Monday, November 21, 2011
Spirit Expressing Through Me
This weekend was the Victory of Light Festival here in Cincinnati. It's a super groovy festival with lots of Spiritual Seminars, Products and Healers. I always go because it's a consolidated gathering of many of my friends that do healing work. It's a big social gathering.
Of course while I'm there, I always have a reading. This time around, my good friend Kimberley (Organic Oracle who reads in Montgomery on Wednesdays) told me to go check out a Native American Indian named Ted Silverhand. Wowsie! He was cool.
He expanded upon lots of things going on in my, relationship and children. He gave me a little glimpse to the future (it looks really good). The most powerful thing he said to me though, was that I am a teacher. God intended for me to be a teacher of many. God chose this life so that He could express through me as a teacher.
I've heard that sort of thing before...that we are an expression of God. I think I've even talked about it myself, but in the moment that he said it I really got it. I am sitting here in this amazing human form with some pretty cool gifts that were given to me so that God could have a good time teaching. There's some abstract notion of whatever is out there (God to me or something else to you) learning, growing and experiencing through me. It goes much much deeper to dharma and whatnot, but that's a bit much for this post.
Anyhow, today I was working on finding a name for our upcoming EOM Teacher Training Progam. (you get a 200 hr yoga certification AND are certified as an Elemental Cleansing's going to be AWESOME!!) Anyhow, I sure was having fun with names. It hit me that Spirit was having fun to. It was so tangible and so real. I get it now. I am an expression of a desire that Spirit manifested. Spirit desired my existence. Not only did Spirit desire my existence, but jobs were given to be done and the daily job is to have a good time.
I'm here to play with my kids because Spirit sure thinks that's fun.
I'm here to walk my dog because Spirit always wanted a Golden Retriever.
I'm here to teach my yogis yoga because Spirit loves yoga and to teach. Spirit also likes to cook, dance and has an affinity for very unpractical shoes.
How simplistic. How real.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Holiday Blues....
We all have this dreamy picture of family and friends celebrating. Glasses of champagne, gourmet food, hugs and wonderful conversation abound. Of course we look and feel fantastic!
ugg...the holidays.
The truth of the holidays is that they can make you feel like crud. It is a time of intense loneliness, sadness and stress for many. Believe me, I know the drill. My inner family is divorced and my larger family estranged. I also find myself this year without relationship and still coming up for air from the grieving process having ended my engagement.
The plans for this year were to include a celebration with a fiance, children and my larger family. The reality turned out much different. It really got me to thinking about all the other people that will find themselves a little lonely this holiday. If you know me, I'm not one to sit back and let life happen. I came up with a bold plan to mitigate my misery on Tday eve when I find myself alone and I think it will work for you too if you find yourself on your own.
The dream:
My dream would be to have a party with all of my local friends and kids and eat Italian. I don't know why Italian. Champagne would flow (sparkly apple juice for me). I think we would play charades. Of course someone would take to my piano and I'm pretty sure we would sing xmas carols. Everyone would be dressed in white. It would snow unexpectedly and we would take to the yard for a snow ball fight that would turn into a big football game...all the neighbors would join....snow fairies and magical elves would appear. We'd finally have world peace.
The reality:
I'm on my own. Kids are at their dads. Friends are probably busy with their family and friends (I know, I know...I've been through this before TRUST me...they are busy).
New dream: Go to yoga during the day. Give myself the treat of getting my nails done after. Hit the grocery store and enjoy the chaos of everyone's pre tday shopping. I've got my own shopping to do because I'm going to try to make an exotic dessert (from tofu) and lord knows what else I'll come up with. Drop off my groceries, grab the doggies and hit the bike trail for a long fall walk letting my mind wander and dream for the future. Decorate the outside of the house for xmas. Turn up up the tunes and start cooking. Make some popcorn, watch a holiday movie and I'm off to bed. Not a bad night. I'm looking forward to it and having fun finding recipes and shopping for xmas decorations.
Thanksgiving does find me with children and family and I'm grateful for that.
