Monday, December 17, 2012

Mondays, Newtown, and Transformation Through Yoga

There's just something about Mondays.  You wake up with your week's worth of work on your mind and just go about your life.  This morning, I was about half way through packing my children's lunch thinking about throwing an extra orange in my son's bag (he has a cold), when I again remembered that 20 families weren't packing lunches today.  I looked down at the orange, I smelled the orange,  I pressed it to my heart and then my lips and placed it in my son's bag as if that piece of fruit magically infused with a mother's love could keep him safe. 

As my son and daughter headed out the door, a nasty waive of fear started to build, and I reminded myself that they would be okay.  It was an aberration.  It couldn't happen at my children's school.  I mentally walked through all the ways anyone could possibly get into their school given the lock down procedures there.  I found more than a few. 

So what can be done?  What actionable steps can I personally take today to facilitate a transformation in the consciousness of a society that to me is archaic and violent despite incredible access to knowledge, education, freedom, and money.  My first answer was I don't know.  It seems that the wheels of government are stuck, the desires of individuals are in conflict, and the ideas of most are rooted in fear.  It's like we are on some slow moving luxury train.  We are warm, dry, and very comfortable.  We know the track ends, but the train is moving so slow and that track sure isn't going to end for awhile.  In fact, I bet in the future, they will build more track before we even get there....right?  And no worries for me, I'm in the middle, not the front of the train, so I'll be alright.  Nothing will happen to me.

My second answer was yoga.  We can all do more yoga; life as yoga.  We can learn to do the following:
  • Take a pause.   In every moment of stress, conflict, or anxiety, just pause and breathe.  Give yourself a moment to respond instead of react.
  • Be kind.  Just be sweet to those you meet.  Be sweet to even the not so sweet.  Wish them light and love and let them go their way.
  • Do a little black and white thinking.  In any moment of choice for thoughts, words, and deeds, ask yourself if your choice is bringing darkness or light to the world. (Guns are dark in case you were confused about that).
  • Be an example.  Show up as a beacon of light, love, and compassion. 
  • Express your desires.  Every time you spend money, you are voting for how you want your world to be.  Vote for light.  Things that cause darkness include:  guns, violent movies and books, pornography, alcohol, drugs, tobacco, and of course all the non-food of SAD (Standard American Diet).
  • Be the healer that you are.  You are here to help and to serve others.  Notice those around you suffering and take action.  Don't wait for solutions to come from that slow moving train.  

If you would like to help the families in Newtown, click here>>>

Saturday, December 15, 2012


On this Saturday morning I opened my eyes with absolute and total gratitude to know that my my children were safe, secure, and happy...for this moment.  It's only in this moment that they exist to me because their future, just like all of our futures, is uncertain.  It can change in just one moment as evidenced yesterday in Connecticut.  My moment of gratitude turned to heartbreak for the other parents waking up today.  I wondered if they had even slept.  I wondered if they simply held each other through the night.  I imagined their bodies betraying them allowing them to sleep, to dream, to wake up, and to have to remember that they can't walk down the hall and give their darling baby a big hug and kiss on this Saturday morning.

The question of course, is why?  What is the message and what is the lesson?  As a society, have we truly gone so far that rational and commonly supported mass beliefs  like gun control, care for the mentally ill, and community support cannot be implemented.  Is this simply another wake up call from God that we are all here to help and serve each other for the benefit and greater good of all and that there will be karmic consequences if we do not learn to move as one?  Does it really need to be this dramatic to get all our attention?  Is it drama or simply the unwinding of all that we as spiritual beings have failed to do?  The hurricane of tamasic dark energy putting out the light of sattva or purity. 

I look to the past few years of our life together as Americans and see all the wake up calls that we are not waking up to.  The BP Oil Spill was a call for us to respect our planet and implement the necessary changes for green energy.  We did not respond.  The 2012 drought...another great call from mother nature that we cannot continue to pump water to unsustainable places.  The mass extinction of species of animal and trees, the melting of the polar caps, hurricanes, tornados, and floods....

Shootings at malls, schools, and political rallies.  Over 10,000 deaths from guns alone in America.  People dying en masse from heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.  1 in 4 children in America going hungry on a daily basis. 

Pan out to the world.  I don't even need to go there.  You know the the headline news.

Why?  I know why.  I don't care if this is a wake up call or not.  I don't care why.  I just know that action must be taken.  Do something profound today.  Pick a cause and dedicate yourself to it.  Slow your life down and make time for service.  Commit to service of others.  Go check on your neighbors.  Donate to charity.  Plant a tree.  Return some Christmas gifts and give the money to a cause that can save the planet, implement gun control, and ease the suffering of the mentally ill and those traumatized by it.  Get involved in the shift that is happening. Do something meaningful, valuable, and change the legacy of our time here on earth.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

12.12.12., Roomba, and you don't even want to know...

This morning I woke up on this auspicious day of 12.12.12 around 4 am and decided to take advantage of the thin veil and meditate.  Astrologically, 12.12.12 doesn't mean a whole lot, but my friends who love numerology tell me that this is a big day.  Added all together, you get the number 9.  I think everyone is forgetting that it's actually 12.12.2012 and that's 11.  Anyhow, I'll forgo what seems obvious to me and accept the widely accepted belief that today is a 9.  Nine is a big number in spiritual circles because that number is the only number you can multiply by, reduce, and get back to that number.  It's the only constant. It's energy is expansive.  Nine represents love on a global level.

