I'm elbow deep in writing my business plan to facilitate the expansion of EOM. (read...give a yogi some cash please...) There is some good news supporting me...
Apparently, this is how you guys like to spend your money right now:
1. Small Indulgences
2. Health & Fitness
3. Prevention of aging and sickness
4. Going Green
5. Staying home
6. Consumers want more time
Yoga is just $13 class. It is health and fitness. It reverses the effects of disease, aging and cures sickness. It educates you and empowers you to make compassionate choices for your planet. If you come to the studio enough, you will eventually get to stay home and practice in your own personal sacred space that we taught you to make. As far as wanting more time, the more you meditate and practice yoga, you will develop yogic superpowers known as siddhis. Included in the list of superpowers is the ability to bend time.
Not bad?
All about you: (This is from Yoga Journal's study)
- You are spending $5.7 billion dollars a year on yoga.
- There are about 16 billion of you. This number has stayed the same for the past 10 years, but your spending on your love has more than doubled.
- 72.2 percent are women; 27.8 percent are men.
- 40.6 percent are 18 to 34 years old; 41 percent are 35 to 54; and 18.4 percent are over 55.
- 28.4 percent have practiced yoga for one year or less; 21.4 percent have practiced for
- one to two years; 25.6 percent have practiced two to five years; and 24.6 have practiced
- more than five years.
- 71.4 percent are college educated; 27 percent have postgraduate degrees.
- 44 percent of yogis have household incomes of $75,000 or more;
- 24 percent have more than $100,000.
- You are spending about $80/month.
- 90% of you are women
- 40 % are 18 - 34, 40% are 35 - 54 and 20 percent are over 55 (2 % of those are over 70)
- Regardless of age, you are all at different skill levels...(that means age doesn't correlate to skill).
- 50% of you have practiced for one year or less, 45% of you have practiced for two years, 5% have practiced longer.
- All of you seem super smart to me so if you didn't go to college, you could have and probably would have kicked some buddhi butt at Harvard.
- I think most of you have super sweet lives and you are very generous. Because of your generosity, EOM can offer yoga FREE to a lot of people when they find themselves in a bad situation. We do this quietly. We can do this because of you.
- You are each very unique and add to the beauty of the studio.