Monday, December 17, 2012

Mondays, Newtown, and Transformation Through Yoga

There's just something about Mondays.  You wake up with your week's worth of work on your mind and just go about your life.  This morning, I was about half way through packing my children's lunch thinking about throwing an extra orange in my son's bag (he has a cold), when I again remembered that 20 families weren't packing lunches today.  I looked down at the orange, I smelled the orange,  I pressed it to my heart and then my lips and placed it in my son's bag as if that piece of fruit magically infused with a mother's love could keep him safe. 

As my son and daughter headed out the door, a nasty waive of fear started to build, and I reminded myself that they would be okay.  It was an aberration.  It couldn't happen at my children's school.  I mentally walked through all the ways anyone could possibly get into their school given the lock down procedures there.  I found more than a few. 

So what can be done?  What actionable steps can I personally take today to facilitate a transformation in the consciousness of a society that to me is archaic and violent despite incredible access to knowledge, education, freedom, and money.  My first answer was I don't know.  It seems that the wheels of government are stuck, the desires of individuals are in conflict, and the ideas of most are rooted in fear.  It's like we are on some slow moving luxury train.  We are warm, dry, and very comfortable.  We know the track ends, but the train is moving so slow and that track sure isn't going to end for awhile.  In fact, I bet in the future, they will build more track before we even get there....right?  And no worries for me, I'm in the middle, not the front of the train, so I'll be alright.  Nothing will happen to me.

My second answer was yoga.  We can all do more yoga; life as yoga.  We can learn to do the following:
  • Take a pause.   In every moment of stress, conflict, or anxiety, just pause and breathe.  Give yourself a moment to respond instead of react.
  • Be kind.  Just be sweet to those you meet.  Be sweet to even the not so sweet.  Wish them light and love and let them go their way.
  • Do a little black and white thinking.  In any moment of choice for thoughts, words, and deeds, ask yourself if your choice is bringing darkness or light to the world. (Guns are dark in case you were confused about that).
  • Be an example.  Show up as a beacon of light, love, and compassion. 
  • Express your desires.  Every time you spend money, you are voting for how you want your world to be.  Vote for light.  Things that cause darkness include:  guns, violent movies and books, pornography, alcohol, drugs, tobacco, and of course all the non-food of SAD (Standard American Diet).
  • Be the healer that you are.  You are here to help and to serve others.  Notice those around you suffering and take action.  Don't wait for solutions to come from that slow moving train.  

If you would like to help the families in Newtown, click here>>>

Saturday, December 15, 2012


On this Saturday morning I opened my eyes with absolute and total gratitude to know that my my children were safe, secure, and happy...for this moment.  It's only in this moment that they exist to me because their future, just like all of our futures, is uncertain.  It can change in just one moment as evidenced yesterday in Connecticut.  My moment of gratitude turned to heartbreak for the other parents waking up today.  I wondered if they had even slept.  I wondered if they simply held each other through the night.  I imagined their bodies betraying them allowing them to sleep, to dream, to wake up, and to have to remember that they can't walk down the hall and give their darling baby a big hug and kiss on this Saturday morning.

The question of course, is why?  What is the message and what is the lesson?  As a society, have we truly gone so far that rational and commonly supported mass beliefs  like gun control, care for the mentally ill, and community support cannot be implemented.  Is this simply another wake up call from God that we are all here to help and serve each other for the benefit and greater good of all and that there will be karmic consequences if we do not learn to move as one?  Does it really need to be this dramatic to get all our attention?  Is it drama or simply the unwinding of all that we as spiritual beings have failed to do?  The hurricane of tamasic dark energy putting out the light of sattva or purity. 

I look to the past few years of our life together as Americans and see all the wake up calls that we are not waking up to.  The BP Oil Spill was a call for us to respect our planet and implement the necessary changes for green energy.  We did not respond.  The 2012 drought...another great call from mother nature that we cannot continue to pump water to unsustainable places.  The mass extinction of species of animal and trees, the melting of the polar caps, hurricanes, tornados, and floods....

