Last night I was sitting in week 4 of the Elemental Cleanse with my Monday group. Week 4 is always a bit sad for me as I get attached to my participants. I'm the lucky one who gets to sit at the front of the group and watch them change and grow. It's hard to let them go. I know that a few will become lifetimers at EOM, but many I will not see again. Some travel far to participate in the Cleanse and it is simply inconvenient to drive so far for yoga. Many, however, I simply lose back to the chaos of life.
Sometimes I will run into a former participant and they do tend to always keep a few things in their life that they have learned. This makes me happy, but what I really desire is that they stay on their path of self-purification. I know its hard. I live in this real world too.
This is what I know about this journey of the Soul.
The call of Spirit is indescribable
Once you've had a taste of it, nothing will ever again satisfy you. Your life will become quite dull without that daily touch. Meditate.
You are seeking what you already possess
We set Spiritual goals for ourselves. This is a foolish process. You will unfold like the flowers in your yard are doing right now...spontaneously and in your own time. Enjoy the process of unfolding and don't be sidetracked by "progress markers". There is no time-line. There is no specific path. Your Spiritual path is your own and it is as unique as you are. Be patient with yourself.
This is not about self-improvement
This is about self-acceptance. This is truly about loving the person that we are. Never forget that your Soul profile included the good stuff and the not so good stuff too. Your stuff makes you interesting. Your stuff is beautiful. We never stop looking inward and pulling outward the sattvic or "pure" qualities of our Soul. Study yourself daily. Asking yourself why. Help. Serve.
There will be no intervention
You will probably not have an Angel of the Lord appear to you in the middle of the night with a message of how unique and wonderful you are. Miracles happen every single day. Most of them are very small. Most of them get missed. The miracle that shifts you will be so small and subtle that when you finally figure out what it was, you will laugh at the simplicity.
You need to surround yourself with good company
You cannot do this alone. I know you've heard it said, "the soul's journey is a singular journey". It's simply not true. You must seek out like-minded people to support and encourage you along your way. Let others help, guide and love you. It makes the journey a whole lot more fun. Find a community to draw inspiration from. Find your Guru. (just ask and they will come at just the right time)
You will have many setbacks and want to quit
Don't. Don't quit. Embrace all the crud that comes up and keeps coming up. It never ends, but it does get easier and easier and easier. At some point, you will see that the events in your life are lessons and you will begin to move through the quickly and with grace.
There is no pot of gold at the end of this rainbow.
There is only a rainbow. (a double rainbow). You will receive rewards and riches far better than gold. For me it was as simple as waking up one morning to my mess of a house and the chaos of my life and sitting very very happily in it.
I'm here for you. You are always in my prayers. Shanti, Pamela
Beautifully said - thanks so much for everything! Kristen