Our FREE Introduction to Ayurveda is Tuesday, September 6th in Lebanon at 6 pm and Monday, September 12th in Montgomery at 6:30. Take the quizzes!
Learning to recognize and manage when the forces or “doshas” in your body are going out of balance is very important for maintaining short-term and long-term health. If you are empowered to quickly respond to the initial onset of imbalance, you will always have good health.
The elemental forces or “doshas” are the tension created between the elements in your body. Just for a quick recap, the elements are Space, Air, Fire, Water and Earth. Space and Air do not want to combine. Space constrains and Air expands. The elemental force of The Wind or Vata is created to keep the two playing nicely. Fire and Water do not want to combine. Fire wants to transform and Water wants to soothe. The elemental force of The Fire or Pitta is created to keep the two from annialating each other. Water and Earth do not want to combine. They always separate from each other. The elemental force of The Earth or Kapha is created to keep the two mixed nicely together.
On the day that you were born, your predominant element or “dosha” was determined. You can take a quick look back at your Element quiz (take the quiz>>>) to remind yourself of the predominant force in your mind and your body. This is your true nature or “first response”. As a reminder, you do have all the elements in your body as well as all the forces, its just that one or the other usually ends up predominant and it is your instinctive nature to behave with its properties. This is important because depending on your predominant element you are more likely to experience certain disorders. (See table below).
You are more likely to go out of balance more quickly as it relates to that predominant nature. Know who you are and know what diseases you need to watch out for depending on your predominant element.
Regardless of your predominant element, the forces behave in the following way: The Wind (Vata) is always the first to go out of balance. The Fire (Pitta) is always the next to become aggravated and finally The Earth (Kapha) goes out of balance. Everything follows The Wind (Vata). It leads.
Read the following carefully and twice…it’s profound:
10% of our healthcare dollars are spent on 90% of disease. 90% of disease is related to The Wind (Vata). Examples include the initial onset of cold, headaches, back aches, aches and pains in general, constipation and sleep disorders. These are easily treated with routine and nutrition. You don’t have to go to the doctor or pharmacy and spend money to remedy these conditions. Now think about the fact that The Wind always leads the other doshas. If you could stop the imbalance in the The Wind dead in its tracks, you wouldn’t have to worry about those other diseases. Simply knowing when your Wind is going out of balance and knowing how to soothe it would prevent denser diseases like diabetes, heart disease, cancer, arthritis and depression.
90% of our healthcare dollars are spent on 10% of disease. 10% of disease is related to The Earth (Kapha). Examples include diabetes, cancer, heart disease, arthritis and depression. When you experience these types of disorders, you must go to the doctor and the pharmacy. Typically you are in for a long journey through these diseases as well.
The good news is that the Elemental Cleanse™ will quickly pull you back to balance in 28 days. The Wind disorders will dramatically shift within the first two weeks. Any Fire disorders such as heartburn, indigestion and skin irritations will shift by the third week and through the fourth. If you are battling an Earth disorder, this will take time beyond the 28 days to shift. At the end of the Cleanse you will be in balance and feeling great, but you will have to continue to work on weight loss, high cholesterol and the other chronic conditions by eating for your Element or staying with the Cleanse eating plan.
Below are some interesting charts and facts. Don’t worry that you need to understand all of this. This is just for fun and for those who want to take their Ayurvedic education a little deeper.
Situations by Element or Dosha
The Wind (Vata) | The Fire (Pitta) | The Earth (Kapha) |
Dry skin, nails & hair | Redness & Rashes | Sluggish digestion |
Interrupted Sleep | Inflammation | Weight Gain |
Insomnia | Ulcers | Obesity |
Constipation | Heartburn | Sinus Congestion |
Fatigue | Indigestion | Asthma |
Headaches | Poor Vision | Allergies |
Intolerance to ‘cold’ | Intolerance to ‘heat’ | Cysts |
Malnourishment | Premature greying | Arthritis |
Anxiety | Premature baldness | Heart disease |
Worry | Aggression (road rage) | High Cholesterol |
Racing thoughts | Irritability | Depression |
Loss of Memory | Impatience | Inability to decide |
Inability to Focus | Thinking you are right | Bloating |
| Heart Attack |
How Healthcare Dollars are Spent:
From: www.ahrq.gov (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality) In 2004, the United States spent $1.9 trillion, or 16 percent of its gross domestic product (GDP), on health care. This averages out to about $6,280 for each man, woman, and child. However, actual spending is distributed unevenly across individuals, different segments of the population, specific diseases, and payers. For example, analysis of health care spending shows that:
· Five percent of the population accounts for almost half (49 percent) of total health care expenses.
Twenty-five percent of the U.S. community population were reported to have one or more of five major chronic conditions:
Spending to treat these five conditions alone amounted to $62.3 billion in 1996.13 Moreover, people with chronic conditions tend to have other conditions and illnesses. |