If you find yourself alone for any of this holiday season, make a plan. If your plan is to be alone, then empower yourself to take charge and turn it into a healing and fun event for yourself. My dream is intact. Next year, party is at my house! Mark your calendar and go buy a white outfit. Pray for snow.
(p.s. you are never really alone. I realize that's a bit to esoteric for this post though.)
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
How Stressed are you? take the quiz.
We all are suffering from stress to some degree. It’s simply a result of the modern world we occupy and the pressures placed upon us. Your level of stress has a huge impact on your health and happiness.
Take the following quiz to find out the Ayurvedic classification of your stress.
Check any of the following that apply:
I am experiencing:
___Cold hands and feet
___Unusual weight loss
___Increased sensitivity to pain
___Racing hearbeat or palpitations
___An inability to concentrate
___Short term memory loss
___Nervousness, Panic or Anxiety
If you answered yes to 3 or more of these, you are experiencing stress that has pushed the Wind in your mind out of balance.
Please continue:
I am experiencing:
___Irritbility & Impatience
___Chest Pains
___High Blood Pressure
___Sexual Problems
If you answered yes to 3 or more of these, you are experiencing stress that has pushed the Fire in your mind out of balance.
Please continue:
I am experiencing:
___Chronic Fatigue
___Frequent Colds
___Frequent illness
___Eating Disorders
___Substance Abuse
If you answered yes to 3 or more of these, you are experiencing stress that has pushed the Earth in your mind out of balance.
Now step back and look at the big picture. If you had most of your “x’s” in the Wind area, we can pull you back to balance pretty quickly with lifestyle and routine modifications. Follow the plan for the Wind for a few days>>>
If you had some x’s in the Wind and then some in the Fire, now you should follow the plan for the FIRE for a week or more until symptoms decrease>>>
If you had “x’s” in all categories including the Earth, we are going to have to really spend some time pulling you back to balance. Your health needs to be a primary focus for you because you are heading down a really ugly path of feeling bad. To immediately relieve some of your symptoms, follow the plan for the EARTH>>>
Know that the Elemental Cleanse™ is designed to quickly bring you back to balance on all levels in 28 days. It is the most powerful and effective way to learn to manage and relieve stress. It will also help you to shift the stressors in your life and manifest a life that is stress free! Learn More about the Cleanses>>>
Thursday, November 10, 2011
The force of the Earth is the tension needed to allow the elements of Water and Earth to combine. This force in Ayurveda is known as “Kapha”. You do have the other forces of Fire (Pitta) and Wind (Vata) in your mind; however, their expression is not your first response.
To understand how your mind behaves, you only have to think of the elements that combine to make the force of the Earth… Earth and Water. Earth and Water are heavy, cold, soft, lubricating, sweet, stable, immunity enhancing and slippery. Envision a boulder covered in a bit of moss sitting in a cool forest. The boulder is a constant and if you were to walk by it every single day, you would not notice that it is changing in any way. If you were to lean against the boulder you would find it to be cool and also grounding at the same time. Something about its presence is calming and nurturing.
You probably exhibit the following characteristics in your personality.
The Earth in all minds regardless of the predominant force is what gives a person stability, compassion and love. Combine that with a predominance of Earth (Kapha) and you have a person who is very grounded, very nurturing and very stable. When I think of my Earth friends, I think of the people that I go to when I simply want a shoulder to cry on or someone to make me feel at home. The Earth is the mother in all of us.
Because of your stable mental state, you are prone to being very laid back. You take things in stride and don’t obsess or worry very much. In fact, you can be a little too laid back and not effectively deal with your situations. Many Earth types will shut down or seclude if life gets a little too heavy. You may even escape on occasion when you feel you simply can’t deal with what life is handing out.
You may appear stubborn to others. It takes a very long time to come to decisions. You simply do things in your own time and take the time to absorb information and choose. The Earth tends to do everything a bit slower including reading, but has amazing long-term memory.
