Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I AM, the movie directed by Tom Shadyac

Last night I finally got to watch the movie "I am" directed by Tom Shadyac who is best known for his movies, "Ace Ventura" and "The Nutty Professor." The movie begins with Tom's personal journey into the unknown of spirituality that was the result of a debilitating and painful injury that left his perception of the world skewed. Part of his healing included going on a journey and interviewing some of the world's most profound spiritual leaders about what they think is wrong with our world and how they we as individuals can fix it.

It was a beautiful movie that offers much to think about including our current belief system, our financial system and the actual workings of nature. Scientists don't know why, but they have observed that that animals as a species rely more on cooperation and less on competition to survive. They participate in a seemless democracy that ensures the survival of their tribes.

Looking at our American tribe, we have forgotten this principle. Insane competition and greed have created a society of haves and have nots and therefore dysfunction and unhappiness. Americans suffer from loneliness more than any other culture. We place such esteem on job and financial gain not realizing that more and more is not making us happy. At some point, you simply have enough.

On an individual level each human is uniquely connected to all that is around them. Again, scientists don't know how or why, but our individual thoughts and emotions do effect the larger group. Your personal happiness increases the happiness of the world. Your personal suffering increases the world's suffering. The change agent for saving the planet and enhancing our culture is what we teach in yoga, to respond from your heart.

In any given moment you can drop into your heart center and ask if you are making the best choice for yourself, others and your planet. Your heart is more intelligent than the organ we call the brain and is more intuitively connected into the stream of consciousness connecting us all. Helping and serving others nourishes and heals not just your own heart, but the whole world.

As an experiment, I meditated this morning not with my internal focus on the brow chakra, but on the higher heart. It was fascinating. Try it.

For more about this great movie you should watch, visit here>>>

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