Fire or “Tejas” is transforming.
It’s job is to “transmute”
Properties: hot, bright, intense, abrupt
The sense of seeing is associated with this element. We take in the light of the world through our eyes.
In your body & mind, it is your ability to discern and decide. It is transformation in your body; digestion, fighting infection
When I think of the Fire, I always think of a bonfire. It is hot, intense and bright. It snaps and crackles and kind of talks back to you. It is very abrupt, suddenly flaring up and then calming again.
There’s just something about the Fire that holds your attention. The intensity is mesmerizing and you find that you want to stare. You are drawn to the flames. The fire shares its warmth with all.
When the Fire has done its job on the wood, the wood is left transformed forever.
Sit quietly for a minute and imagine yourself in your last moment of anger. Did you suddenly erupt? Did your body become hot? Did you begin to sweat? Now let that thought go as well as the stressful situation. Remember a time when you had an infection. Did you have intense bursts of heat? Was there any pain involved? Was it intense?
Light a candle tonight and stare into it.
I was wondering, those little images for the elements that you use, are they custom creations by you? Because I'd really like to track down the creator to ask permission to use them on a book cover.