You probably love all things that are of family and have a story. You are the person in the family that creates the photo albums and hangs onto report cards, old records and your grandmother’s recipes. You remember everything and love to share all the memories of childhood and family vacations. You are very attached to your family and will make anyone in your life your family including your friends and co-workers. You like taking care of them and showering them with love and affection.
You are focused and love routine. The Earth enjoys doing the same things each day. You are a person who loves to have a 9 to 5 job that is stable and predictable. You are a long-term employee. You are attached to your employer and co-workers. You may choose to stay in a job that you have grown out of due to the feeling that the Company needs you. In fact, you love that your desk has been in the same spot for many years and would be unsettled if it were to move. You get attached to objects and may accumulate clutter at work and at home.
You are fabulous at finishing projects and following through. You take great pride in your work, your dedication and your loyalty. Your friends, family and co-workers know that they can depend on you.
You are very caring. You love to take care of others and give and give of yourself. You must be cautious to not give all of yourself away. The Earth has incredible stamina and will suffer greatly through situations even though they may not be benefiting from them anymore. The deep sense of caring and obligation can be overwhelming to the point that life decisions cannot be effectively made.
The following are some examples of situations that you may be prone to due to your Earthy nature. Don’t worry that you are doomed to experience these. Living in a balanced state will allow you to manage these conditions:
Weight Gain
Suppression of emotions such as anger
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
The force of Pitta or The Fire in your Mind
If you resonate with the force of the Fire in your mind it means that you predominantly express characteristics of the Fire in your thinking patterns and personality. The force of the Fire is the tension created when the elements Fire and Water combine. This force in Ayurveda is known as “Pitta”. You do have the other forces of Wind (Vata) and Earth (Kapha) in your mind; however, their expression is not your first response.
To understand how your mind behaves, you only have to think of the elements that combine to make the force of the Fire; Fire and Water. Fire is hot, bright, intense and abrupt. Water is cool, smooth, nourishing, moist and oily. There is more Fire than Water in the force of Fire or Pitta. Your personality exhibits these qualities.
You probably exhibit the following characteristics in your personality.
The Fire in all minds is the process of discernment. Combine that with a predominance of Fire (Pitta) and you have a person who is very good at making decisions, managing others and leading. In a balanced state, this is a person who is “large and in charge”…a dynamic speaker, leader and motivator. Even in balance, this can also be troublesome as you may find that you take on the problems of the world and the responsibility to solve them.
Because of your determined mental state, you are prone to suffer from work related stress. You may find that you feel you are the only one who can do things the correct way and that those around you are not as intelligent or capable. The lesson for the Fire is to learn to delegate through leadership and to allow other’s the freedom to be who they are.
You stay focused. Fires have incredible follow through. They don’t necessarily want to do the work of completing a project, but they like to see a project from start to finish. Fires have the ability to plan long-term and love goal setting.
You are fabulous at leading others to do tasks. In fact, you should be working in a job where you are in charge of others. Fires suffer enormously when working for a company or boss who micro-manages. If working for another, Fires need to be empowered and set free to make decisions and follow through. A Fire will be led only by someone that they greatly respect, admire and are learning from.
You take care of others. Fires are passionate about family, friends and the world. They truly see themselves as humanitarians and desire to solve problems for others. They are self-reliant and rarely ask for help from others, but constantly offer it.
You can be very reluctant to share your emotions and fear that the emotional ups and downs in life are a sign of weakness. Others may not realize how badly you are hurting as you are very good at masking your pain. You hate mistakes and perceive that they are the fault of others incompetence. You prefer to do everything yourself so that it is done the “right” way. Sometimes you feel very stressed by the heavy load of responsibility you carry. You will find that you need periods of intense physical activity followed by rest to release your stress. You crave nature especially water.
You probably love your routine, are very disciplined and very organized. Fires like their offices and homes to be neat and organized. Fires tend to get up and go to bed at the same time each day as well as eating meals in a routine fashion. Fires can be vain and are disciplined in their physical practices gravitating towards energy releasing activities such as running, hiking, biking and lifting weights.
