It’s that time of year when we think about our future and what we would like to manifest. Of course love seems to always be right up there with money, security and status to make us happy. I have lots of friends who do lists of characteristics of the perfect mate that they intend to meet. A girlfriend shared her list of the perfect mate with me the other day.
Here are my unedited thoughts….(sorry):
Wowsie. This guy looks great. I’m just gonna use her list to manifest my guy. Yummy…he must be a cool mix of Brad Pitt and Willem Defoe. He’s so sexy (Willem). I don’t think I could get a Brad Pitt, but I might be able to attract a Willem. This guy must have a masters degree from Harvard or something…gosh…I wish I would have went to an Ivy League. I’m sure he would not be impressed with OSU. I’ve always wanted to learn to fly a plane. He must have lots of money to own a plane. Wow, he rock climbs…he skis…he runs marathons. He sky dives…he feeds the homeless and takes in rescued dogs. How does he have time for all that? He’d think I’m a wreck. I don’t have time for all of that. I don’t think he’d like me. Maybe I’m looking for more of a couch potato. I don’t think she is going to like this guy. He sounds narcissistic…except for the dog part.
Whoa!! Wait a minute. My head.
When I finished laughing at myself, I stopped to realize that what she should be doing (me too) is to make a list of not my perfect mate, but my perfect me. Seriously, what am I bringing to the table? What do I need to cultivate in my own body, mind and Soul to resonate at the level needed to attract a perfect mate.
So I devised this exercise for you (and me) to do. Get out your pens and paper and start the process of listing your characteristics and qualities under the following categories. Please be kind to yourself. Be honest. Practice as a kind and dispassionate observer. Step out of yourself and just look without judgment.
· Age: How old are you? How old do you look? How old do you feel?
· Weight: How much do you currently weigh? Would you like to weigh less or more? Is it realistic?
· Build: Are you an athlete, a dancer or a belly dancer? What movie star do you look like?
· Stamina: Do you have energy and staying power or do you burn out quickly?
· Vitality: Do you sparkle? Do you get up in the morning with a smile on your face? Does life excite you?
· Sexuality: Is this important to you? How often do you like to have sex? What does sexuality mean to you? What does it represent? Is it a physical outlet? Is it an expression of love? Is it a chore?
· How do you feel about your body?
· Education…what is your education? Is education important to you? Are you a person who is always learning and improving or are you settled into your life? Do you like to read, go to museums, and go to workshops? What areas of new learning excite you…politics, religion, fitness, cooking? What’s your thing?
· What interests you? What do you like to do every single day that you think is so much fun you couldn’t imagine life without it?
· Are you happiest on the go or do you like to stay put?
· What is your dream vacation?
· What have you always wanted to do, but never have?
· What is the craziest thing you ever did and why was it so awesome?
· Intimacy…how much can you love? How do you express love? What is “communication” to you? How do you know when someone values you? What makes your heart melt?
· If you had all the money in the world, who would you help and why? How does that make you feel?
· How do you help and serve?
· What is your life’s purpose...what drives you?
· What is your sadhana (daily spiritual practice)?
· How do you feel about religion?
· Who is god and what does he/she/it look like?
· Do you have a conversation with Spirit?
· What happens when you die?
· What is a family?
· How do you parent?
· How do you feel about your parents?
· What makes a home a home?
· How do you express love for your family?
· How do you celebrate the holidays and why?
Finally, Describe the happiest day of your life….
(Use three different colors if you need) Now that you have done all of this, I want you to circle all the things that seem wonderful and make you happy. Next circle the things that pop out to you as “values”. Next circle all the things that need more attention by you to cultivate. I’m talking about the areas that you struggled with or seem unclear. Finally, circle all the things that seem like places you need to improve upon.
The happy things are the things you don’t have to worry about. Your perfect mate is simply going to adore those. The Values are the non-negotiables. If a person doesn’t respect your values, they are not your person. The areas needing cultivation need to cultivate prior to meeting that one. Know you are and what you believe in. It’s okay to be flexible, but you want to stand alone as your own person before you merge with another. Finally, there are those things that need improvement. Set goals for 2012 to cultivate awareness around those habits or traits and make a plan to take action.
Now that you know what you are bringing to the table and what you are willing to do to cultivate what I call “sattva” or purity in your own life, flip this around and design your perfect mate.
Good luck and let me know how it goes!