Air or “Vayu” is moving everything
It’s job is to “expand”
Properties: Moving, Unpredictable, Cool, Light & Dry
The sense of sound or hearing is associated with this element
In the body & mind, it is any moving function like thinking, speaking, breathing and eliminating
When I think of this element I always think of a dry leaf blowing on a fall breeze. The leaf itself is dry, brittle and fragile. The fall breeze brings with it a sense of and excitement. It energizes you, brings freshness and makes you want to try something new. Think about the start of the school year and how all the energy of your family shifts.
The breeze is unpredictable. It gets strong and then softens. It blows up and then down. It suddenly stops and just as suddenly starts again. The breeze brings a chill and makes you want to snuggle up and dress warm. Standing in the breeze for a long time can exhaust you especially if it really begins to blow.
Sit quietly with your thoughts for a few minutes and notice how they move. Feel the air rush in and out of your lungs. Feel your blood coursing through your veins. Go outside and feel the movement of the fall breeze across your skin and listen to the leaves rustle.
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