Fires are good with money. When purchasing, a Fire will go for the big ticket item that is luxurious.
Fire minds tend to have very passionate and active dreams.
The following are some examples of situations that you may be prone to due to your Fire nature. Don’t worry that you are doomed to experience these. Living in a balanced state will allow you to manage these conditions:
Stomach upset
Heart attacks
Acid reflux
Excessive sweating
Bad breathe and bad body odor
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
The force of Vata or The Wind in your Mind
The force of the Wind is the tension created when the elements Space and Air combine. This force in Ayurveda is known as “Vata”. If you have a predominance of the Wind (Vata), you still do have the other forces of Fire (Pitta) and Earth (Kapha) in your mind; however, their expression is not your first response.
To understand how your mind behaves, you only have to think of the elements that combine to make the force of the Wind; Space and Air. Space and Air are dry, rough, cool, light, penetrating, moving, broad, unlimited and unbounded. Envision a dry leaf blowing erratically on a cool autumn breeze. The leaf goes every which way and suddenly stops. It is unpredictable and may just as suddenly start moving again. There is no rythmn or routine to the movement. The breeze brings with it a sense of excitement and change. The leaf is dry and fragile and if the breeze blows too hard, it begins to fray.
You probably exhibit the following characteristics in your personality.
The Wind in all minds is the activity of thinking. Combine that with a predominance of Wind (Vata) and you have a person who does a lot of thinking. Even in a balanced state, your mind tends to go and go and jump from thing to thing. This can be wonderful because the Wind mind is very enthusiastic, lively, energetic and creative. This can be troublesome as you may find that your sleep is interrupted even when you are totally living in balance. You dream a lot of vivid dreams. You are intuitive.
Because of your active mental state, you are prone to anxiety and worry. You may find that you worry about absolutely everyone and everything including much that is completely out of your control. The lesson for the Wind is to surrender to outcome and stay in the present moment.
You probably love all things new. You are familiar with the top 10 on the bestseller list, you know the latest headline news and you are signed up for a class in the latest trending fad. You know a lot of people and have a large circle of friends. You have excellent short-term memory. You love to shop and spend and pick up lots of small little treats for self and friends. You have a hard time saving money.
You can be easily distracted. In fact, you may be reading all 10 books on the bestseller list at the same time. You may find it hard to finish any one of them and you may not retain the story very well. While you are familiar with the latest headline news, you may not exactly understand the history or geography of the world’s events. You are very big picture. You tend to jump from thing to thing, so while you are a “jack of all trades”, you may not be a “master” of any one. Your circle of friends is wide, but you may have few close friends. You can appear aloof and you may struggle to listen to others.
Your imagination and creativity make you a very entertaining person. In fact, the Wind is usually the life of the party. Quick witted and able to outthink most others, you generate laughter and excitement. You are the person that picks other’s up. In fact, your strong intuition knows when others are a bit down and you are always quick to lend a smile, hug or laugh to shift the energies of others.
You are fabulous at finding creative solutions to problems. In fact, you should be working in a job where you initiate creative solutions. You don’t necessarily want to be in charge of others, but you do like to have freedom of movement and freedom in how you spend your time. You lack follow through and finishing projects may be very hard for you. Surround yourself with people who can take your fabulous ideas and see them to fruition.
You are very sensitive. Others may not realize how deep your feelings truly run and you may find that you are easily hurt. You hate making mistakes and worry that what you do is never good enough. Sometimes you feel scattered. You will find that you need long periods of rest and silence each day to soothe your nerves and nourish your sensitive heart.
The following are some examples of situations that you may be prone to due to your Windy nature. Don’t worry that you are doomed to experience these. Living in a balanced state will allow you to manage these conditions:
Stomach Sensitivity
Shanti, Pamela
Monday, November 7, 2011
Earth or “prithivi” is grounding.
It’s job is to “create stability”
Properties: Cold, dense, heavy & slow
The sense of smell is associated with this element
In your body & mind, it is your larger mass; bones, muscle, fat and cartilage. It is your memories, your compassion and your love.
