Saturday, April 30, 2011

What is your life's purpose?

Have you ever paused to consider that you are here on this planet at this time in this current situation for a reason? Have you ever paused to consider that you very well may have a job to be doing here as a human being? If not, you should because you are here for a reason. You have a life's purpose or what we call in yoga "dharma".

Dharma is loosely translated as "life's purpose", but it is much more than that. It is the law. When you decided as a Spiritual Being to come back here as a Human Being, you basically signed a contract that you would accomplish certain things. Why? Your soul craves to learn and grow. Your soul craves experience and knowledge. Your soul craves love.

Pause here to wonder for a moment what your life's purpose is.

When I ask people to do this, most of them simply give me a puzzled look. I mean, geez, that's a big one. I know it seems big, but its not that hard to initiate the process of finding your life's purpose. You simply need to start studying yourself. What are the things that you love to do? What are the things you are naturally good at? What are your talents? Hidden within these, is your purpose.

Questions to get you rolling?

  • Do you love to work with kids, the elderly, animals?
  • Do you love math or writing?
  • Do you love politics & change?
  • Do you love cooking, cleaning and taking care of your family?
  • What do you love?

Today is Saturday. In the Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, today is the day that we honor our Dharma or "Life's Purpose". Below is the practice for Saturday to start the process of connecting. Spend time in silence. Wonder why you are here.

Most importantly, ask how you can help and serve all day. When we connect what we love with serving others, we find our life's purpose and experience total joy.

Mantra in Sanskrit Om Varunam Namah
Mantra in English My life is in harmony with cosmic law.

The law of Dharma states that we are spirit in nature and that we have taken a physical form to have a specific experience and fulfill a specific purpose. Every person on earth has a purpose.

Each of us is here to realize that our true nature is spiritual. We are spiritual entities that are on this earth to have an experience.
Each person has a unique talent or gift that no other person has. There is one thing that you can do and one way of doing it that is better than everyone else.
You are here to serve humanity.
In yoga, move your body with awareness.

"OM" Work

Every day and in every situation, ask How can I help? How can I serve?
Practice witnessing awareness. Pay attention to the quiet stillness within you.
Make a list of things in your life that bring joy to you and to others while you are doing them.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My journey

My name is Pamela Quinn. I'm the founder of Elemental OM and the creator of the Elemental Cleanse. I am also a certifed Yoga Teacher and Ayurvedic Practioner through the Chopra Center for Wellbeing. My yoga studios and my cleansing program have helped hundreds of people over the years transform in magical ways. I've been blessed to watch my yogis and participants start anew, live more fully, achieve success and make a difference in the word.

My gift is that I have been blessed with an amazing Spiritual education that resulted from a debilitating back injury. In May of 2002 I woke to the worst pain of my life. My entire back was in spasm. I could barely move. I received physical therapy for one year. My first exercise was to simply lay on my back and hold my belly in. I couldn’t even lift my legs. For that year I lived on muscle relaxers, valium, ambient and loads of alcohol. I got really depressed. I’ve never experienced chronic pain or the deep dark depression that comes with it. It consumes you and it destroys everything. It hurt to put my shoes on. It hurt to unload the dishwasher. I could only drive when I wasn’t loaded on muscle relaxers. My daughter was 3 at the time and I would go to the swimming pool with her just to hold her. Needless to say, my marriage quickly started to decay as my (now-ex) husband grew impatient with my depression. I was miserable.

After a year of therapy I was still in pain, but I could function. I went to yet another doctor who simply told me that there was nothing wrong with me and I would have to learn to live with the pain. At the time, I thought he was the worst doctor ever, but as it turns out he was an Angel in disguise…and a very good doctor. You see, 90% of back pain is psychosomatic (in your head).

Everyone always asks me what I did to hurt my back. I usually joke that in my sleep I rearranged all the furniture, because the truth is I didn’t do anything. I simply woke up unable to move.

If you were to look at the circumstances of my life at that time you would be shocked to think I wasn’t happy. I was a stay at home mom to two awesome kids. I lived in an 8,000 square foot home on a golf course with crystal chandeliers and all the fixins. My AmEx had no budget. I had a white mini-van , a convertible sports car and even the golden retriever. If you looked at my life, you would think I had it all. I call it buying “The Brochure”….that American Dream.

