I'm a Pisces. In your mind's eye picture a total bohemian chick running around in sparkly gems and feathers surrounded by stray dogs and hurting people trying to save each and every one of them. Picture too a person that is 20% here and 80% gone pretty much 100% of the time. Highly intuitive, totally empathic and so deeply connected to the world of Spirit that this earthly realm seems quite like a job that has to be done until that fantastic and total release comes either in the form of Samadhi or the ultimate Samadhi...death.
Sounds bleak, huh?
That's how I live. Serve, serve and more serve. Do your work and at the end of all of this you will be returned to your lover's arms. A painful pull pounding in your heart. Joyful moments dulled by the feeling that even the little moments of joy in this earthly realm are trivial in comparison. The longing to return....it aches. It's the constant ache of those first few weeks of Love when your Love has gone away from you, but this particular ache never ever diminishes even as the relationship deepens. Ever. You never get used to the separation.
Lordy...forget that!
To be honest, my mind is a little annoyed with my Soul. We (my bodymindsoul) had a long talk about this and it struck me that I have never ever in all my years of learning and teaching had the thought that my Soul has some responsibility in this game of life. I think I've been viewing the Soul just like I teach about it as this "ever present, non-changing, totally supportive" entity that needs my mind to make good choices so the Soul can have some experience that it craves. It's the thing sitting in the back seat of the Chariot...the observer. The Witnessing Awareness as all our "Spiritual Masters of this Century" call it.
Yesterday, I figured it out. It's total BS. Your Soul is not a "witness". Your Soul has a personality. It has Karma. It has desires. It's desire created your body and mind. Your mind is the engine. Your body the vehicle. Other Souls have colluded to program this engine with preferences, prejudices and social norms to facilitate this experience. Your body has been designed to look, feel and struggle in some way. Your Soul is a choicemaker. It's not neutral. It's closer to the ocean than the wave, but it's still waving. It chose you (bodymind). It is you.
I know...I don't even know what I'm saying either. It's a FEELING I can't convey through writing. (that's a very Pisces thing too). It's a very powerful feeling when you are just on the brink of totally getting something and it slips away and then you can't even remember what you were thinking about to begin with. It's amnesia. It's knowing you've met someone somewhere and can't for the life of you remember where.
it's total insanity.
oh my..
This is what I know. My mind is frickin' powerful. So powerful in fact that it can actually tell my Soul what to do. Yesterday, for the first time ever it had the thought to tell my Soul to make a choice. Merge or go snivel in a corner. This constant yearning for some esoteric touch of Spirit is not facilitating the experience that this choicemaking Soul craves. Step up to the plate and completely into this body. This mind is not in your way.
Some Kiss We Want
There is some kiss we want with
our whole lives, the touch of
spirit on the body. Seawater
begs the pearl to break its shell.
And the lily, how passionately
it needs some wild darling! At
night, I open the window and ask
the moon to come and press its
face against mine. Breathe into
me. Close the language- door and
open the love window. The moon
won't use the door, only the window. ~ Rumi
The sign said:
ReplyDeleteHold stick near centre of its length. Moisten pointed end in mouth. Insert in tooth space, blunt end next to gum. Use gentle in-out motion.
'It seemed to me,' said Wonko the Sane, 'that any civilization that had so far lost its head as to need to include a set of detailed instructions for use in a packet of toothpicks, was no longer a civilization in which I could live and stay sane.'
— Douglas Adams So Long And Thanks for All the Fish
Being of inherent and eternal nature, man has a glorious destiny. As children of God, made in his image and likeness, his divine nature, although potential at present, we will surely dawn into consciousness. Through consciousness into actual fulfillment. Man's destiny is to reveal and express Godhood and to transform through the richer use of our minds. The richness will form through our desire of being one in our Creator's Divine Love.