When I think of the Earth, I always think of a boulder sitting in a shaded forest. The boulder has a little bit of moist moss growing on it. The boulder is heavy and dense. You push, but it won’t budge. You touch it and it is cool.
If you were to sit down on the boulder, you would feel very secure and grounded. It never appears to change. You could walk by it every single day for 20 years and it would appear the same. All changes are happening so slowly you wouldn’t even notice.
Go outside and pick up a stone or better yet, sit on a boulder! Notice how it makes you feel very connected to Mother Earth.
Isn’t it interesting that all humans have the same response to nature. Anyone walking in the woods, sitting on the beach, listening to the wind, experiencing a storm has a primal response that is nourishing, grounding and soothing. You are one with nature. These experiences simply tap you back in.
Now that you are familiar with the elements, spend some time in nature and simply observe like the Rishis did. Notice the plants, animals and atmosphere and ask yourself how your mind or body behaves in the same way. Spend some time with your senses…sight, taste, smell, touch and hearing. Stimulate and enliven your senses with nature.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
The Element Fire in Ayurveda
Fire or “Tejas” is transforming.
It’s job is to “transmute”
Properties: hot, bright, intense, abrupt
The sense of seeing is associated with this element. We take in the light of the world through our eyes.
In your body & mind, it is your ability to discern and decide. It is transformation in your body; digestion, fighting infection
When I think of the Fire, I always think of a bonfire. It is hot, intense and bright. It snaps and crackles and kind of talks back to you. It is very abrupt, suddenly flaring up and then calming again.
There’s just something about the Fire that holds your attention. The intensity is mesmerizing and you find that you want to stare. You are drawn to the flames. The fire shares its warmth with all.
When the Fire has done its job on the wood, the wood is left transformed forever.
Sit quietly for a minute and imagine yourself in your last moment of anger. Did you suddenly erupt? Did your body become hot? Did you begin to sweat? Now let that thought go as well as the stressful situation. Remember a time when you had an infection. Did you have intense bursts of heat? Was there any pain involved? Was it intense?
Light a candle tonight and stare into it.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
The Element Air in Ayurveda
Air or “Vayu” is moving everything
It’s job is to “expand”
Properties: Moving, Unpredictable, Cool, Light & Dry
The sense of sound or hearing is associated with this element
In the body & mind, it is any moving function like thinking, speaking, breathing and eliminating
When I think of this element I always think of a dry leaf blowing on a fall breeze. The leaf itself is dry, brittle and fragile. The fall breeze brings with it a sense of and excitement. It energizes you, brings freshness and makes you want to try something new. Think about the start of the school year and how all the energy of your family shifts.
The breeze is unpredictable. It gets strong and then softens. It blows up and then down. It suddenly stops and just as suddenly starts again. The breeze brings a chill and makes you want to snuggle up and dress warm. Standing in the breeze for a long time can exhaust you especially if it really begins to blow.
Sit quietly with your thoughts for a few minutes and notice how they move. Feel the air rush in and out of your lungs. Feel your blood coursing through your veins. Go outside and feel the movement of the fall breeze across your skin and listen to the leaves rustle.
Friday, November 4, 2011
It’s job is to “nourish”
Water is very difficult to affect.
Properties: Cool, smooth, nourishing, moist and oily
The sense of taste is associated with this element
In the body it is the plasma, blood, mucus and saliva
I always think of Water (Jala or Apa) as the element of love. It is nourishing and closely linked to the sense of taste. I think it’s interesting that Water is nourishing and loving and linked to the sense of taste. It supports a lot of the emotional eating we do. Without water, the human body would start to die within three days. Without love, the human heart withers.
Water is a very stable element. There really isn’t too much that you can do to personally affect this element in your body other than to drink too much or too little. Salt intake directly affects this element. I’m sure you have had the experience of bloating after a salty meal.
You do need to know how to drink for your body type. The Wind (Vata) body should be more conscious about drinking water. Because of the Wind’s dryness and lack of routine, more water is necessary and focused drinking is also necessary. The rule of 8 glasses of water a day applies to the Wind, unless you start to bloat.
