Many of the thoughts roaming your head are Fire or Pitta thoughts. These thoughts tend to be heated; complaining, criticizing and judging. Many of the thoughts are aggravated by the Wind or Vata in our brain. We worry. We stress. The thoughts go and go and go and continue to build steam until we want to explode or collapse from exhaustion.
When you are establishing a meditation practice, your thoughts can drive you absolutely crazy. I find that in my moments of imbalance, it is very productive for me to journal in a crazy way that I call Fire Pages. Before I meditate which for me is in the morning, I sit down with pen and paper and write down absolutely anything that is flying through my head. I may write one to three pages of complete and total nonsense. I get all the Fire out of my head. The sentences don't have to make sense. Spelling does not count. No one, including you, ever has to see these pages. In fact, when you are done, burn the pages....Fire pages...get it?
Here's an example of my head.... my leg itches. i hope the dog doesn't have fleas again. i hate fleas and I hate chemicals even more. oh noo my eye itches now. must not be fleas. perhaps its an allergie. i should have the ducts cleaned have thay ever been cleaned i wonder. i have somuch tpo do today. i hope i get to yoga tonight its yin and i love yin and i haven't seen stacyt forever and i want to give her a big hug. did i pay my amex bill? i think i did. i should cancel the other one. i never end up with a fee ticket to anywhere anyway it really isn't worth the feee. ........
You get it?
Try this before you meditate and see if it calms your thoughts. This is also a fun way to enhance your creativity as it is very freeing! Write down your innermost thoughts and feelings. Don't judge yourself when they are "negative". All your emotions are perfect, good and wonderful! You just need to honor them and then move away from ones causing stress and unhappiness.
What a great idea! I'm definitely trying this (before sleep, too). Thanks!