Now I have to back up a little bit...  Last night I was greeted at the front door with a much anticipated package from Amazon.  In it, the highly coveted, much saved for, and life changing Roomba.  That guy is the very expensive little circular automatic sweeper that is cooler than anything you've ever seen in your entire life and will totally change the wool dust bunny situation in the Montgomery studio.  With much excitement I unwrapped that little lover, literally gave him a huge hug, and plugged him in to charge so he'd be ready to go to work with me in the morning.

Well that little guy sure was happy to join the world on 12.12.12.  He charged himself right up and went to work at 3 am.

Now I have to back up even more.  I have a Golden Retriever named Cheddar.  I love her dearly, but boy oh boy does her purebred belly have it's issues.  Last week she stole my son's dinner when he evacuated the house to stand on the front porch in the cold to wait for me to come home because he thought there was a ghost in the house (that's a different blog).  Anyhow, her belly has not been happy since. (Chicken fried in daughter's only request for her birthday from her health nut mom...again, that's a different blog).

Flash forward.  So at 4 am as I'm walking to my meditation room, I notice a smell.  In horror, I notice that my lovely lover Roomba is not on his dock.  In terror, I walk into the kitchen to see poor little Roomba sitting in the middle of a big pile of....S@$T.  He's covered.  Boy that little guy tried hard.  I know he wanted to make a good first impression and have the house all tidy for me.  I can only imagine after the first charge of his little life how excited he must have been to sweep.  He must have thought he hit the jackpot.  I gave him a bath (details of which are omitted with intent), but sadly, I don't know if he's going to make it.  He just wasn't designed to handle that kind of a mess.

(the dog is fine...stop worrying about her.)

So, if everything means something and all is a reflection of my thoughts and a creation of my Soul, what does it mean on 12.12.12...a day of love and expansion...when Roomba who you have been yearning for for a year dies his first time out trying to clean up a big pile of S#@T? 

What on earth could that represent and what is my lesson?  Seriously?  WHAT??????  I can only imagine it must mean as we approach global love and expansion, as we near the end/beginning of the world, as we dawn upon the Age of Aquarius that we will still have piles of S#@T to clean up.

Monday, December 10, 2012

If you've ever had a chance to work with me during the Elemental Cleanse or during Meditation Yogi Style, then you know that I am fascinated with astrology.  I've been studying for the past eight years.  I'm a total novice, so please don't ask me to read your chart, but I can give you some basics and tools to begin a journey of self-study.  I love astrology because it is a means by which to look at my personality and preferences and ask the question, "Who am I?"

If you ever want an actual reading, I always recommend my friend, Laurie Baum.  I recommend her to my students for a multitude of reasons.  First, she is a Yogini.  She gets it.  She's very experienced.  She's a disciple of Yogananda...that means she will facilitate healing through you doing your work.  Laurie releases every year her annual predictions.  They are good.  Her 2013 predictions are below as well as how to get ahold of her for an appointment.  Shanti,  Pamela

To make an appointment with Laurie,  call her at (760) 753-7676. Click here to visit Laurie’s website for more information.


I considered waiting until after December 21, 2012 (Winter Solstice), to write the 2013 astrological forecast— to make sure time hadn’t “ended” as foretold by the Mayan calendar. But in the spirit of optimism, I would like to share my usual new year forecast with you prior to the potential “end of time,” given that astrological indicators point toward a new year of positive growth in consciousness and an end of time as we have known it only. The Mayans actually predicted that a wave of spiritual energy would enter the magnetic field of the Earth on December 21, 2012. This wave of higher consciousness will benefit those who are ready to receive, even though it potentially will be resisted by those who are not ready to receive.

Indeed, a spiritual awakening is strongly indicated by astrological alignments in 2013, including a mid-summer celestial line-up of Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune in the flowing water signs of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. Water signs revolve around feelings, which often serve as a bridge between our material aspirations and our spiritual yearnings—the sign of Cancer arouses spiritual feelings through home and family, Scorpio stirs spiritual connection through deep psychological exploration, and Pisces awakens our desire to transcend and be reunited with the Divine. Jupiter, which is oriented toward philosophy and spiritual teachings, brings us luck and expansion. Saturn, which is geared toward hard work, discipline, and the working out of karma, teaches important spiritual lessons. And Neptune mediates the energy of spiritual transcendence—although with Neptune, if higher energies are not channeled through spiritual avenues, may lead to escapism or self-deception. Neptune also blurs the boundaries between people, established structures, and ideas, and facilitates connections between people across the planet, currently via social media and the internet.

Along with the spiritual opening, ample opportunities to harness the power of water will be generated under the influence of Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune in water signs. The 3 planets will form a “grand trine” between June 11 and July 19. A grand trine is a triangular formation in the heavens that leads to ease and stability between the energies involved, in this case, between spirituality and philosophy (Jupiter), self-discipline (Saturn), and the oceanic feeling that connects you to your soul (Neptune).

Another potent planetary alignment begins to form in the heavens near the Spring Equinox of 2013 with Jupiter in Gemini, Saturn in Scorpio, and Pluto (subterranean energies of the earth and the human psyche) in Capricorn, to create a “Finger of God” between March 23 and March 29. This line-up portends a confrontation with reality where expectations have been over-inflated. The Finger of God also will bring latent disharmony to the surface, as it raises issues that have been ignored. Consequences of ignoring signs of imbalance could manifest as illness in the body, illness in the financial system, or illness in the ecology of the planet as a whole. The Finger of God applies equally to physical, mental-emotional and financial health. The Finger of God will expose financial scams and will rattle the financial markets. Take precautions with your physical health and finances under this planetary influence. The Finger of God also will have a hand in exposing government corruption due to an alignment between Saturn in Scorpio and Uranus in Aries in April and October 2013; it is not a good time to cover up scandals. With the abundant spiritual energies available during the year, all physical losses will be transmuted into spiritual lessons and gains. You will not feel you have lost out by the time the year is over.

