The force of the Earth is the tension needed to allow the elements of Water and Earth to combine. This force in Ayurveda is known as “Kapha”. You do have the other forces of Fire (Pitta) and Wind (Vata) in your mind; however, their expression is not your first response.
To understand how your mind behaves, you only have to think of the elements that combine to make the force of the Earth… Earth and Water. Earth and Water are heavy, cold, soft, lubricating, sweet, stable, immunity enhancing and slippery. Envision a boulder covered in a bit of moss sitting in a cool forest. The boulder is a constant and if you were to walk by it every single day, you would not notice that it is changing in any way. If you were to lean against the boulder you would find it to be cool and also grounding at the same time. Something about its presence is calming and nurturing.
You probably exhibit the following characteristics in your personality.
The Earth in all minds regardless of the predominant force is what gives a person stability, compassion and love. Combine that with a predominance of Earth (Kapha) and you have a person who is very grounded, very nurturing and very stable. When I think of my Earth friends, I think of the people that I go to when I simply want a shoulder to cry on or someone to make me feel at home. The Earth is the mother in all of us.
Because of your stable mental state, you are prone to being very laid back. You take things in stride and don’t obsess or worry very much. In fact, you can be a little too laid back and not effectively deal with your situations. Many Earth types will shut down or seclude if life gets a little too heavy. You may even escape on occasion when you feel you simply can’t deal with what life is handing out.
You may appear stubborn to others. It takes a very long time to come to decisions. You simply do things in your own time and take the time to absorb information and choose. The Earth tends to do everything a bit slower including reading, but has amazing long-term memory.
You probably love all things that are of family and have a story. You are the person in the family that creates the photo albums and hangs onto report cards, old records and your grandmother’s recipes. You remember everything and love to share all the memories of childhood and family vacations. You are very attached to your family and will make anyone in your life your family including your friends and co-workers. You like taking care of them and showering them with love and affection.
You are focused and love routine. The Earth enjoys doing the same things each day. You are a person who loves to have a 9 to 5 job that is stable and predictable. You are a long-term employee. You are attached to your employer and co-workers. You may choose to stay in a job that you have grown out of due to the feeling that the Company needs you. In fact, you love that your desk has been in the same spot for many years and would be unsettled if it were to move. You get attached to objects and may accumulate clutter at work and at home.
You are fabulous at finishing projects and following through. You take great pride in your work, your dedication and your loyalty. Your friends, family and co-workers know that they can depend on you.
You are very caring. You love to take care of others and give and give of yourself. You must be cautious to not give all of yourself away. The Earth has incredible stamina and will suffer greatly through situations even though they may not be benefiting from them anymore. The deep sense of caring and obligation can be overwhelming to the point that life decisions cannot be effectively made.
The following are some examples of situations that you may be prone to due to your Earthy nature. Don’t worry that you are doomed to experience these. Living in a balanced state will allow you to manage these conditions:
Weight Gain
Suppression of emotions such as anger
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