome. Send your intentions and desires to the universe and let go any expectation of outcome.
  • Practice present moment awareness.

All of the mantras can be found in "The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga" by Dr. Chopra.