Elemental OM's Cleansing Program, The Elemental Immersion is BACK. WE will be offering one session only this March on Tuesdays at 6 pm!
The human body can defend itself very well against most environmental insults and the effects of occasional indulgence. This means that most cleanses are pretty superficial.
The Elemental Immersion is not a typical "cleansing" or "detox" program. The Immersion is a total mind, body and spirit make-over. It's intent is to educate and empower you to take control of your life and health. Yes, your digestion will improve. Yes, you will lose weight if you need to. Yes, your skin will brighten, you will have more energy and you will feel a renewed sense of purpose. This is not without effort. You will learn how your body works, how your mind works and how spirit works. You will learn to shop better, choose better and cook better foods. You will learn how your brain works and re-train it with positive thoughts and emotions. You will learn how to connect to yourself and spirit.
The Elemental Immersion,
Tuesdays, 6 pm
March 30th - April 20th.
We will meet for 4 consecutive weeks. Do plan to attend New to Yoga at 7:30 immediately following our Discussion Group. The cost of the Program includes:
- Class Lecture Series: $80
- New to Yoga at 7:30 for four weeks: $28 (or $7 class...that's a $6 savings per class)
- Basic Detox Kit: (Neem: $15.95, Triphala Guggulu: 19.95, Sesame Oil: $15.95 and book: $29.95)
If you already have a class pass or product, please speak with Pam (513.315.5042) and we will adjust the price according. All participants will be required to participate in New to Yoga regardless of skill level as the lecture will continue into that class. New to Yoga will shift its focus to breathing modalities, establishing a home practice, meditation and the Seven Spriitual laws of Success.
You will be encouraged to receive a massage at the end of your journey. Dennis Smith, Ayurvedic Massage Specialist is happy to offer a traditional 75 minute Abyangha for $85. Compare that to other spas of $125.
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