Monday, June 27, 2011

Just Keep Trying....

This past Saturday in the Montgomery Studio, a group of yogis joined in our Hula Hoop Workshop. Mindy Ayers was teaching and she packed the house. The house was so packed, in fact, that I decided to give up my spot so that our clients could enjoy. Sitting outside the room, I heard Mindy say the best thing I've ever heard in recent years. It was presented in a simple, matter of fact way. It was said just the way you would talk to a child that you really really cared about. She said it to the group and it fluttered to my ears my sweet music....

"Just keep trying"

Wowsie! I haven't heard anyone say that to me since I was little. I don't even know if I heard it then. I was always that kid who had to do it all on my own... still am. At the age of 42, mostly people just tell me what I can't do.

I tell you what...I heard her say that and I picked up an extra hula and went out to the parking lot in the front of the studio. Mindy had given me a quickie lesson the day before that I totally failed. I picked up that hoop and started the hula. Her voice singing sweetly in my ear.... I just kept trying. You know what? After about 5 minutes I was hooping. At the age of 42, I was hooping. I've never been able to hoop. Hah! I just kept trying.

What are trying to do?

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Summer 40 day practice

The Summer Solstice is upon us and this year it is wedged between two huge lunar events. The full moon lunar eclipse on the 15th of June truly marked the ending of an era for those afflicted. If you've finally found a little breathing room, you know that one was hitting you. (it will feel like a dramatic shift that began the week of June 9th) On the chart of any eclipse, the point of the lunar eclipse is usually "revisited" many moons later by what we call the lunar "nodes". These are shadows across the earth. This whole cycle can throw you into a tailspin for years. The good news is those nodes aren't coming back to that point for another 19 years. We are free.

The next paragraph is astrology mumbo jumbo...
feel free to skip to the 3rd paragraph

The Solar Eclipse coming on July 1 is marking the beginning of an era. This era is to last for the next 1,000 years. (it's the dawning of the Age of Aquarius...(go ahead and argue with me, it's here)). It's dialed in and fixed by the grand cross it is forming with Pluto (transform or destroy), Saturn (do your work father figure) and Uranus (let's have some supercharged suprising fun in a new way). What all this means together is out with the old, in with the new and you'd better do your work. The Eclipse in cancer affects your emotions and your home. For the world, this grand cross is on the MC which is a spiritual point. The world MUST transform. Oddly, this eclipse will be visible for the Middle East greatly affecting our Arab spring. (Isn't it funny that a Uranian energy like Facebook is causing the world to transform/destroy (Pluto). The new (Uranus) is fighting the old (Saturn).

So all the astrology babble aside, this is a pretty big deal and a really good time for you to put some effort into the personal transformation that will set the tone for your next 19 years minimum, unless you plan to live another 1,000 years. I would like to challenge you to start planning for a 40 day practice of self study, meditation and cultivating "sattvic" or pure qualities. Starting today, begin working on your intentions and desires for the future.
  • What do you want your physical body to feel and look like?
  • What changes do you want to make to your personality?
  • What changes do you want to make to your mind?
  • What do you want your financial situation to be?
  • Would you like to make any big purchases?
  • Do you have debt to pay off?
  • Do you want to go on any trips?
  • Do you want to further your education?
  • How can you be of service to others?
  • What do you want your relationships to feel like?
  • What career accomplishments do you crave? a raise? a promotion? recognition?
  • How do you want to deepen your connection with Spirit?
Journal around these questions. A super fun practice is to create a "vision" board. Simply tear pictures of people, places and things that inspire you. Paste it all on a poster board and put this near your meditation nook so that you might bring these desires to manifestation.

Humility, healing, service and compassion is the theme from the Kundalini community. I'm going to join in their intentions and have my focus for my intentions and desires shift to these themes.

On Thursday, June 30th (pre-Solar Eclipse day), begin your practice. My practice will include the following:
  1. Daily Meditation
  2. Air Tattva: 11 minutes: link to download mantra>>
  3. Daily Journaling
  4. Daily Yoga Asana including the Seven Spiritual Laws of Success

Pick something to challenge you to give up: Dairy, Meat, Alcohol, Smoking, Caffeine, Sugar, Processed Food, Television, Internet, Cell Phone, Bad Moods.....

Tuesday, August 9th marks the end of your practice. I'll be blogging daily starting July 1. I have a vacation in the middle of all this and a bunch of other stuff so it should be super fun to keep me on track too!