A series of eclipses in late April and May, and again in mid-October to early-November, will strongly impact Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius (see eclipse chart below for dates). The eclipses also will cause weather disturbances that will affect the movement of water around the planet—through an over-abundance or shortage of this precious resource. Other liquid-like substances, such as oil, natural gas, and even the blood in our bodies, will be affected by the eclipses. The human body is composed of nearly 75% water. Experiments show that the water molecule changes in response to thoughts and feelings, thus profoundly affecting our physical bodies and the movement of water across the planet.

The spring and fall seasons will demonstrate to us the power of our positive thoughts of love, kindness, charity, honesty, and compassion, and our negative thoughts of greed, duplicity, neglect, anger, or obsessive-compulsive or self-centered thinking. We will experience these consequences in our bodies through illness, and in the natural world—through flooding or droughts, earthquakes or mudslides, and high winds or tornadoes. People also will be carried away by impassioned thoughts and feelings if they do not remember to stay spiritually in balance. According to Paramahansa Yogananda, spiritual teacher from India, The sudden cataclysms that occur in nature, creating havoc and mass injury, are not “acts of God.” Such disasters result from the thoughts and actions of man. Wherever the world’s vibratory balance of good and evil is disturbed by an accumulation of harmful vibrations, the result of man’s wrong thinking and wrong doing, you will see devastation …

Expect more news about the dangers of drilling under the surface of Mother Earth for oil or natural gas as well. Both viscous substances are cushions for seismic activity. As these buffers are removed from the earth, the planet as a whole becomes more susceptible to seismic activity, with greater jarring between the plates occurring due to lack of protection from natural gas, oil, and water. The greatest movement will occur in late April, May, late October and November. Take precautions with travel plans during these periods.

A continuing square alignment of individualistic Uranus in Aries and turbulent Pluto in Capricorn will occur on May 20 and November 1. This planetary alignment will have occurred an unusual 7 times between 2012 and 2015 (June 2012, September 2012, May 2013, Nov 2013, April 2014, Dec 2014, and March 2015). A similar planetary alignment last occurred 3 times in the mid-1960s, and occurred 5 times from 1930 to 1935. Under its influence, the consequences of past actions—financial, economic, governmental, environmental, physical or emotional—will demand they be dealt with through innovative, creative—and even revolutionary—solutions. The scope of the changes are bound to be far-reaching under Uranus and Pluto because both planetary energies bring to the surface that which has been buried or hidden. Again, this planetary transit will occur 7 times between 2012 and 2015, meaning that the changes will be deep, lasting, revolutionary, and seminal for our time. This does not mean that times will be bad—just that the times we are living through, in case you haven’t noticed, will be active. You may imagine that you are waking up every day to a new sci-fi thriller, not quite knowing what to expect, but sure to witness something you have not experienced before.

Additionally, in 2013, the magnetic poles of the earth will continue to shift toward reversal, keeping us in phase with the magnetic poles of the Sun, our central star, with which our planet resonates due to our inclusion in the “heliosphere.” The Sun’s magnetic poles already have reversed, according to the NASA website. The magnetic poles of the Earth are expected to follow suit. According to NASA, the last time the Earth experienced a magnetic pole reversal was approximately 740,000 years ago. ( Scientists have confirmed that the Earth’s magnetic north pole is moving at an accelerating speed from northern Canada toward Russia.

The sometimes-violent shifting winds from the movement of the polar axis were partially behind the confluence of three storms that caused Hurricane Sandy on October 29, 2012, the 82nd anniversary of the stock market crash of October 29, 1929. What’s more, Hurricane Sandy also occurred just after the Full Moon, which coincides with higher tides. Due to the polar shift, you will feel alternating cold and warm winds as the poles move and then stabilize. I say that the polar shift was only partially responsible for Hurricane Sandy because negative thoughts of greed and fear, and lack of connection with the Source, were also behind both events on October 29, in 1929 and 2012. Astronomically, this date also corresponds with a volatile sector of the sky called the Via Combusta.

Finally, astrologically speaking, karmic Saturn in Scorpio is in “mutual reception” with Pluto, god of the underworld, in Capricorn, meaning that the two planets will support and strengthen each other. This planetary pairing may provide a few challenges in 2013, especially where government intervention is involved. Governmental bodies will be either overly assertive—or underly effective in 2013. But please bear in mind that the greatest growth can come from the greatest trials—and passing the spiritual tests posed by Saturn (both for individuals and groups of people) ultimately will make all of us stronger.

So remember, the distance between a problem and the solution is the distance between your knees and the floor. Please don’t forget the power of prayer, affirmations, contemplation, and meditation.
Perhaps it’s a symbol, but as I write this newsletter, a series of large black crows have gathered outside my window, cawing loudly, as if to remind me to stay alert to what lies ahead and to remind others of the same. Crows are messengers with their loud cawing. Native Americans considered them omens of change. A bee just flew by as well. Bees are pollinators, spreading good through their busy activities. Perhaps both creatures are alerting us of the need for all of us to spread the message of positive, peaceful change.