I think it was George Carlin who said they call it the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.

My brochure also included a husband who was very critical and controlling, not only of my actions, but also of my appearance. (I starved myself to stay thin) My brochure didn’t include the fact that I love to work and needed to work to feel fulfilled. My brochure didn’t include my connection to Spirit which has been with me my whole life and was tucked away because it didn't fit in with what I knew from society.

That final doctor freed me from my Brochure by telling me there was no hope for me. I knew at my core that was wrong. I went home, threw out all of my drugs…including the anti-depressant…and want to work healing myself. I had heard that meditation could ease back pain so I bought a Deepak Chopra book about meditation. If I’m going to do something, I like to do it right so I signed up for meditation lessons and a 7 day retreat. I met some amazing people at my meditation lessons including many spiritual healers. I had no idea that these people even existed. I was hooked.

At my retreat, we practiced very gentle yoga twice a day. We ate Ayurvedic food. We meditated. I started to feel so good. When I returned home I found a yoga studio near my home and went 5 days a week. After 5 months, I was pain free. My meditation practice was tough. The first 3 months of it I simply sat down twice a day and cried. I called it “scheduled crying”. I had a lot to process. My father was a very dark man…an alcoholic. He left when I was 13 . My mom never recovered. I was alone at a very young age. I had to make some tough decisions about my marriage and my life. At the end of the 3 months I did meditate. I started to change my life and I started to heal on every level.

My life now is so different. I wake up happy pretty much every day. I still have problems come up in life, but I’ve learned to stay happy through them. I feel young, vibrant and capable of accomplishing anything. I have no fear. I’ve learned to love myself and be kind to myself. I no longer have the husband or the lifestyle, but I still have the kids and the golden retriever who I love in a much healthier way now.

This practice works. I have to share it with as many people as possible because I know that it can help and heal them. I love to see people shift and grow. There is always a moment when I am teaching this course….usually week 3….when I will see a light turn on in someone’s eyes. I will see them light up with hope. Everything about them in that moment changes. I get to see their entire life change in that moment when they realize they are going to heal. They suddenly realize that they are coming up for air. It’s magical. It’s beautiful. I want to see people shift every single day. I can’t even describe it adequately. I’m addicted to it. When I see them heal, it heals me too. That’s the real reason I do this.

Let me help you. Take the Elemental Cleanse. It's 28 days that will change you forever.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Shocking Discovery at Krogers

Standing in the peanut butter lane at Krogers the other day, I casually grabbed for the supersize jar of Jif Creamy Peanut Butter. My kids love. I love it too. It's so smooth and creamy. I know I teach you guys to buy whole and organic, but there's just something about Jif. I figure...what on earth could be so terrible about the peanuts that they are putting in Jif? I'm sure this is moderately okay and my kids fight me on all the "natural" peanut butter choices and simply refuse to eat their sandwiches.

Having that thought, I scanned the isle and noticed that Smuckers has introduced a "natural" creamy peanut butter. I pick it up wondering what could possibly be the difference....


On the Jif list of ingredients, I see the term "hydrogenated" next to the word vegetable oil. On the Smuckers Natural, I do not see this word. Nor do I see the word vegetable oil at all. Neither have any trans fats listed on the label which I know to cause cancer and tell you guys to not eat. My heart starts thumping.....

Every morning for years and years I have been making pbj as the healthy choice for my kids. Have I been giving them cancer????? What is "hydrogenated"??? I can't think...I can't remember...oh I killing my kids? I speed home to google.

I go to the experts at the Mayo Clinic.

If you see the following:

  • "partially hydrogenated".....don't eat it.
  • "fully or completely hydrogenated" may be okay or it may contain some trans fats that can be hidden in the labeling. If it's not one of the first 4 ingredients, it may be okay.
(back to Jif...peanuts, sugar (that's not good) molasses, fully hydrogenated veg oil (that's number 4, but marked less than 2% okay?)

Wow...that's super clear. Thanks guys.

Let's see what Jif has to say.

Should pb be avoided?

  • No. Based on the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations about trans fat labeling, peanut butter would declare ZERO (0) grams trans fat per serving. (is that a weird sentence or is it just me?)

What is the difference between natural and regular Jif?

