oh my......
deep breath.....
Wowsie am I am out of balance. Think pitta fire head with madly suppressed road rage. I want to destroy the entire cosmos. Even the little birdie outside my window is annoying to me and I know he is looking at me in a critical fashion. He's probably pissed too. I haven't filled the bird feeder for weeks.
Can this serve as an open letter of apology to all who have crossed my path or do I really need to make 100 phone calls to say I'm sorry?
I hurt my shoulder. It's a good lesson buried underneath the pain about pushing limits and not having boundaries. I know I'm also growing from it as a yoga teacher and I'm grateful for that. That having been said, it hurts and I'm not sleeping. I'm also unable to do my usual yoga practice. I'm high energy and need a physical outlet every day. Pitta body needs to move and express and get the Rajistic heat out. If it doesn't come out, it goes to your head in the form of impatience, anger, being critical or if you are like me you simply totally lose it all at once leaving a path of destruction in your wake. Think Durga Ma here, 5 of 6 arms in a sling.
I'm human I remind myself.
The pitta in my mind reminds me that there is a way to get back to balance and I intend to implement immediately before I kill that judgmental birdie. Here is my top 10 list:
1. go for a walk when you can't yoga.
2. seek out fish tank and meditatively stare at that little adorable guy. imagine being a fish.
3. drink some cold peppermint tea.
4. take a nap.
5. accept that meditation is not a gift you will receive on this day and lay down with legs up on the wall instead.
6. accept that all mantra will turn into some angry discussion in your head and put on some nice music instead...ocean sounds are the best.
7. make life easier. tell kids they are not running to and fro tonight. order a pizza. watch a movie with the rest of the planet. pick a funny one and laugh.
8. break down and take an ibuprofen. God invented that too, right? double up on neem to counter harm ibupofren does to liver.
9. call your mom. they love to take care of you when you hurt.
10. say your prayers before you go beddy bye and turn troubles over to God.
I do love you guys underneath this monster suit. Shanti, Pamela
You facilitated a beautiful Feeding your Demons workshop. You give freely. Please remember to be kind to your human self. Love and Light...Michelle