The Elemental Cleanse is starting July 25th. I'm pairing with that the beginning of our Samadhi Service in Montgomery. Monday through Friday from 6 - 7 AM!!! 25 minutes of yoga, 25 minutes of meditation, 10 minutes to discuss and connect. Doors open at 5:55 am. Class passes are valid. I'd buy the unlimited that month!!

In case you love math and are curious about "40 days", click here>>>>
(if you can explain this to me in one sentence, you win a hug).

Will you see the eclipse? click here>>>

Kundalini Communities Summer Solstice Practice click here>>>

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Yesterday I completely lost it....

I mean I lost it. Zero to sixty in 2 seconds. A peaceful ocean with pretty lapping waves becomes a tsunami. A tornado in the middle of a gorgeous spring day. A bulldozer with a wrecking ball closely following. I got mad. I got really really really mad. The Buddha in me did not stop to pause and respond with care. The Buddha in me did not breathe. The Buddha in me did not find compassion and understanding. In fact, I told Buddha to go take a frickin' hike cause I was sick of him too.

If you know me, then you know that I'm the kind of person to allow for bad behavior. I think many operate this way. I'm a service oriented Pisces who is mutable enough to put up with a lot (think "no boundaries" here). I'll tell myself that the person is having a bad day, they must be sick or they must really be suffering. I'll even tell myself that's its my fault and that there is a lesson to learn that I must need. (Sound familiar?). The problem is, I hit a wall and there is enough insane Aries energy (think Mars God of War on steroids) that when I've had enough, I just blow like a volcano and I take everyone out in my path.

Everything I know, everything I teach and everything I really work to be and become just crumbles. Yesterday a situation came to a head (full moon lunar eclipse style) that I have been forced to passively "take" for the last two years. Looking back, it really was a great opportunity for me to apply what I know, but in the moment when I sent Buddha away, I just went with it. Boy did I suffer. Anger sitting in my sensitive heart is so intense and painful. All night and still today, my heart is literally hurting. I even wonder if I didn't do some actual physical damage to that little guy. The shame of losing my cool sits heavy in my stomach, yet my ego is still enough in charge to try to soothe me by telling me that I was right, that it needed to happen and that the situation will shift now. (all lies) Sometimes I just hate that ego guy.

My meditation today was scattered. I stared into Yogananda's eyes and simply prayed for God to soothe the ache in my heart. My heart flared with the heat of anger again. I decided I would try gratitude. It was so hard. I had to start really really small...thank you for the chair I'm sitting on, thank you for the blanket that grandma made that I'm covered in, thank you for that cute card from my yogi sitting on my altar. (open eyes to read card about how great I am...pause to not believe it...close card...close eyes again). Thank you for my kids. (that one always works). My soul shifts a bit, but not much. Dammit. Shift meditation gears....breathing in Om, breathing out Om. Sending Om to my heart. 10 minutes later, still nothing. Open my eyes. Stare at Yogananda and ask for help. A small voice (mine, or his, or God's...who cares) says, "Pam, please show some compassion for yourself. You are human."). Tears.

I never claim to be anything other. I teach to learn. I say it all the time. I teach to learn. I am learning just like everyone else. I look at Yogananda and I see the Divine Mother shining through and I really really yearn to be that person. I'm doing the work. I'm gonna get there. Please be patient with me, I'm not finished yet....

"However many holy words you read, however many you speak, what good will they do you if you do not act upon them?" ~ Siddhartha Gautama (the Buddha...he's back).

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

What are you Addicted to?

Ayurveda and Addiction

Addiction comes in many forms; sugar, food, alcohol, sex, shopping, gambling, drugs, smoking, working, TV and Internet. Some people go in and out of their addictive behavior easily. Some struggle an entire lifetime trying to destroy that demon. There is a purpose to your addiction that you will only be able to see once you get to the other side.

Getting to the other side is the hardest thing you will ever do. It takes acknowledgment of your helplessness, surrender, education, support and sheer brute willpower.

This is how addiction works from an Ayurvedic perspective in body and mind. The energy of the addiction is the force of the Wind (Vata). The addiction initially creates an uplifting and euphoric feeling. The Wind begins to blow through your body and mind and you feel enthusiastic, creative and wonderful. You have increased energy. However, the Wind tends to burn out quickly, so the feeling doesn’t last. You have to consume/do more and more to continue to get the uplifting feeling.