The Fire (Pitta) body tends to run hot. The Fire type drinks when they are thirsty and does a great job of self-monitoring. The Earth (Kapha) body has a lot of water in it already. Drink when you are thirsty, but don’t attach to the idea that you need to drink huge quantities of water or “flush” your system. If you drink to much water, you quickly bloat and completely put out your digestive fire. 4 – 8 glasses of water each day depending on your thirst levels is appropriate for the Earth.
- For all body types, do know that tea counts as “water”.
- Please drink your water at room temperature. Iced beverages put out your digestive fire or Agni.
- Do not drink when you are eating. Eat your food, wait and then drink room temperature water if you are still thirsty.
The next time you are bathing, experience water as sacred. Feel its silky smooth and nourishing texture. Imagine a life with limited water or no clean water. Conservation begins in the home. Consider the following:
- Never let the water run when you are washing dishes by hand. Use the dishwasher, it saves water.
- Soak pots and pans instead of scraping under running water.
- Run your dishwasher and clothes washer when you have a full load only.
- Put a pitcher of cold water in your fridge. That way, you don't have to let the sink run to cool the water.
- Buy an organic vegetable cleaner and soak your veggies and fruits to clean instead of running water over them.
- Collect the water that you use to rinse fruit and veggies and use it to water houseplants.
- When buying new appliances, consider those that offer cycle and load size adjustments. They're more water and energy efficient. Look for Energy Star certifications
- Designate one water glass as yours each day. If you have more than one member in your family, color code your glasses.
- Install an instant water heater near your kitchen sink.
- If you have a newer dishwasher, don't bother to rinse your dishes. Just scrape clean and load.
- When washing dishes by hand, fill the sink and rinse when all of the dishes have been soaped and scrubbed.
- Put a timer in your shower and limit your shower to 5 minutes.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Space, Akasha and Ayurveda
In Ayurvedic terms, Space is the element that contains everything. Space, unlike the other elements, does not change. It is the one constant in your body and your environment. Space in your body does not go out of balance. It is a consistent containment of your is your spirit.
Space is holding everything together
It’s job is to “contain”
You cannot affect Space through your thoughts, words or deeds.
Properties: Cold, Light & Dry
The sense of sound or hearing is associated with this element
In the body, it is the empty space between. On a Quantum level, we are only empty space.
I always think of Space (Ether or Akasha) as the foundation of the other elements. Perhaps it’s the vastness of the night sky when I look up that makes me think that there is something around us that is holding all of this together. That’s the element of Space from Ayurveda. From the perspective of science, I believe they are calling this dark matter or dark energy.
It’s a bit of an argument in Ayurveda what element was first. Some will argue that it was the Earth element, others Space. I believe it was Space because Space to me seems like the most intimately connected to Spirit. When you look to the properties of Space and Spirit, they are similar. Both are holding everything together, both cannot be changed by you, both are simply a consistent presence regardless of what you are going through or choosing. This makes me think of the non-judgmental and ever present nature of Spirit.
I also think it is fascinating that Space is associated with sound. The Bible tells us that the universe was created with a “word”.
By the word of the LORD were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth. For he spake, and it was done; he commanded, and it stood fast. ~ (Psalm 33:6,9)
Yogis will tell you that the Universe was created with a “sound”…the vibration aum or om. OM or AUM is a Sanskrit letter. It is deemed to be the most powerful letter of the Sanskrit alphabet. Sanskrit is the most sacred written language known to man. Many languages are derived from Sanskrit.
The imperishable sound, is the seed of
All that exists
The past, the present, the future -
All are but the unfolding of OM
And whatever transcends the three realms of time,
That indeed is the flowering of OM
- Upanishads
You need to know its properties, which are Cold, Light & Dry. You were born with a certain amount of Space in your body and mind and there isn’t anything to do that can change or affect it. Do explore your Spiritual nature. Do look up at the night sky and be amazed by your very existence. Look into the vastness and wonder…
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
What is Ayurveda?