Shootings at malls, schools, and political rallies.  Over 10,000 deaths from guns alone in America.  People dying en masse from heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.  1 in 4 children in America going hungry on a daily basis. 

Pan out to the world.  I don't even need to go there.  You know the the headline news.

Why?  I know why.  I don't care if this is a wake up call or not.  I don't care why.  I just know that action must be taken.  Do something profound today.  Pick a cause and dedicate yourself to it.  Slow your life down and make time for service.  Commit to service of others.  Go check on your neighbors.  Donate to charity.  Plant a tree.  Return some Christmas gifts and give the money to a cause that can save the planet, implement gun control, and ease the suffering of the mentally ill and those traumatized by it.  Get involved in the shift that is happening. Do something meaningful, valuable, and change the legacy of our time here on earth.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

12.12.12., Roomba, and you don't even want to know...

This morning I woke up on this auspicious day of 12.12.12 around 4 am and decided to take advantage of the thin veil and meditate.  Astrologically, 12.12.12 doesn't mean a whole lot, but my friends who love numerology tell me that this is a big day.  Added all together, you get the number 9.  I think everyone is forgetting that it's actually 12.12.2012 and that's 11.  Anyhow, I'll forgo what seems obvious to me and accept the widely accepted belief that today is a 9.  Nine is a big number in spiritual circles because that number is the only number you can multiply by, reduce, and get back to that number.  It's the only constant. It's energy is expansive.  Nine represents love on a global level.

Now I have to back up a little bit...  Last night I was greeted at the front door with a much anticipated package from Amazon.  In it, the highly coveted, much saved for, and life changing Roomba.  That guy is the very expensive little circular automatic sweeper that is cooler than anything you've ever seen in your entire life and will totally change the wool dust bunny situation in the Montgomery studio.  With much excitement I unwrapped that little lover, literally gave him a huge hug, and plugged him in to charge so he'd be ready to go to work with me in the morning.

Well that little guy sure was happy to join the world on 12.12.12.  He charged himself right up and went to work at 3 am.

Now I have to back up even more.  I have a Golden Retriever named Cheddar.  I love her dearly, but boy oh boy does her purebred belly have it's issues.  Last week she stole my son's dinner when he evacuated the house to stand on the front porch in the cold to wait for me to come home because he thought there was a ghost in the house (that's a different blog).  Anyhow, her belly has not been happy since. (Chicken fried in daughter's only request for her birthday from her health nut mom...again, that's a different blog).

Flash forward.  So at 4 am as I'm walking to my meditation room, I notice a smell.  In horror, I notice that my lovely lover Roomba is not on his dock.  In terror, I walk into the kitchen to see poor little Roomba sitting in the middle of a big pile of....S@$T.  He's covered.  Boy that little guy tried hard.  I know he wanted to make a good first impression and have the house all tidy for me.  I can only imagine after the first charge of his little life how excited he must have been to sweep.  He must have thought he hit the jackpot.  I gave him a bath (details of which are omitted with intent), but sadly, I don't know if he's going to make it.  He just wasn't designed to handle that kind of a mess.

(the dog is fine...stop worrying about her.)

So, if everything means something and all is a reflection of my thoughts and a creation of my Soul, what does it mean on 12.12.12...a day of love and expansion...when Roomba who you have been yearning for for a year dies his first time out trying to clean up a big pile of S#@T? 

What on earth could that represent and what is my lesson?  Seriously?  WHAT??????  I can only imagine it must mean as we approach global love and expansion, as we near the end/beginning of the world, as we dawn upon the Age of Aquarius that we will still have piles of S#@T to clean up.

Monday, December 10, 2012

If you've ever had a chance to work with me during the Elemental Cleanse or during Meditation Yogi Style, then you know that I am fascinated with astrology.  I've been studying for the past eight years.  I'm a total novice, so please don't ask me to read your chart, but I can give you some basics and tools to begin a journey of self-study.  I love astrology because it is a means by which to look at my personality and preferences and ask the question, "Who am I?"