All addictions have a “sweet” taste to them. The sweet taste makes us feel nourished and loved. A little bit of the sweet taste can make you feel safe, secure and comforted. We naturally crave this sweet taste to balance and ground the energy of the Wind. The sweet taste is heavy & dense. It is the comfort food and the heavy American diet of meat, starches and sugars. In excess, it causes you to gain weight, accumulate toxins and ultimately leads to diseases such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease and depression.

Back to the Wind…you are craving the euphoric feeling…you consume more and more of the source of the addiction and finally that Wind energy gets really aggravated. Sleep patterns are disrupted, digestion becomes very irregular and shakiness may develop. You may become very exaggerated in your speech; have an inability to focus, to concentrate and especially to listen to others. You may find yourself talking excessively…even rambling. Your dreams may become chaotic and if you are deep into your addiction, you may even have a distorted sense of what most call “reality”.

Your life starts to go out of control, yet this demon has you so firmly in it’s grasp, that you can’t even see that your life is out of control. In fact, you may feel awesome thinking you can take on more and more. Long-term thinking is impaired and you find you are making “spontaneous” decisions that your deluded reality believes to be good. At this point, loved ones and friends may start to make little comments about your behavior that really don’t seem significant. You blow it off.

Over time, the Fire or Pitta gets involved. You may find that you are beginning to feel stressed. The life you have created for yourself is becoming a bit hard to manage. Perhaps your grumpy and short tempered with those around you. You start to feel that there is not enough time in each day to get everything done and you become resentful of the happy people floating around you in their stupendous state of bliss. Clearly they are idiots without purpose. You believe that people just can’t understand you and aren’t supportive of you. You become critical, judgmental and controlling. You are living in fear, but you can’t define the feeling as “fear”. It simply comes out as anger.

At this point, your health starts to really suffer. Your skin is ruddy. Perhaps you are breaking out with acne or suffering broken capillaries, redness or irritation. Your eyes are bloodshot and glossy. You’ve put on some weight from your overindulgence or you are malnourished because your digestive fire has been extinguished. Your blood pressure may go to “high” and you experience headaches, stressful sleepless nights and upset acid belly. You are convinced that no one really loves you and whether you will admit it or not, you are even more convinced that you are unlovable. You begin to alienate the people in your life, perhaps even eliminating them. You make really bad personal choices that can even put you in harms way.

If the Fire doesn’t completely burn you up, the Earth or Kapha moves in. Now you feel like total hell. You may be fat. You are lethargic. You are depressed. You are full of despair and perhaps even suicidal. You now know without a doubt that no one loves you and that life is not worth living. You begin to accumulate clutter. You lay on the couch. Every movement seems like impossibility and you can’t imagine a way out of your current situation. You are drowning and can’t even get the energy up to raise your hand to greet any of the hands still being offered to your for support.

At this point, something needs to happen. A lot of times, this is the point where your addiction…that demon living inside of you and controlling you… begins to fail. Now it doesn’t even matter how much you consume/do, you never feel a high from it. You never get a euphoric feeling. Your health may completely give out. Your loved ones may abandon you. If you are lucky, you’ve hit rock bottom. This is your turning point to get down on your knees and pray. You have a divine spark inside of you and it does not want to go out. It’s a survivalist. Rely on that spark to get you on and off your knees.


This part sucks and is bliss all at the same time. You surrender. You simply give in. You know that you can’t stay this way. You seek out help in the form of prayer, education, group and therapy. Now the real work of getting those elemental forces under control can begin.

This part is really hard. You can break a behavior in 30 days giving you an amazing opportunity to fully recover from your addiction. Breaking an addictive behavior in 30 days requires a ton of willpower. Some people can do it on their own. Most can’t. Most people need support of others. The energy of the out of balance elements (doshas) is very strong and it takes time to bring them under control. While you are busy bringing them under control, they are fighting you as well as that demon that doesn’t want to lose its host.

This is what happens to your elemental forces when you quit your addictions. All of the forces become simultaneously aggravated in an extreme way. You feel numb, super stimulated and out of your skin all at the same time. You sleep a deathlike sleep of exhaustion interrupted by insomnia. You crave sweet and are repulsed by its taste. You can’t taste. Lights are too bright. People talk to loud. Silence destroys you. You worry, you stress. You are grumpy and overwhelmed with loving-kindness. You are excited and depressed.