  • Based on Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations, peanut butter must contain at least 90% peanuts. Also, natural sweeteners, salt and stabilizers, such as hydrogenated oil, can be used in peanut butter and can be found in regular Jif peanut butter products. Jif Natural peanut butter spread is classified as a peanut butter spread because, although it contains 90% peanuts, it is stabilized with palm oil, which is outside of the definition for regular peanut butter.
I think I'm okay on the trans fat thing. The fats that cause cancer. In 2006, the FDA declared it has to be labeled clearly. Both say "zero". I think its all good.... Is it?? Of course the FDA believes .5 grams or less of trans fats to mean zero. uggg.

Here's the kicker....Hydrogenating Oil turns good fat into bad fat...unsaturated to saturated. Saturated fat causes heart disease and cancer. And then there's the sugar thing...

You know, I still don't really know the answer. My mommy gut tells me to buy the natural and organic product. It also tells me to go over to the organic section of Krogers and pick up an off label because these large food manufacturers have so many frickin' lobbyists that our very own FDA intended to protect us thinks .5 = 0. Thank you for spending my tax dollars wisely.

My daughter taste tests as I write this. Her eyes light up at the Jif. Her face does a weird thing at the runny congealed texture of the natural Smuckers.

Tough. She'll thank me later.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Chocolate Energy Bars with Coconut


  • 1 cup dates....awesome dates at Costco
  • ½ cup almonds (unsalted)
  • ¼ cup pecans(or other nut that you love...walnuts, cashew, macadamia, peanut, pine nut, pistachio)
  • 2 tablespoons unsweetened shredded coconut (organic at Whole Foods)
  • 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder or use 4 - 6 Tablespoons of yummy organic dark chocolate
  • honey, syrup or molasses

In a food processor...yes you must do this with one...blend up the dates to smooth. Add the nuts and blend those in. Add the coconut and the chocolate and pulse. If the mixture is not sticky enough, add more dates or add some honey, syrup or molasses.

Get a pan and line it with wax paper. Smooth the mixture onto the paper. Press it down good and cut into bars. If you like, you can dust with more coconut to make less sticky. Wrap individually in plastic and you have a treat to go!!

Don't eat these at night. Caffeine in bar....


Thursday, April 7, 2011

5 ways to increase your sex life!

The other evening at the studio two woman were talking about an herbal supplement I had recommended to them to calm their minds and help them sleep better. They were kind of laughing amongst each other because the one taking the herb was shocked to find that her libido had taken a positive turn as well. I personally don't sell this particular herb as a libido enhancer only because I tend to get a little embarrassed talking about those things. They were so giddy though, it got me to thinking about things that you can do to increase your sex life. After all, we are here on earth to enjoy this experience, right?

So here goes:

Greet your partner at the door.
When your hubby, wife, partner or friend walks through the door, stop every single thing that you are doing to go give them a big hug and a kiss. Look them in the eye and tell them how happy you are to see them.

Make dinner your lightest meal.
Now I'm not saying that the lights have to be out to enjoy a little roll around, but most people are probably enjoying each other in the evening hours. Let lunch be your big meal of the day. Eat a light dinner and then your belly will be happy to receive other treats.

Go for a walk after dinner.
Go out and enjoy a quiet walk together after you eat. Hold hands. Talk or don't talk, but just spend some quiet time destressing and alone with each other.

Say thank you:
I can't stress the importance of this one thing enough for improving not just your sex life, but your relationship in general. Thank your love for all they do and are. That means you actively express gratitude every single time they do even the smallest thing for you. Say thank you for cleaning the kitchen, cooking dinner, folding laundry, working hard and bringing the trash can in. Say thank you for watching movies they didn't want to watch, driving kids all over the planet and going out to events they didn't want to be at. Tell them how much more fun it is to have someone with you and helping you.