If you ever want an actual reading, I always recommend my friend, Laurie Baum.  I recommend her to my students for a multitude of reasons.  First, she is a Yogini.  She gets it.  She's very experienced.  She's a disciple of Yogananda...that means she will facilitate healing through you doing your work.  Laurie releases every year her annual predictions.  They are good.  Her 2013 predictions are below as well as how to get ahold of her for an appointment.  Shanti,  Pamela

To make an appointment with Laurie,  call her at (760) 753-7676. Click here to visit Laurie’s website for more information.


I considered waiting until after December 21, 2012 (Winter Solstice), to write the 2013 astrological forecast— to make sure time hadn’t “ended” as foretold by the Mayan calendar. But in the spirit of optimism, I would like to share my usual new year forecast with you prior to the potential “end of time,” given that astrological indicators point toward a new year of positive growth in consciousness and an end of time as we have known it only. The Mayans actually predicted that a wave of spiritual energy would enter the magnetic field of the Earth on December 21, 2012. This wave of higher consciousness will benefit those who are ready to receive, even though it potentially will be resisted by those who are not ready to receive.

Indeed, a spiritual awakening is strongly indicated by astrological alignments in 2013, including a mid-summer celestial line-up of Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune in the flowing water signs of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. Water signs revolve around feelings, which often serve as a bridge between our material aspirations and our spiritual yearnings—the sign of Cancer arouses spiritual feelings through home and family, Scorpio stirs spiritual connection through deep psychological exploration, and Pisces awakens our desire to transcend and be reunited with the Divine. Jupiter, which is oriented toward philosophy and spiritual teachings, brings us luck and expansion. Saturn, which is geared toward hard work, discipline, and the working out of karma, teaches important spiritual lessons. And Neptune mediates the energy of spiritual transcendence—although with Neptune, if higher energies are not channeled through spiritual avenues, may lead to escapism or self-deception. Neptune also blurs the boundaries between people, established structures, and ideas, and facilitates connections between people across the planet, currently via social media and the internet.

Along with the spiritual opening, ample opportunities to harness the power of water will be generated under the influence of Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune in water signs. The 3 planets will form a “grand trine” between June 11 and July 19. A grand trine is a triangular formation in the heavens that leads to ease and stability between the energies involved, in this case, between spirituality and philosophy (Jupiter), self-discipline (Saturn), and the oceanic feeling that connects you to your soul (Neptune).

Another potent planetary alignment begins to form in the heavens near the Spring Equinox of 2013 with Jupiter in Gemini, Saturn in Scorpio, and Pluto (subterranean energies of the earth and the human psyche) in Capricorn, to create a “Finger of God” between March 23 and March 29. This line-up portends a confrontation with reality where expectations have been over-inflated. The Finger of God also will bring latent disharmony to the surface, as it raises issues that have been ignored. Consequences of ignoring signs of imbalance could manifest as illness in the body, illness in the financial system, or illness in the ecology of the planet as a whole. The Finger of God applies equally to physical, mental-emotional and financial health. The Finger of God will expose financial scams and will rattle the financial markets. Take precautions with your physical health and finances under this planetary influence. The Finger of God also will have a hand in exposing government corruption due to an alignment between Saturn in Scorpio and Uranus in Aries in April and October 2013; it is not a good time to cover up scandals. With the abundant spiritual energies available during the year, all physical losses will be transmuted into spiritual lessons and gains. You will not feel you have lost out by the time the year is over.

A series of eclipses in late April and May, and again in mid-October to early-November, will strongly impact Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius (see eclipse chart below for dates). The eclipses also will cause weather disturbances that will affect the movement of water around the planet—through an over-abundance or shortage of this precious resource. Other liquid-like substances, such as oil, natural gas, and even the blood in our bodies, will be affected by the eclipses. The human body is composed of nearly 75% water. Experiments show that the water molecule changes in response to thoughts and feelings, thus profoundly affecting our physical bodies and the movement of water across the planet.