I quoted Charles Dickens in the 2012 forecast. In 1859, on the cusp of the American Civil War, Dickens wrote in A Tale of Two Cities that it was the best of times and the worst of times. With a similar polarity between red states and blue states, the nation—and the world—stand at a crossroads. Today, we are caught between different philosophies of government as well as between spiritual and material paths. Arguably, we have reached a peak of material abundance in some parts of the world, and it is time for a re-balancing. Perhaps, as an antidote, we need spiritual nourishment, which is exactly what 2013 will bring.

The year of 2013 will be a year to discover what truly nourishes you. And for many people, a spiritual connection is a source of nourishment waiting to be discovered. May you be one of those people who experiences spiritual enlightenment in 2013. Please don’t worry about the economy. There are enough material goods and money for everyone. The problem is in the distribution rather than in the lack of goods and money, as was the case in the 1930s. A quote from Paramahansa Yogananda about bringing prosperity into our lives: If mankind as a whole behaved unselfishly, the power of [cause and effect] would distribute prosperity equally to all men, without exception.
Whatever you may think you may have lost in a material way will not be a loss to your soul. You have much to gain as you turn to the Spirit that lives inside you in 2013, as you breathe, meditate, and listen to your internal rhythm—the rhythm of your breath and your body. Ultimately, as you listen to your inner rhythms, you will hear the rhythm of your soul.

I received such an overwhelming response to last year’s list of ten suggestions that I am repeating them here for your convenience. They can help you stay aligned with your soul and Spirit in 2013 and beyond:

1) Focus on your heart. The energy of your heart is 5,000 times more powerful than that of your other organs, including your brain. A strong awareness of your heart, of giving, of charity, of compassion, of empathy, will raise your magnetic resonance and guide you to the right people and places to be safe in 2012 and beyond.
2) Meditate. Focus on your spiritual eye in the center of your forehead, become aware of your breathing, inwardly chant “Om.” This activity will align you with your soul and Spirit and raise your personal magnetic resonance so all of your needs are fulfilled.
3) Think positive thoughts. Positive thinking raises your magnetic resonance and attracts you to the positive outcome you give energy to.
4) Visualize what you want to create—and you will electromagnetically attract the object of your visualization.
5) Pray. Your prayers for yourself and others raise your magnetic resonance and increase the magnetic field of the person you are praying for—and the planet as a whole.
6) Affirm. Affirm in your mind repeatedly throughout the day the positive reality you envision for yourself and others.
7) Give as much as you can. Charity opens the way for more abundance to come to you.
8) Practice gratitude. Gratitude opens the way for more of the quality you are thankful for to come to you.
9) Raise your magnetic resonance through physical methods—get plenty of sunshine, clean water, fresh fruits and vegetables, and feel the beneficial effects of negative ions (positive energy) from moving water, rivers, oceans, waterfalls or even rain—God’s way of cleaning the earth to bring positive energy.
10) Simplify. Lower your expectations, especially the unrealistic ones. Focus on what is important. Let go of the rest.
Know that everything will be okay. No matter what happens, nothing will happen that you can’t handle, and nothing that isn’t supposed to come into your life can come if you live in alignment with your soul and Spirit.

March 7 * Saturn at Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn — Governments and corporations under financial pressure exert contractive pressure on others
March 23 * Jupiter in Gemini inconjunct Saturn Retrograde in Scorpio — One force tries to disseminate information while another force tries to control information
March 29 * Jupiter in Gemini inconjunct Pluto in Capricorn — One force tries to disseminate information while another force tries to conceal information
April 12 * Saturn Retrograde in Scorpio inconjunct Uranus in Aries — Change is experienced
May 19 * Jupiter in Gemini sesquiquadrate Saturn Retrograde in Scorpio — Conflicting interests create friction
May 20 * Uranus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn — 3rd of 7 such line-ups between June 2012 and March 2015 — Revolutionary change is afoot
June 11 * Saturn Retrograde in Scorpio trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces — Spiritual solutions prevail
June 25 * Jupiter enters Cancer for the 1st time since 2002 — Housing prices temporarily rise until mid-2014
July 17 * Jupiter in Cancer trine Saturn in 4 Scorpio — Spiritual and philosophical reasoning produce pragmatic solutions
July 17 * Jupiter in Cancer trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces — Spiritual approach produces positive results
July 19 * Saturn in Scorpio trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces — Grand Water Trine between Saturn, Neptune, Jupiter — Spiritual opening
August 7 * Jupiter in Cancer opposite Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn — Revelations from the depths of your psyche and the earth
August 20 * Jupiter in Cancer square Uranus Retrograde in Aries — More change
September 20 * Saturn in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn — More government intervention, perhaps to excess
September 28 * Jupiter in mid-late Cancer sesquiquadrate Neptune Retrograde in Pisces — Despite frustrations, persist on spiritual course
October 4 * Saturn in Scorpio inconjunct Uranus Retrograde in Aries — Change feels uncomfortable, more adjustments needed
November 1 * Uranus Retrograde in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn — 4th of 7 such line-ups between June 2012 and March 2015 — Stunning technological advances revealed
December 12 * Jupiter Retrograde in Cancer trine Saturn in Scorpio — Governmental inaction gives way to action
December 17 * Jupiter Retrograde in Cancer sesquiquadrate Neptune in Pisces — Continue on your spiritual path despite internal resistance
December 21 * Venus Retrograde in Capricorn until January 31, 2014 — Connect with loved ones

April 25 * Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus-Scorpio
May 10 * New Moon Annular Solar Eclipse in Taurus
May 25 * Full Moon Annular Lunar Eclipse in Gemini-Sagittarius
October 18 * Full Moon Annular Lunar Eclipse in Libra-Aries
November 3 * New Moon Total Annular Solar Eclipse in Scorpio (near Saturn)

February 23–March 17 * Mercury Retrograde in Pisces
June 26–July 20 * Mercury Retrograde in Cancer
October 21–November 10 * Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio


Monday, December 3, 2012

What haven't you caught onto?