Ayurveda is a system of holistic living and medicine that originated in India many thousands of years ago. The word Ayurveda is Sanskrit and translates to “the knowledge of life”. It is a systematic science that utilizes the natural rhythms of nature to prevent, diagnose and treat disease. The influence of Ayurveda can be seen in all the world’s holistic medicine.
Sadly, with the invasion of India, many of the traditions of Ayurveda were forsaken, not forgotten, forsaken. Recently, however, Ayurveda has seen an unprecedented comeback, especially in the West. We can thank Dr. Deepak Chopra, my teacher, for much of the resurgence in interest.
Ayurveda is the most widely embraced and accepted preventative holistic medicine in the West. In large part, this is due to the fact that Ayurveda embraces new medicines and technologies. The Ayurvedic view is if it is working for you, then stay with it. If you are controlling sleep disorders, depression, high blood pressure or any other ailment with Western drugs, you should take the advice of your physician. What Ayurveda can do for you...and doctors absolutely love change your stress levels, your sleeping routine and your nutritional choices making you healthy at the root of your disease and ultimately eliminating many of your drug choices. Western physicians are really smart and caring people. They want you to prevent disease. They actually never want you as a sick patient. They just want to see you once a year for annual check up to tell you that everything is wonderful.
Ayurveda is a simple science for life that teaches and empowers the individual to reconnect with the rhythms of nature. Ayurveda honors that you are one with nature affected by the rotation of the planets, the pull of the tide, the changing seasons and the movement occurring throughout your day in each minute. It honors that you are unique. It honors that you are a creature of this earth as well as of the divine.
The Rishis of India identified the building blocks of nature and indeed the whole universe as five great elements, space, air, fire, water & earth. Rishis are legendary yogis thought to have magical powers known as “Siddhis” and believed to live for hundreds of years. Imagine an aging man sitting in a loincloth on the top of a mountain in the snow meditating in perfect peace and physical comfort. Rishis of India sat in meditation and contemplation and asked God, The Universe, The Cosmic Mind or their Higher Selves many of the same questions that we ask ourselves today. Why am I here? What is my life's purpose? How do I stay healthy, vibrant and young? It is believed that through the meditation process the Rishis downloaded from cosmic consciousness, the formula for living a healthy and happy life.[1] This formula includes diagnosis with and management of the elements
I don’t know if it is true that the Rishis received a download or not. I guess it seems kind of far out. Perhaps these Rishis of 5,000 years ago were simply great observers of nature. Perhaps they simply sat by their fires and noticed that when a piece of wood goes into the fire it comes out transformed. Maybe they then had the thought, “Wow, that’s just like when I eat, it goes in one way and comes out another. Perhaps I have fire in my belly.”
Maybe they watched a dry dead leaf blowing on a fall breeze and observed that the leaf would quickly dart one way, then another and finally come to an abrupt halt only to fly up again. Perhaps they had the thought, “Wow, that’s just like my mind. My thoughts go this way and that and suddenly stop. I must have wind in my mind”.
Imagine the people of 5,000 years ago planting their spring gardens. A rock sits in the middle of their field. They push and push and it just doesn’t want to go anywhere. They think wow, that’s just like the 5 pounds I put on after the Spring Solstice celebration. I must have earth in my body.
It’s really a very assessable way to identify with our bodies and minds. It is truly amazing what was known over 5,000 years ago. People knew the earth is round and rotates on an axis. People knew that the earth traveled around the sun. Ayurvedic physicians knew how to diagnose and "treat" diabetes. They also knew how to deliver complicated births. They even performed surgeries. More fundamentally, a plan for living that prevents disease, aging and needless suffering was devised. Learn more about this amazing lifestyle at Elemental OM. We offer the Elemental Cleanse™ to immerse you in this lifestyle for 28 days. Bring your body, mind and Spirit to balance. LEARN MORE>>>
[1] This formula was passed down for generations in prose and finally captured in the Vedas and around 500 BCE in two medical texts called Susruta Samhita and Carkaka Samhita.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Raw Foods, Cleansing and Ayurveda
Many people are advocates for Raw Foods diets and have a wonderful experience of them. Ayurveda does hold a place for the unique constitution that can thrive on a raw foods diet. This would be a person who is a Fire or Pitta body type or some balance of Fire/Earth (Pitta/Kapha). That type of person has naturally strong digestion and more heat. I believe that this person would also need a very strong presence of Fire in their mind as it takes incredible planning and discipline to maintain a raw foods diet and appropriately meet all nutritional needs.