The spring and fall seasons will demonstrate to us the power of our positive thoughts of love, kindness, charity, honesty, and compassion, and our negative thoughts of greed, duplicity, neglect, anger, or obsessive-compulsive or self-centered thinking. We will experience these consequences in our bodies through illness, and in the natural world—through flooding or droughts, earthquakes or mudslides, and high winds or tornadoes. People also will be carried away by impassioned thoughts and feelings if they do not remember to stay spiritually in balance. According to Paramahansa Yogananda, spiritual teacher from India, The sudden cataclysms that occur in nature, creating havoc and mass injury, are not “acts of God.” Such disasters result from the thoughts and actions of man. Wherever the world’s vibratory balance of good and evil is disturbed by an accumulation of harmful vibrations, the result of man’s wrong thinking and wrong doing, you will see devastation …

Expect more news about the dangers of drilling under the surface of Mother Earth for oil or natural gas as well. Both viscous substances are cushions for seismic activity. As these buffers are removed from the earth, the planet as a whole becomes more susceptible to seismic activity, with greater jarring between the plates occurring due to lack of protection from natural gas, oil, and water. The greatest movement will occur in late April, May, late October and November. Take precautions with travel plans during these periods.

A continuing square alignment of individualistic Uranus in Aries and turbulent Pluto in Capricorn will occur on May 20 and November 1. This planetary alignment will have occurred an unusual 7 times between 2012 and 2015 (June 2012, September 2012, May 2013, Nov 2013, April 2014, Dec 2014, and March 2015). A similar planetary alignment last occurred 3 times in the mid-1960s, and occurred 5 times from 1930 to 1935. Under its influence, the consequences of past actions—financial, economic, governmental, environmental, physical or emotional—will demand they be dealt with through innovative, creative—and even revolutionary—solutions. The scope of the changes are bound to be far-reaching under Uranus and Pluto because both planetary energies bring to the surface that which has been buried or hidden. Again, this planetary transit will occur 7 times between 2012 and 2015, meaning that the changes will be deep, lasting, revolutionary, and seminal for our time. This does not mean that times will be bad—just that the times we are living through, in case you haven’t noticed, will be active. You may imagine that you are waking up every day to a new sci-fi thriller, not quite knowing what to expect, but sure to witness something you have not experienced before.

Additionally, in 2013, the magnetic poles of the earth will continue to shift toward reversal, keeping us in phase with the magnetic poles of the Sun, our central star, with which our planet resonates due to our inclusion in the “heliosphere.” The Sun’s magnetic poles already have reversed, according to the NASA website. The magnetic poles of the Earth are expected to follow suit. According to NASA, the last time the Earth experienced a magnetic pole reversal was approximately 740,000 years ago. ( Scientists have confirmed that the Earth’s magnetic north pole is moving at an accelerating speed from northern Canada toward Russia.

The sometimes-violent shifting winds from the movement of the polar axis were partially behind the confluence of three storms that caused Hurricane Sandy on October 29, 2012, the 82nd anniversary of the stock market crash of October 29, 1929. What’s more, Hurricane Sandy also occurred just after the Full Moon, which coincides with higher tides. Due to the polar shift, you will feel alternating cold and warm winds as the poles move and then stabilize. I say that the polar shift was only partially responsible for Hurricane Sandy because negative thoughts of greed and fear, and lack of connection with the Source, were also behind both events on October 29, in 1929 and 2012. Astronomically, this date also corresponds with a volatile sector of the sky called the Via Combusta.

Finally, astrologically speaking, karmic Saturn in Scorpio is in “mutual reception” with Pluto, god of the underworld, in Capricorn, meaning that the two planets will support and strengthen each other. This planetary pairing may provide a few challenges in 2013, especially where government intervention is involved. Governmental bodies will be either overly assertive—or underly effective in 2013. But please bear in mind that the greatest growth can come from the greatest trials—and passing the spiritual tests posed by Saturn (both for individuals and groups of people) ultimately will make all of us stronger.