So today was one of those mom days where you kinda live in your car.  I picked my son up from school at 3 pm, drove him home, turned back around at 4 pm to drop my daughter off to a basketball game, drove home, turned back around at 6 pm to drop the son back off to lacrosse.....

I had one of those moments when I realized I simply couldn't do this anymore and stay sane.  It isn't possible to run this much and stay sane.  Seriously, this running the kids around like a lunatic that has been going on for 15 years simply must end.  Yea yea yea...I've done the carpool thing, I've said the "no" word, I've reworked, I've rescheduled, I've manipulated, and I've even sat in my car crying a time or two.

Tonight at 6 pm was different though.  My son got out of the car to join his teammates.  I took a deep breath in.  I took a deep breath out.  I did that again about hmmmmm 20 times.  That's when inspiration came as it always does with a few deep breaths and a lot of synchronisity.  You see, this morning I was simply fascinated by an NPR report on the new Ford F150.  Folks are using these as offices now and they are all set up so that you can even sit inside one and print.  Apparently, these trucks are the most important tool in their toolbox.  I got a Ford.  Granted, it's a baby blue hybrid escape, but it's got an electric outlet.  I got tools.  Granted they come in the form of holistic modalities.

So, 15 years later I have finally solved the mommy dilemma.  I have turned my car into a home office Zen retreat center.  I'm gonna do a little online xmas shopping so I don't have to go to any stores this holiday season.  Then I'm gonna meditate after I stare at the evening stars through my sunroof.  I might take a nice walk around the parking lot and get some fresh air.  After that, if I'm not too blissed out, I might just get a little work done.  Ahhhhh....the sweet delight of "me" time.

There is magic in the breath.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Relationship of Yoga

Elemental OM is a spiritual yoga studio and not really a “power” studio, so we are not flooded with young people.  Mostly, we are all over 40 and figuring it out on some level.  During the summer months, EOM offered a really sweet package to kids home from college.  We had a dozen or so take advantage and hang out with us for the summer months.  I just loved it.  All were fresh, vibrant and amazingly curious about the philosophy of yoga.  They were dedicated and passionate in the quietest way.  On some level, they brought out the best in me when I was teaching.  I guess you hit 43 and look back at your life and get nostalgic.  I don’t want to live a life of regret on any level, but dear Lord I wish I had found yoga earlier.  All the different choices I would have made….

I digress.

One of these students is a young budding artist.  She’s introspective, hard working and lovely.  We didn’t really talk very much at all.  I learned bits and pieces about her and met her boyfriend once.  I loved watching her practice.  She simply exuded an elegance and poise that I found fascinating.  As we practiced, I always found myself wondering if she was turning her yoga into art or was her art turning into yoga.

She went back to school.  Yesterday was our last practice together.  I hugged her goodbye and was quite shocked to find myself in tears.  I’m going to miss her so much.  I find this so weird because on a personal level, we really didn’t share too much yet I grew to love her like a mother simply through the daily movement and breath of yoga.

For me, this is a deep lesson of yoga revealed…a tangible experience of the idea of energy being transferred between two humans simply because we consciously move and breathe together. Missing you...

Shanti,  Pamela

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Back to school....YOGA FAIL!!!

So, my kids back to school today.  I love back to school!  I especially love getting up and making breakfast and packing lunch.  It may be the control freak that hides inside of me, but I love that I know what they are eating healthy that day.  As I pack, I imagine myself in a "healthy packed lunch" competition on a world scale and I intend to win.

I'm not a total freak.  It's a recognizable lunch.  All organic, whole and local as it gets.  Whole wheat breads, butters and jams....fresh fruit and yogurt....a "special" treat of a specially crafted cookie or cracker.  It's the kind of lunch that would surely win the award.  I send them off to school proud and fantasize about how envious all the other kids must be.  Surely, they must think my kids more special and more loved with a packed lunch like that.

I eagerly await for my kids to return home.  My son is first and loved his lunch.  The cookie was "pretty good."  This satisfies me.  I feel smug.  Driving my daughter to volleyball practice, I inquire as to how happy her lunch made her.  She makes a disgusted face and explains that so and so got chips and so and so got Doritos and every other kid eats white bread with real meat sandwiches.  We argue.  I tell her about chemicals, obesity, heart disease, cancer and the deplorable state of the farming industry.  I explain the rules of parenting and how it's my job to make her the healthiest human possible.  I explain that kids in Africa are starving.  She rolls her eyes and agrees to eat just the fruit and sandwich next time.  I'm not to bother with the other stuff.

I head to the grocery determined to please her.  It's a competition after all.  Walking through the lanes, however, I begin to seethe.  I mean, I'm really pissed.  I grab some chips and put them back.  I grab some chocolate this and that and put it back.  I look at the turkey lunch meat and put it back.  I read the label on the white bread and put it back.  I get even more mad. 

Oddly, I'm not mad at her.  I'm mad at all the other parents who are packing white bread, chips, cookies, and soda.  How can I compete with that?  They are cheating at this game of mine.  It's not fair.  How am I supposed to raise kids that are healthy and holistic when they are surrounded by crud?  I know everyone is busy.  I know it's hard to feed and please a kid.  I know healthy cooking requires time, planning, and can be a frustrating.  I know.  Can't you help me out a little though? 

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Does the world really shift when you shift?

