I have a yogi who is suffering from arthritis. She is in great shape, comes to yoga regularly, watches her diet and has good health. Yet she is suffering through the aches and pains of arthritis and has tried many modalities to heal her situation. She is very resistant to my Cleanse and the process.
Anyway, in class a couple of weeks ago I was talking about the energy of Kapha. It's heavy and dense. Excess Kapha creates toxic sludge that settles deep in the joints and the fat cells. This creates inflammation and ultimately diseases like fybromyalgia, osteoporosis, arthritis, weight gain, obesity, depression and even cancer. This energy is very stable and slow moving. That means that it just wants to stay put. When you think of Kapha, think of a boulder sitting in the middle of a field that you want to move. You push and push and it just stays there. You continue to push and push and finally it moves. Once it gets moving, it doesn't want to stop. In fact, imagine that boulder sitting on a downhill slope. You would have to get out of it's way once it starts moving. That is actually the power of Kapha. It has stamina and momentum.
During the Cleanse, we use this energy to our advantage. Basically we ingest food, spices, hot teas, herbs and oils that uplift the energy of Kapha and then create a slippery slope for it to slide down. Once the settled Kapha starts moving, you really see results including the reduction of gas, bloating, aches, pains, headaches, skin conditions and emotional negativity. Now you are riding on a wave of energy that is releasing.
This is a process. First, we settle the Vata energy in our bodies and minds....racing thoughts, sleepless nights, inability to concentrate, minor aches and pains. That's Week 1. Week 2 begins to finish off Vata and address Pitta. Pitta is grumpiness and over exertion. It includes the skin conditions we suffer from as well as heartburn, indigestion and HBP. Week 3 is usually another Pitta week. Pitta is harder to shift than Vata and takes a wee bit longer. Week 4 is when we release Kapha.
At the end of Week 3 we participate in what can seem the "weird" process of oleation. This is creating that slippery slope for the toxicity to ooze out on. I make this "optional" because some people have fear around enemas. They are not as accepted in our culture as in the Indian culture. I wish I didn't have to make them optional though because it is such an amazing way to facilitate the release of Kapha and heal.
So back to my yogi....my conversation about Kapha struck a cord.
The email exchange between she and I started. She wants to Cleanse on her own. She doesn't want to actually take the Cleanse. Pages of emails later, I realize with such clarity that there is no way I can effectively take someone through a Cleanse via email and without about eight hours of time. That's because it is a methodology. It is a process. The Vata has to settle, the Pitta has to calm and only then can the Kapha release. Otherwise, the mini-cleanse becomes just another superficial process. Kapha is slow. It doesn't appear overnight and it can't reverse overnight. It is the densest of energies hidden under layers of Vata and Pitta.
I think she's going to Cleanse.
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