So remember, the distance between a problem and the solution is the distance between your knees and the floor. Please don’t forget the power of prayer, affirmations, contemplation, and meditation.
Perhaps it’s a symbol, but as I write this newsletter, a series of large black crows have gathered outside my window, cawing loudly, as if to remind me to stay alert to what lies ahead and to remind others of the same. Crows are messengers with their loud cawing. Native Americans considered them omens of change. A bee just flew by as well. Bees are pollinators, spreading good through their busy activities. Perhaps both creatures are alerting us of the need for all of us to spread the message of positive, peaceful change.

I quoted Charles Dickens in the 2012 forecast. In 1859, on the cusp of the American Civil War, Dickens wrote in A Tale of Two Cities that it was the best of times and the worst of times. With a similar polarity between red states and blue states, the nation—and the world—stand at a crossroads. Today, we are caught between different philosophies of government as well as between spiritual and material paths. Arguably, we have reached a peak of material abundance in some parts of the world, and it is time for a re-balancing. Perhaps, as an antidote, we need spiritual nourishment, which is exactly what 2013 will bring.

The year of 2013 will be a year to discover what truly nourishes you. And for many people, a spiritual connection is a source of nourishment waiting to be discovered. May you be one of those people who experiences spiritual enlightenment in 2013. Please don’t worry about the economy. There are enough material goods and money for everyone. The problem is in the distribution rather than in the lack of goods and money, as was the case in the 1930s. A quote from Paramahansa Yogananda about bringing prosperity into our lives: If mankind as a whole behaved unselfishly, the power of [cause and effect] would distribute prosperity equally to all men, without exception.
Whatever you may think you may have lost in a material way will not be a loss to your soul. You have much to gain as you turn to the Spirit that lives inside you in 2013, as you breathe, meditate, and listen to your internal rhythm—the rhythm of your breath and your body. Ultimately, as you listen to your inner rhythms, you will hear the rhythm of your soul.

I received such an overwhelming response to last year’s list of ten suggestions that I am repeating them here for your convenience. They can help you stay aligned with your soul and Spirit in 2013 and beyond:

1) Focus on your heart. The energy of your heart is 5,000 times more powerful than that of your other organs, including your brain. A strong awareness of your heart, of giving, of charity, of compassion, of empathy, will raise your magnetic resonance and guide you to the right people and places to be safe in 2012 and beyond.
2) Meditate. Focus on your spiritual eye in the center of your forehead, become aware of your breathing, inwardly chant “Om.” This activity will align you with your soul and Spirit and raise your personal magnetic resonance so all of your needs are fulfilled.
3) Think positive thoughts. Positive thinking raises your magnetic resonance and attracts you to the positive outcome you give energy to.
4) Visualize what you want to create—and you will electromagnetically attract the object of your visualization.
5) Pray. Your prayers for yourself and others raise your magnetic resonance and increase the magnetic field of the person you are praying for—and the planet as a whole.
6) Affirm. Affirm in your mind repeatedly throughout the day the positive reality you envision for yourself and others.
7) Give as much as you can. Charity opens the way for more abundance to come to you.
8) Practice gratitude. Gratitude opens the way for more of the quality you are thankful for to come to you.
9) Raise your magnetic resonance through physical methods—get plenty of sunshine, clean water, fresh fruits and vegetables, and feel the beneficial effects of negative ions (positive energy) from moving water, rivers, oceans, waterfalls or even rain—God’s way of cleaning the earth to bring positive energy.
10) Simplify. Lower your expectations, especially the unrealistic ones. Focus on what is important. Let go of the rest.
Know that everything will be okay. No matter what happens, nothing will happen that you can’t handle, and nothing that isn’t supposed to come into your life can come if you live in alignment with your soul and Spirit.