Elemental OM is halfway through it's Yoga Teacher Training course.  In my course, the teachers must experience the Elemental Cleanse and embrace an Ayurvedic Lifestyle for the duration on top of learning to be a yoga teacher.  This means that they have a daily personal yoga practice, meditation practice and lifestyle routine.  You might imagine that this facilitates some pretty serious physical, emotional and spiritual shifting.  The purpose of all of this to help the teacher transform into a healer.  Yoga teachers are healers after all.  Why not graduate with aura expanded and your divine light shining through?

One interesting thing that has happened in the last few weeks is that a lot of my teachers in training have started to ask for advice about their families.  There is concern for interpersonal relationships as well as for the health of family members.  It really struck me the other day because it seems EVERY one of them is asking about this.  My first response was to give them all kinds of advice for the situations.  But then, I had an "ah-ha" moment as I realized what was really going on.

You see, they are dynamically shifting in a very quick way.  (If you are on a spiritual path, you may be too.)  Their partners, families, and coworkers are not.  As you begin to vibrate on a different frequency than those you are used to (and them used to you) it causes some conflict until the others catch up to you.  Here's the rub.  You can't actually change anyone to help them catch up.  People change.  You can't change them.  You can only change yourself.  So, while you are doing your work of shifting, they are doing nothing.  By simply showing up your best self, however, you are going to help them shift unawares.

You may find yourself impatient with this process, annoyed by those around you, and simply DONE with a lot of the interpersonal "habits" that have developed through the years.  This is going to cause conflict in your relationships.  Drop into the heart center and do your best to simply meet people where they are.  All things happen with divine timing.  Stay your path with dedication and care.  Don't let others hold you back from your growth just because they aren't quite ready for it.

Sadly, you might find that some relationships go away.  The people who truly love you will follow you even if it's just a little tiny bit.  Make room for new friends that support your life's journey and dharma.

Om Shanti,  Pamela

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Ayurvdic Approach to High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is defined in an adult as a blood pressure greater than or equal to 140 mm Hg systolic pressure or greater than or equal to 90 mm Hg diastolic pressure. High blood pressure directly increases the risk of coronary heart disease (which leads to heart attack) and stroke, especially when it's present with other risk factors.

High blood pressure can occur in children or adults, but it's more common among people over age 35. It's particularly prevalent in African Americans, middle-aged and elderly people, obese people, heavy drinkers and women taking birth control pills. It may run in families, but many people with a strong family history of high blood pressure never have it. People with diabetes mellitus, gout or kidney disease are more likely to have high blood pressure, too.  ~ From the American Heart Association

High Blood Pressure kills approximately 2 million people each year and is known as the "silent killer".  Blood pressure should be below 120/80.

Diet and Lifestyle
High Blood Pressure is an indication of an imbalance of both the energies of Vata or The Wind and Pitta or The Fire.  This discourse is a a short term strategy to facilitate relief from this situation that can cause headaches, fatigue, irritability and mood swings.  A long term strategy requires further education as discussed below.

In the moment:

Sit down alone and in silence.  Close your eyes.  Even the breathe by simply breathing in through the nose for 3 seconds and breathing out through the nose for 3 seconds.  Use long, relaxed breath.  Once your breath is under control, place your attention on your heart.  You will feel it beating in your chest and probably elsewhere especially if you have a headache.  Focus on the heart.  Relax your hands and turn your palms face up.  Imagine that you can send your heartbeat to your hands and imagine you feel your heart beating in your palms until you actually do.  Sit this way drawing your attention to the heartbeat in the palms for at least 5 minutes and probably longer until your blood pressure begins to normalize.

Take it easy for the rest of the day.

Immediately Take Action:
  • Eliminate Caffeine even if causes withdrawal from caffeine.
  • Eliminate Alcohol.
  • Eliminate Salt.
  • Eliminate fried and oily foods.  No more fast food full of salt and bad fat.

Herbal Therapy:
  • Neem:  Neem has an antihistamine property of nimbidin which causes the blood vessels to dilate and may be helpful in reducing high blood pressure.
  • The Alcohol extract of neem leaf has been shown to produce immediate decrease in high blood pressure that can last for several hours.  You can buy it in liquid form and take by the dropperful.
  • Flax Oil raises the good LDL, feeds the frontal lobe and the sheath that covers the nerves of the body..all of these are depleted by stress which is a primary indicator of HBP.

  • Gentle Yoga focuses on relaxation 2 - 3 times each week
  • Daily casual walking of no less than 30 minutes
  • 15 minutes of seated meditation followed by a 5 - 10 minute relaxation in Shavasana or the Corpse Pose


A daily massage or abyangha before or after a cool bath.  Use Sesame or Coconut Oil. 
Other Therapy:

Something to think about....

What is the root cause of your stress?  What is going on in your life?  Do you need a little coaching to get you organized, prioritized, and on the right path?  I do private consultations, so feel free to contact me.  email>>>

The American Heart Association has the following Ayurvedic lifestyle would support and complement these recommendations.  Consider participation in The Elemental Cleanse or The Elemental Lifestyle to learn how to embrace a routine and nutritional plan right for you.
  • Lose Weight
  • Get regular physical activity
  • Stop smoking
  • Manage your stress
  • Eat for heart health
  • Follow the advice of your physician

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Relationship with food quiz

Every time I open my email, I receive some sort of quiz.  I can't help but take the quizzes.  Inside of me lives a student who always wants to excel and not disappoint the auto responder email system.  Anyhow, after receiving yet another diet quiz, I paused and really thought about what does make a healthy relationship with food.  You see, I've struggled with all kinds of things, but never really food.  Of course I get into the occasional bad habit of poor choice making, but I can pull myself back. 