If you are choosing this lifestyle and feel great…awesome!!! If you are suffering from any of the following, ask yourself if you are getting enough energy of the Earth or Kapha in your life to ground the uplifting nature of your diet. Food does affect emotion too.
Lack of vitality
Always cold
Weak digestive digestion
Stalled weight loss due to low metabolism
Amenorrhea (menstrual cycles cease), even in young women
Loss of libido
Hair loss and nail problems
Dental erosion
Insomnia and neurological problems
If you find that you are suffering from any of these, I recommend the following while maintaining your diet. Additionally, if you are participating in the Elemental Cleanse and do not wish to participate in cooked food, you will need to do the following:
· Daily meditation of no less than 20 minutes. Use mantra with the focus of union of energies in the heart. Do not turn your meditation into an escape to connect to what is perceived as “higher than”. Meditation & Spirituality is to be in your body and embrace the life you are currently living.
· Self-Oil Massage with Sesame Oil (it's heating externally and internally). Do heat your oil prior to your massage
· Vigorous yoga or exercise producing sweat with an extended rest (Shavasana) of no less than 10 minutes to ground your energy afterwards.
· Spice up your food with spicy spices.
· Eat your food at room temperature
· Take a daily dose of triphala (Ayurvedic blend of 3 fruits promoting digestion and elimination)
· Drink hot teas (ginger tea is the best). Add citrus (lemon or lime) to your teas.
· Add fruit juices and vegetable juices to your diet.
· Use a food processor or blender to “pre-digest” the food you consume.
· Take a daily dose of flax-oil. You may consume up 6 - 8 teaspoons of oil each day for healthy digestion.
· Use ginger elixir before each meal to stoke your digestive fire. (grated ginger marinated in sea salt and lemon. Take a pinch before each meal).
· Go for a 10-minute walk after you eat.
· Seek out heat therapy; dress warm covering throat and head, saunas, hot baths, hot tubs, hot yoga (if appropriately acclimated and not more than 2 times a week) and sun.
· Go to bed by 10 pm and arise by 6 am.
The final week of the Elemental Cleanse must be modified to accommodate those on a raw foods diet. Food will be blended and processed and taken without exception at room temperature. Focus will be on vegetables over fruits. The final week may be shortened to just 3 days.
I find that people who take the Cleanse and are raw foodies are not taking the Cleanse to clean out their bodies. Most are interested in what Ayurveda has to offer and are curious about the Spiritual aspects of the Cleanse. Great benefit can be received through the emotional, mental and Spiritual Cleansing process. Shift your focus to journaling, meditation, walking and yoga. Because you already have a healthy diet, the food portion will be easy for you and not a focus.
Most Raw Foodies that I know are very attached to their diet because they have put a lot of effort into this lifestyle and they have seen benefits. That’s perfect! Simply be aware of the imbalance that a raw foods diet can potentially cause if not balanced with the emotional and physical body. Do know that you simply must focus a bit more on “grounding” your energy. Raw food creates high prana. This always sounds good as we perceive prana to be a positive force. Prana, however, is a neutral force. It goes where your mind goes. If you are happy, it increases the happy. If you are sad, destructive, critical, judgmental or angry, it will also increase those. Too much prana, ungrounded, causes imbalance.
If you are currently participating in the Cleanse and not currently a Raw Foodie, please cook all of your food and eat it warm! If you are interested in Raw Foods and are of the appropriate mind/body type as discussed above, explore when the Cleanse is complete.