Imagine an ocean experiencing a tropical storm. You can imagine the force in that ocean creating those waves that are crashing onto the beach. The wave pulls out and then comes tearing back in. Now imagine you put up a wall about hundred yards from the beach. The wave continues to pull back, but when it comes crashing in, the wall stops it abruptly. The wave surges over the wall and then recedes only to begin it’s approach again. In time, the wave adjusts knowing that the wall is there, but initially, the wave is just as powerful and wants to take the wall out of its path. This is how the energy works in your body too. The elemental forces are in full swing; they want to take your wall out.

The elemental forces will come back to balance the same way that they went out. Wind…then Fire…then Earth. The Wind element will initially become very aggravated. Your thoughts will race and your cravings will feel insane. You will find you have tons of nervous energy and nothing to do with it. You make shake and experience tremors. Sleep patterns are interrupted and you will be very become anxious and worried. You will crave sweets and salts. This is a critical time for distraction, rest and support. If you are addicted to a substance, you will withdrawal physically and mentally during this phase.

The Wind will begin to calm and the Fire will move in. Now you will feel like taking some kind of monumental action. You may get really mad at yourself, others and your life in general. People will annoy you. You become short tempered. You may experience heart palpitations, sweating and heat throughout your body. You may begin to feel empowered and this is when the ideal of “trying out” your new status will appeal to you. You become sure that you can have just one drink, one cigarette, one cookie, one shopping trip, etc. You fail and fail again and finally come to terms that your source of addiction must simply be avoided at all costs.

The Fire begins to settle and the Earth will move in. A “now what” feeling settles over you. You’ve gone awhile without your source and you begin to address the real dysfunction of your addiction. This is a boring time of hard work. You realize that you are just like everybody else. You realize that you’ve made a mess and only hard work is going to get you out of it. You suffer through your regrets and past mistakes. You get quiet. You get alone. You do a lot of soul searching and shifting.

You wake up one morning and the birds are chirping with the energy of the Wind. You feel okay. Your first thought is not of your addiction. You notice this. Your second thought is that your addiction actually served a purpose.

You can’t do this alone. The Elemental Cleanse is a 28-day Ayurvedic cleansing program that will get you in touch with your addictive behavior and help you to break the pattern. Sessions Now Forming>>

Thursday, June 2, 2011


What a child doesn't receive he can seldom later give. ~P.D. James, Time to Be in Earnest

My son and daughter were very excited this morning to be going off to one of the last days of this school year. My 14 year son has planned a trick for his Spanish teacher that included making an enormous pac man costume this weekend. (My garage looks gorgeous splattered in yellow, btw.) My 11 year old daughter packed her bag for field day where she was certain their class would lose since she's been on the winning team her entire school career. (Of course I advised..."you get what you expect").

My kids have been graced with a beautiful life. Their summer days are filled with trips to Kings Island, the Beach, the pool and endless sleepovers. I let them stay up late every single night and sleep in until 2 pm. They have few chores with the exception of laundry, dishwasher and yard. I buy extra junk food and the ice cream truck makes a daily trip through the neighborhood. We see every summer movie on its opening night. They somehow seem to squeeze in 2 exotic vacations (yes...camping is exotic to a kid) and a trip to Cedar Pointe as well.

I want that life.

This thought makes me smile. I've doing my job as mother well. Now you might pause and think that my kids seem a bit spoiled by all this. I hope so. They deserve it. They are super smart, super kind and super helpful. I feel that God has a special purpose for them to help and serve humanity as this planet gets crazier and crazier. That's why he made them so super. I see the future coming for their generation and I fear that they do have suffering coming their way.

I believe my job as a mom is to be the person that can offer my children unconditional love. Between a mother and a child, that's the kind of love where you can see the good, the bad and the ugly and you embrace it all. I've never felt that with any other human, but have always felt it for my children. It's a magical love that I don't ever want to disrupt with the ugly lessons of life. I think the world will teach them all those things. I want my kids to know they are perfect and that there is one person walking this planet who still remembers that about them even when they forget.

So let's ROCK this summer. Enjoy your babies. Get in the freezing cold pools. Ride the roller coasters. Stay up late. Eat a chocolate covered frozen banana. Pitch a tent in the backyard and let the mosquitoes eat you alive! They are only little for a very short time.

Shanti, Pamela