Things that I have to completely avoid and do struggle with are alcohol, diet coke, snickers and twizzlers, the need to be perfect, the need to excel, excessive working, self and other criticism and OHHHHH  so many more.  Today, I wondered, what is it about food that makes food not my issue and what is it about all those other things that make those my issues?  Are they different?  This is what I noticed about me after taking the quiz I made up for you to take!!

Do you spend a significant amount of energy thinking about your weight?
I do not spend hardly any time thinking about my weight even when I am in need of losing some.  I do however spend time thinking about how nice it would be to have a glass of wine or a diet coke.  My mind goes back to that again and again especially when stressed.  The only time I worry about my weight is when I feel, in general, bad about myself on multiple levels.  This usually follows "perceived" criticism. 

Have you tried multiple weight loss programs only to find nothing sticks?
I have never ever ever succeeded at dieting.  I have always failed.  I hate diets.  They do not work for me on any level.  In fact, my ego rebels big time and I tend to gain weight if I think I have to diet.  I think that's why I love the "no calorie counting" and "common sense" policy of Ayurveda.  I also like that if you slip up, you just make the more nourishing choice the next time.  I have tried every way on the planet to stop alcohol consumption.  For me, The Elemental Cleanse and living the Lifestyle have worked.  It was a process and a lot of self work, but I feel whole and like me or maybe like a new me.  I don't know.  None of the mandated systems worked.  I guess I was never really able to be so out there with my problem either.  It's hard to ask for help.

Do you crave heavy and dense food like sweets, pastas and chips?
I crave salty and crunchy snacks especially when close to my menstrual cycle.  If I have a snicker bar one day, it sends me down a path of craving for 3 days...same goes for cake.  I mostly avoid it, but do indulge and then suffer later.  I really sense the association of sugar and alcohol craving.

Do you find yourself emotionally eating or eating unaware?
I don't think I emotionally eat although sometimes I find myself alone on a Sunday night and I want popcorn and cheese and other stuff.  I use the distraction of going to bed early or I will indulge.  My cravings are usually post 10 pm when I should be in bed anyway.  I definitely emotionally drink, work, and criticize.

Do you find that your food choices and your behavior with food make you unhappy and feel shame?
I don't feel shamed when I indulge in a bad habit unless its alcohol.  I've worked so hard to be free of it that if I were to have a glass of wine now, I would immediately feel sad and start the self-loathing process.  It's a catch 22.

So, honestly answer my quiz yourself and realize that are human.  If you want to learn how to quit your habits and embrace new habits, come work with me.  I'll show you how to be human on a yogi level.  We can you all cleaned out and start fresh! 

I look forward to helping you.  OM Shanti,  Pamela

Friday, August 3, 2012

Health Status Quiz

The western definition of health is basically the "absence of disease."  What this means is that you can go to the doctor when you are feeling bad, have a ton of tests run, results come back normal and the doctor looks you in the eye and honestly tells you that they can't find anything and nothing is wrong with you.  This is no fault of their own, it's just the way we view health in America.

An Ayurvedic perspective of health is much more rich.  Health is viewed as having balanced doshas or energies of the body and mind, perfect digestion, appropriate metabolism for time of life, healthy tissues, the ability to discern and...drum roll...happiness.  

So, are you healthy from an Ayurvedic perspective?  Here's some questions you should be able to agree with:

I sleep well.
I wake up feeling fresh each morning.
I do not need to nap.
I eliminate daily at least once and not more than twice.
My elimination is easy and without effort happening at an appropriate time each day.
My joints are loose.
I am not suffering from inflammation.
I can focus, listen and understand.
I am able to make decisions that benefit self and others.
I enjoy other people.
I find that I am compassionate and nonjudgmental most of the time.
I am tolerating the summer heat and not suffering in excess from it.
I choose the more nourishing choice for food 95% of the time.  That means when choosing between and apple and a cookie, I choose the apple.
I have time in each day to relax and take care of myself.
I am of an appropriate weight and like my body.
My skin is clear, soft, and subtle.
My eyes sparkle.

 If you answered yes to these, you are in good shape.  If you answered no, what changes can you make in your routine, diet and life to allow health to blossom.  You might consider participating in The Elemental Cleanse. This course is offered online as an ecourse to be done in the comfort of your own home.  It's a 28 day immersion into Ayurveda that results in health!  

The In Person Elemental Cleanse Experience starts on Monday at 6 pm in the Montgomery Studio.  You can work with me and receive special attention!  email>>>
Om Shanti, Pamela

Monday, July 9, 2012

The following exercise was developed by Carol Sue Flowers.  It is a way to sit with your emotional pain and gently shift it.  I think I love the practice of loving yourself through the emotions the best.  So often, we are faced with negativity and we turn against ourselves for not being able to be more sattvic or pure in your thoughts.  Give it a try.  It works.  Om Shanti,  Pamela



Fundamentally, emotions are “energy in motion”.  Energy cannot be destroyed, but it can be shifted and changed. Therefore, emotions can be shifted and changed. The Emotional Clearing Formula was designed to assist you in this process. Negative emotional pain can arise at any time in our lives… having the tools to support you can be invaluable. Intend that deep emotional release happens at an appropriate time when you are able to consciously work through it.