Herbal Supplements:
  1. Shatavari for Women. LEARN MORE
  2. Ashwagandha for Men. LEARN MORE

EOM in Montgomery is hosting a Couple's Yoga Party this Friday! Yoga, music, food and friends. It's a great romantic healthy alternative for a Friday night out! LEARN MORE

I want to add just ONE MORE THING because I think its super important and super true...Just do it. If your sex life is tanking and you are not in the mood, you are suffering from a Kapha or Earth imbalance in your relationship. Too much of life has simply settled in. Sometimes you gotta just do it. Once you get started, you are always happy and there is nothing better to shift your imbalance.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

5 ways to decrease your chance of heart disease

Today is National Start Walking Day promoted by the American Heart Association. It got me thinking about how easy it is to take care of that gorgeous heart. Here are 5 things to do to make the turn:

Go for a 30 minute walk every day. Seriously, that's 15 minutes out your front door and 15 minutes back. Do it after a meal to help you digest as well! Double whammy benefit.

Favor foods in the following order:
  1. beans
  2. veggies
  3. whole grains
  4. fruits
  5. dairy
  6. nuts & oils
  7. meat (fish and poultry)

Do notice that the food that contains fat (dairy, nuts, oils and meat) is listed last, but it IS listed. You need "good fats" in your diet to digest and be healthy. Good fats come from vegetables...think olive, sesame, hazelnut, safflower, grapeseed, coconut and other oils. Cook with oil instead of butters and margarines. Fish is the best source of fats from animals.

Give up or cut back on some habits...
Caffeine, Alcohol, Processed Food

Stress is killing us. De-stress our life. Do a little yoga, live a little more quietly. Turn off the TV, the media, your cell phone. Take a little time for yourself each day to be silent and alone. Meditate!!! Find some good company to hang out with. Find people who are grounding and nurturing to share time with. A great match would be a person who is interested in working on their body, mind & spirit just like you. If you find yourself frequently on your own, start a dialogue with Spirit. Praying, meditating and even just talking to the invisible "what if" will soothe your heart.

Herbal Supplements:

Flax Seed Oil...take every single day of your life LEARN MORE
Triphala Guggulu LEARN MORE
Neem for High Blood Pressure LEARN MORE

We are offering a FREE Introduction to Meditation on Tuesday, April 12th at 8 pm in the Montgomery Studio if you would like to learn how to relax and connect to spirit.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Increase your energy!

Why is there such a demand for increased energy?

Why are we feeling so tired and lethargic?

Are supplements the answer?

Everyone is looking for ways to increase their energy. Company's (even the holistic ones) are now selling "energy" drinks, energy supplements and tooting the benefits of vitamins and a whole lot more!

We are simply doing too much, not sleeping and making poor food choices that long term (a) don't give us the nutrition we need and (b) destroy our digestive fire so that when we do get the nutrition we need, we can't even begin to properly absorb it.

For those of you who are doing too much, have no time and probably just want to pop a supplement to get you through, read the following and go to the store:

B12, B6, C, D and E

For those of you who want to start to really live again, think about the root cause of your energy slump. Do you have any of the following habits?

  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine
  • Processed Fast Foods and Sugars
  • Staying up late
  • Skipping meals
  • Non-stop running around
  • Stressful jobs
  • Unhappy Marriage
  • Small Children
  • Illness, Disease or Weight Gain

If you are experiencing any of these situations, we need to take control of your life. Now obviously, you can't simply quit your job, leave your spouse or abandon your children (nor do you want to). That would actually just cause you to lose more energy. What you want to do are small little shifts that are manageable to get some of these situations under control. What can you do?

  • Go ahead and take the supplements. They will only help you and the simple act of getting up in the morning with a healthy glass of organic OJ and some supplements is going to remind you that you are on a "get healthy" path.
  • Eat 3 meals a day around the same time each day.
  • Favor whole grains, beans, veggies, fruits, nuts and that order.
  • Get up and go to bed around the same time each day.
  • Begin to monitor your consumption of alcohol, processed foods and caffeine. Start to slowly cut your consumption by replacing alcohol with fruit juice, processed foods with packed lunches and caffeine with decaf teas.
  • Take a 2 hour (or more) "noise" break each day. Turn off the TV, the stereo and the cell phone. (shhhhh..stop talking so much too).
  • Spend a little time in nature each day...go for a walk and enjoy.
  • Sit down with pen and paper and make a 3 month plan for (1) getting some "me" time in each day that includes eating good and movement and (2) shifting some of the stressful situations in your life.

This will get you going in the right direction. For a total "reset", clarity and maximum energy, I want you to experience the Elemental Cleanse. It incorporates all of the above and much much more to dramatically improve your life on all levels.