It’s job is to “nourish”

Water is very difficult to affect.
Properties: Cool, smooth, nourishing, moist and oily
The sense of taste is associated with this element
In the body it is the plasma, blood, mucus and saliva
I always think of Water (Jala or Apa) as the element of love. It is nourishing and closely linked to the sense of taste. I think it’s interesting that Water is nourishing and loving and linked to the sense of taste. It supports a lot of the emotional eating we do. Without water, the human body would start to die within three days. Without love, the human heart withers.
Water is a very stable element. There really isn’t too much that you can do to personally affect this element in your body other than to drink too much or too little. Salt intake directly affects this element. I’m sure you have had the experience of bloating after a salty meal.
You do need to know how to drink for your body type. The Wind (Vata) body should be more conscious about drinking water. Because of the Wind’s dryness and lack of routine, more water is necessary and focused drinking is also necessary. The rule of 8 glasses of water a day applies to the Wind, unless you start to bloat.
The Fire (Pitta) body tends to run hot. The Fire type drinks when they are thirsty and does a great job of self-monitoring. The Earth (Kapha) body has a lot of water in it already. Drink when you are thirsty, but don’t attach to the idea that you need to drink huge quantities of water or “flush” your system. If you drink to much water, you quickly bloat and completely put out your digestive fire. 4 – 8 glasses of water each day depending on your thirst levels is appropriate for the Earth.
- For all body types, do know that tea counts as “water”.
- Please drink your water at room temperature. Iced beverages put out your digestive fire or Agni.
- Do not drink when you are eating. Eat your food, wait and then drink room temperature water if you are still thirsty.
The next time you are bathing, experience water as sacred. Feel its silky smooth and nourishing texture. Imagine a life with limited water or no clean water. Conservation begins in the home. Consider the following:
- Never let the water run when you are washing dishes by hand. Use the dishwasher, it saves water.
- Soak pots and pans instead of scraping under running water.
- Run your dishwasher and clothes washer when you have a full load only.
- Put a pitcher of cold water in your fridge. That way, you don't have to let the sink run to cool the water.
- Buy an organic vegetable cleaner and soak your veggies and fruits to clean instead of running water over them.
- Collect the water that you use to rinse fruit and veggies and use it to water houseplants.
- When buying new appliances, consider those that offer cycle and load size adjustments. They're more water and energy efficient. Look for Energy Star certifications
- Designate one water glass as yours each day. If you have more than one member in your family, color code your glasses.
- Install an instant water heater near your kitchen sink.
- If you have a newer dishwasher, don't bother to rinse your dishes. Just scrape clean and load.
- When washing dishes by hand, fill the sink and rinse when all of the dishes have been soaped and scrubbed.
- Put a timer in your shower and limit your shower to 5 minutes.
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