The Eight Limbs of Yoga
There are Eight "limbs", "branches" or "chapters" of yoga. It is not just the physical posturing or asana that is yoga. That, in fact, is just one branch of the tree. The limbs, when practiced together and daily, become part of you and part of your life. They help you to live a good life and to find your life's purpose. They guide you to better choice-making, better habits, and a better life.
The purpose of embracing the Eight Limbs of Yoga is to connect you to the real you. You are layered and cloaked in veils that hide your inner spirit. These practices part the veils that hide you.
All of the limbs of yoga come to pass naturally as you grow spiritually.
First Branch of Yoga - YAMA - rules of social behavior
The Yamas are rules of social conduct that when practiced, engage you with others. They are important because we are co-creating our reality and thus provide a foundation for respect and peace.
AHIMSA | Nonviolence | |
SATYA | Truthfulness, integrity of thought word & action | |
BRACHMACHARYA | Appropriate use of your energy | |
ASTEYA | Honesty | |
APARIGRAHA | Generosity |
Ahimsa is the practice of nonviolence. Your thoughts, your spoken word and your actions to others, your environment and yourself should be kind. Be aware of others. Simply noticing that a car has its blinker on and is trying to merge in traffic and allowing that to happen is an act of Ahimsa.
Satya means truthfulness. It is having integrity of thought word and deed. When speaking your truth, always be kind. Buddha says to ask yourself "Is it true?", "Is it necessary?" and "Is it kind?". If the answer in no to any of the questions, than find a better time or way to say it.
Pathway to unity consciousness, sexual appropriateness. Choose to use your energies wisely and don't give yourself away. This has traditionally been linked to the path of the celibate and the path of the householder. I like to think of it as how do I want to spend my energy and with whom. Choose the people you assoiciate with wisely. Hang out with people that uplift you and support you.
Ateya is honesty or relinquishing the idea that things outside yourself will provide you happiness and security
Asteya means being honest with yourself and learning that things outside of yourself cannot make you happy.
When you are dishonest, it is usually because you fear loss on some level.
Asteya is truly about ego attachment. Our ego defines itself by what it has around it. It clings to things and fears loss. Know that you are more than what is around you.. You are a beautiful soul having this experience of life. This life is temporary and all things around are as well.
Generosity or shifting from ego base to spiritual base approach. Shifting from material possessions.
You feel as if you are in this world, but not of it. Your expression of generosity in every thought, word, action and deed is spontaneous.
This is also witnessing awareness. You are not your thoughts. You are the witness.
The Yamas create a peaceful society and are the foundation of the Tree of Life.