Every time I open my email, I receive some sort of quiz. I can't help but take the quizzes. Inside of me lives a student who always wants to excel and not disappoint the auto responder email system. Anyhow, after receiving yet another diet quiz, I paused and really thought about what does make a healthy relationship with food. You see, I've struggled with all kinds of things, but never really food. Of course I get into the occasional bad habit of poor choice making, but I can pull myself back.
Things that I have to completely avoid and do struggle with are alcohol, diet coke, snickers and twizzlers, the need to be perfect, the need to excel, excessive working, self and other criticism and OHHHHH so many more. Today, I wondered, what is it about food that makes food not my issue and what is it about all those other things that make those my issues? Are they different? This is what I noticed about me after taking the quiz I made up for you to take!!
Do you spend a significant amount of energy thinking about your weight?
I do not spend hardly any time thinking about my weight even when I am in need of losing some. I do however spend time thinking about how nice it would be to have a glass of wine or a diet coke. My mind goes back to that again and again especially when stressed. The only time I worry about my weight is when I feel, in general, bad about myself on multiple levels. This usually follows "perceived" criticism.
Have you tried multiple weight loss programs only to find nothing sticks?
I have never ever ever succeeded at dieting. I have always failed. I hate diets. They do not work for me on any level. In fact, my ego rebels big time and I tend to gain weight if I think I have to diet. I think that's why I love the "no calorie counting" and "common sense" policy of Ayurveda. I also like that if you slip up, you just make the more nourishing choice the next time. I have tried every way on the planet to stop alcohol consumption. For me, The Elemental Cleanse and living the Lifestyle have worked. It was a process and a lot of self work, but I feel whole and like me or maybe like a new me. I don't know. None of the mandated systems worked. I guess I was never really able to be so out there with my problem either. It's hard to ask for help.
Do you crave heavy and dense food like sweets, pastas and chips?
I crave salty and crunchy snacks especially when close to my menstrual cycle. If I have a snicker bar one day, it sends me down a path of craving for 3 days...same goes for cake. I mostly avoid it, but do indulge and then suffer later. I really sense the association of sugar and alcohol craving.
Do you find yourself emotionally eating or eating unaware?
I don't think I emotionally eat although sometimes I find myself alone on a Sunday night and I want popcorn and cheese and other stuff. I use the distraction of going to bed early or I will indulge. My cravings are usually post 10 pm when I should be in bed anyway. I definitely emotionally drink, work, and criticize.
Do you find that your food choices and your behavior with food make you unhappy and feel shame?
I don't feel shamed when I indulge in a bad habit unless its alcohol. I've worked so hard to be free of it that if I were to have a glass of wine now, I would immediately feel sad and start the self-loathing process. It's a catch 22.
So, honestly answer my quiz yourself and realize that wowsie...you are human. If you want to learn how to quit your habits and embrace new habits, come work with me. I'll show you how to be human on a yogi level. We can you all cleaned out and start fresh!
I look forward to helping you. OM Shanti, Pamela