Nadi Sodhana
Alternate Nostril breathing is a powerful way to balance the left and right sides of your brain. This pranayama will allow you to relax more quickly into your meditations, not to mention it helps you focus, think and sleep.
You probably don’t realize this, but you do not breathe equally through your left and right nostril. Depending on the time of the day and your activity level, you will favor one or the other. Your body automatically shifts from left to right every 80 minutes or so.
If you are breathing through the left side of your nose (Ida Nadi), the right side of your brain is activated. This is the side of your brain that doesn’t understand boundaries, time or individuality. It is your child-like and creative side. If you are breathing through the right side of your nose (Pingala Nadi), the left side of your brain is activated. The left side of your brain is the analytical planner that lives inside of you. It knows the past, the future and identifies with the “I am” part of ourselves that believes only in separation.
To practice Alternate Nostril breathing, simply gently close your left nostril with you’re pinky finger or thumb (depending on which hand you are using) and begin to breathe in through your right nostril. Exhale through the left and then breathe back in through the left, exhale through the right and breathe back in through the right. You are taking one full breathe out and in on each side. You can stretch your breath to a count of 4 or 6 seconds depending on your comfort level. Practice this breath with your eyes closed.
Another Awesome Breath
Another amazing breath to calm you and focus your mind is the Dirga breath, “3 part breath” or “Complete Breath”. This may be my favorite breath because it delivers exactly what you need regardless of the situation. If you are feeling anxious, stressed, worried or can’t sleep…if you have a headache or even if you need energy, this breath knows where to go.
To practice the complete breath, simply imagine that there is a balloon in your belly and fill the balloon all the way up with air, pull the air up into your lungs and let it out through your shoulders. Don't be afraid to really puff your belly out as you take in air. You can do this sitting, standing or lying down. Do it for a few minutes.