March 7 * Saturn at Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn — Governments and corporations under financial pressure exert contractive pressure on others
March 23 * Jupiter in Gemini inconjunct Saturn Retrograde in Scorpio — One force tries to disseminate information while another force tries to control information
March 29 * Jupiter in Gemini inconjunct Pluto in Capricorn — One force tries to disseminate information while another force tries to conceal information
April 12 * Saturn Retrograde in Scorpio inconjunct Uranus in Aries — Change is experienced
May 19 * Jupiter in Gemini sesquiquadrate Saturn Retrograde in Scorpio — Conflicting interests create friction
May 20 * Uranus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn — 3rd of 7 such line-ups between June 2012 and March 2015 — Revolutionary change is afoot
June 11 * Saturn Retrograde in Scorpio trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces — Spiritual solutions prevail
June 25 * Jupiter enters Cancer for the 1st time since 2002 — Housing prices temporarily rise until mid-2014
July 17 * Jupiter in Cancer trine Saturn in 4 Scorpio — Spiritual and philosophical reasoning produce pragmatic solutions
July 17 * Jupiter in Cancer trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces — Spiritual approach produces positive results
July 19 * Saturn in Scorpio trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces — Grand Water Trine between Saturn, Neptune, Jupiter — Spiritual opening
August 7 * Jupiter in Cancer opposite Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn — Revelations from the depths of your psyche and the earth
August 20 * Jupiter in Cancer square Uranus Retrograde in Aries — More change
September 20 * Saturn in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn — More government intervention, perhaps to excess
September 28 * Jupiter in mid-late Cancer sesquiquadrate Neptune Retrograde in Pisces — Despite frustrations, persist on spiritual course
October 4 * Saturn in Scorpio inconjunct Uranus Retrograde in Aries — Change feels uncomfortable, more adjustments needed
November 1 * Uranus Retrograde in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn — 4th of 7 such line-ups between June 2012 and March 2015 — Stunning technological advances revealed
December 12 * Jupiter Retrograde in Cancer trine Saturn in Scorpio — Governmental inaction gives way to action
December 17 * Jupiter Retrograde in Cancer sesquiquadrate Neptune in Pisces — Continue on your spiritual path despite internal resistance
December 21 * Venus Retrograde in Capricorn until January 31, 2014 — Connect with loved ones

April 25 * Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus-Scorpio
May 10 * New Moon Annular Solar Eclipse in Taurus
May 25 * Full Moon Annular Lunar Eclipse in Gemini-Sagittarius
October 18 * Full Moon Annular Lunar Eclipse in Libra-Aries
November 3 * New Moon Total Annular Solar Eclipse in Scorpio (near Saturn)

February 23–March 17 * Mercury Retrograde in Pisces
June 26–July 20 * Mercury Retrograde in Cancer
October 21–November 10 * Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio


Monday, December 3, 2012

What haven't you caught onto?

So today was one of those mom days where you kinda live in your car.  I picked my son up from school at 3 pm, drove him home, turned back around at 4 pm to drop my daughter off to a basketball game, drove home, turned back around at 6 pm to drop the son back off to lacrosse.....

I had one of those moments when I realized I simply couldn't do this anymore and stay sane.  It isn't possible to run this much and stay sane.  Seriously, this running the kids around like a lunatic that has been going on for 15 years simply must end.  Yea yea yea...I've done the carpool thing, I've said the "no" word, I've reworked, I've rescheduled, I've manipulated, and I've even sat in my car crying a time or two.

Tonight at 6 pm was different though.  My son got out of the car to join his teammates.  I took a deep breath in.  I took a deep breath out.  I did that again about hmmmmm 20 times.  That's when inspiration came as it always does with a few deep breaths and a lot of synchronisity.  You see, this morning I was simply fascinated by an NPR report on the new Ford F150.  Folks are using these as offices now and they are all set up so that you can even sit inside one and print.  Apparently, these trucks are the most important tool in their toolbox.  I got a Ford.  Granted, it's a baby blue hybrid escape, but it's got an electric outlet.  I got tools.  Granted they come in the form of holistic modalities.

So, 15 years later I have finally solved the mommy dilemma.  I have turned my car into a home office Zen retreat center.  I'm gonna do a little online xmas shopping so I don't have to go to any stores this holiday season.  Then I'm gonna meditate after I stare at the evening stars through my sunroof.  I might take a nice walk around the parking lot and get some fresh air.  After that, if I'm not too blissed out, I might just get a little work done.  Ahhhhh....the sweet delight of "me" time.

There is magic in the breath.