I have to tell you that I'm kind of getting tired of people. In fact, they are starting to annoy me. You see, when people find out that I teach yoga, Ayurveda and meditation they get really curious. I start to speak, they interrupt and then proceed to tell me all the other things they do or have ever heard of that they believe to work better. I get to hear about sleeping programs, belly fat cures, south beach diets, eating for your blood type and so many herbs and concoctions that I want to vomit.
I'm sick of these people eating 20 pills a day, cleansing for 3 - 7 days on some expensive over the counter crap that does NOTHING long term (very little short term) for them and going to a frickin' "develop your intuition" workshop for a weekend thinking they are going to meet an angel, their dead relative or Jesus. Keep in mind that none of this is cheap.
The absolutely hysteric thing (or really not) is that I'm sitting there looking at these people and they don't look healthy. Many are overweight, they look tired and their mind is so scattered that I absolutely KNOW they can't even hear a thing I say let alone remember it. I simply stop talking, pretend to listen and begin to pray for them. The lightning bolt that would get them into my studio, however, never magically appears.
Here are my favorite things that people think they know:
Most people believe that they can buy an over the counter cleansing kit that flushes out their colon in 3 - 7 days and resets their digestion. This is just total BS. Your body is quite capable of flushing out its own colon. You are wasting your money.
People self-diagnose and self-prescribe with herbs and will then go on to tell everyone that they know to take that herb too. This is just dangerous. Herbs mixed with prescription medicine can have catastrophic effects to your liver. You need to know what you are taking and involve your doctor in your decisions. Further, if you are unhealthy, it doesn't matter what food or medicine or herbs you put in your body....you probably aren't digesting them very well and therefore not absorbing them very well either. If you are swallowing 5 or more supplements a day...time to step back and look at what is really going on in your body.
People believe they can't do yoga. I've taught yoga to children, the elderly, the wheelchair bound ridden and to people recovering from cancer sitting in their hospital beds. Everyone can do yoga. CLICK THROUGH FOR YOGA
They've "heard of it" or "tried it for 5 minutes one day" and decided they can't do it. It's not for them. Again, this is just total BS. Meditation is a practice that requires commitment and dedication. If you are not meditating, its because you are not willing to do the work required to establish a practice. Sorry, I know that's blunt. CLICK THROUGH ON HOW TO MEDITATE
They say "I just gotta have a little meat everyday...I crave it. I need protein". The fact is that there is a place for meat in an Ayurvedic diet depending on your Element or "dosha". If you are a Wind body (Vata) you get to eat meat. Otherwise, you would be healthier not to. Eating meat means you are eating only 3 - 5 servings per week. A serving is the size of the palm of your hand. Most people only need 49 grams of protein a day. Protein is found in everything....beans, whole grains and veggies. You don't need protein from meat. In fact, meat has been PROVEN to cause cancer and is full of saturated fat that is PROVEN to cause heart disease. CLICK HERE FOR PROTEIN FACTS
(and btw...pigs are smarter than dogs, cows will run to you if they know you and you call them and so will chickens.)
They say..."but I'm allergic too....(insert endless list here)." You are not allergic to all the crap you think you are ESPECIALLY the "self-diagnosed" allergies. Your digestion is simply a wreck and your digestive fire (Agni) needs stoked. CLICK HERE FOR LINK TO STOKE IT
Okay, I'm done having a Pitta (Fire) meltdown...think road rage.
People, I need you to get serious and take responsibility for your health and healing. The FACT is that you are not your body, you are not your mind and you are not your spirit. You are an amazing combo of the three. We gotta clean out your body, calm down your mind and get you connected to your spirit. My job is to help people get healthy and happy. Let me help you.
7 day meditation challenge
Elemental Cleanse
FREE introduction to meditation (Tuesday, January 4th 6 - 7 pm)
FREE introduction to Ayurveda
Elemental Cleanse
FREE introduction to meditation (Tuesday, January 4th 6 - 7 pm)
FREE introduction to Ayurveda