Today begins our study of the Seven Spiritual Laws of Success in the Montgomery Studio from 4 - 5:30. Each Thursday, we will focus on a law incorporating it into a meditation, yoga and an "off the mat" practice.
Today we will focus on the first law, The Law of Pure Potentiality". This law simply states that anything is possible because at your inner core lives cosmic consciousness which is the divine thread of all creation. It's responsible for manifesting the unmanifest.
Now I'll be honest, this law on an intellectual basis has always seemed like a bunch of crud. Are you kidding me? Anything is possible? It doesn't seem true. I'm certainly not able to time-travel, turn rock into gold or transform into wonder woman. So what does this mean?
What it means is that inside of you is a very special guide. If you get still enough and quiet enough, you will meet this guide. This guide has a plan for you and it includes everything that your heart desires. This guide actually knows what your heart desires which may not include time-travel, making gold or being a super hero. Or, it may. The point is to get super quiet on this day and go within. Connect to that stillness and start to understand what you are doing here. Know that you are here to experience creation and joy. Know that all of the layers of suffering are to be peeled away so that this quiet stillness can shine through.
Mantra in Sanskrit | Om Bhavam Namah | |
Mantra in English | I am absolute existence |
The Law of Pure Potentiality states that at the core of your being, you are pure awareness. To cultivate awareness do the following on and off your mat:
Be Silent | Set aside 10 minutes each day to be silent. Turn off the phone, radio and TV and exist in silence. | |||
Be Still | Practice Savasana for 10 minutes each day. Savasana is the relaxed pose. Lie on your back with legs straight or knees bent, arms gently to the sides, palms up. Take a few deep belly breaths and then let it go. Just be. | |||
Practice nonjudgement | Do not judge your beautiful self or those around you. |
"OM" work
Give yourself a sesame seed oil massage every day. It will nourish your skin and keep it firm and youthful. Rubbing your skin releases toxins and enhances happiness. | ||
Go outside this evening and notice the stars. Contemplate your existence. |
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