Catch it Early ~ Stay Conscious ~ Breathe Deeply

Be aware of negative emotional reactions early ~ the longer you allow them to dominate you unconsciously, the longer it may take to clear them. Notice and stay aware of what you’re feeling ~ but don’t “become” the feeling.  Be the “Witness” or “Objective Observer” of the feelings. Breathe deeply into the feeling. Practice becoming more aware of what you are really feeling each day.

Remember Who You Are ~ Breathe Deeply

Remember you are a God-Being. You are most essentially a being of Love and Truth.  You are an eternal being, experiencing the limitations of a 3 dimensional world which include emotions. Say out loud:  “I AM THAT I AM”   “I AM LOVE”  “I AM GOOD” or something similar.  Claim your Divinity no matter how terrible you may be feeling in the moment.

Love Yourself in Spite of the Things You Are Feeling ~ Never Betray Yourself

Self love may be difficult to feel in the midst of acute negative emotions.  Self-hate is likely to arise. Do not surrender into it.  Even if you can’t “feel” self-love in the moment, at least intend that you are moving in that direction. Never judge yourself or your feelings! Accepting the feeling is the first step to changing it.

Acknowledge and Honor the Emotions ~ Breathe Deeply through Them

Allow yourself to feel and acknowledge as completely as possible, the grief, anger, fear etc. (but don’t get stuck in the feelings ~ shift the energy as quickly as possible ~ this may be difficult at first, but will become easier with practice). Breathe through and out your heart-center. Remain the “Witness” as you speak to your emotional body by saying statements such as:  “I see you have a lot of sadness”.  Have great compassion for yourself. Remember ~ you are not these emotions ~ they are stuck energy patterns that can be shifted and changed.

Do Something to Shift the Energy ~ Breathe through Your Heart-Center

Continue to breathe deeply through your heart-center. Do one or more of the following:  Use healing art: such as the StarGlyphs cards (Pam, Please add in here the location on your site where they can see the sample Star-Glyph deck), color or draw.  Move the body: dance, shake, run.  Use the voice: sing, chant mantras, scream, LAUGH. Try anything to shift the energy. Remember it is very important that you stay conscious through the process.

Ask for Complete Clearing and Assistance

Call upon the Creator of Love. Specifically ask for help. Ask for complete clearing of the emotions back to the original cause. Sincerely say, “Beloved Creator, please send help, please clear this”.

Acknowledge the Underlying Cause of the Emotion

When you feel calm and relaxed, ask yourself what was the triggering event or the underlying false belief that caused this emotional pattern. Often there are sub-conscious beliefs that need to be changed.  Seek out a trained counselor or other practitioner who specializes in this type of work.

Rest and Nurture Yourself

After the emotions quiet and shift, practice self-care and self compassion. Take a hot bath with sea salt and baking soda.  Find a way to “treat” yourself. Watch an uplifting movie, eat ice cream or get a full body massage. Always love yourself deeply. Don’t get caught in your own drama ~ don’t take it all too seriously, no matter how terrible it may feel in the moment.

The Emotional Clearing Formula was developed by Carol Sue Flowers.

Carol holds a Bachelor of Science in Graphic Design from DAAP at the University of Cincinnati and a Divinity Diploma from the Unification Theological Seminary in New York.  Carol is certified as a 3rd Degree Practitioner in Traditional Japanese Reiki; Level 1 Teacher in Ipsalu Kriya Tantric Yoga; and an Axiatonal Energy Alignment Practitioner and Teacher.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Yoga Teacher Fail...

I will start this post with I'm Pitta, it's 100 degrees in Ohio and I have been getting up at 5 am for the past 3 weeks to teach a 6 am practice.  Now the fact that I am Pitta and it's 100 degrees in Ohio is out of my control.  I just have to literally melt into that. 

The fact that I chose to put a 6 am class on the schedule for a month is, well, insanity.  Why did I choose that choice?  Seriously, the morning hours are sacred to me.  This is when I choose to commune with Spirit. This is when I have my intimate moments and discussions with what is sacred to me. This is MY time and it's beyond sacred.  It's my date with God.  God expects I will show.  I expect God will show.

Teaching a practice and leading meditation is not the same as practicing and meditating.  To say the least...I'm going out of balance.  Okay, I am out of balance.  Pitta grrrrrrrrrr.

So why did I choose to do this?  EOM has a teacher training program.  My intent is to turn out some really powerful yoga teachers.  I know from being a teacher and from running a studio that has lots of teachers/instructors that if you do not have a personal practice of yoga and meditation, you will be a yoga instructor and not a yoga teacher, no matter what.  If you aren't walking the walk, you can't talk the talk.  I want to give my teachers in training the opportunity to establish their practice.  I want them to understand what I understand...the morning hours are sacred.

So, today when only 2 of my teachers in training showed up (and the numbers have been dwindling as the weeks have passed) I felt pretty bad.  I felt ineffective as a teacher and as a leader.  I felt that my ability to inspire must be diminished.  I felt depleted and just plain tired.  I also felt insane.  Why do I care so much about yoga?  Why is this desire to teach others so deep in me and so important?  After all, isn't this just yoga?  It's just yoga.  Right?

Once I returned home, I realized I needed a little renewal.  When I need uplifting, I find one of my teachers.  I searched for a lecture from Yogi Bhajan.  As Spirit would have it, I found just the right message.  Here's what Yogi Bhajan had to say about being a teacher of teachers:

"There is no relationship between a stone and a chisel and that is the relationship between student and a teacher.  A teacher has no investment in his own life and his environment and he has greatness except to create student of tomorrow. Teacher greatness is not how great teacher is, teacher greatness is not how watched he is, is not how happy and wealthy and how many people serve him and how many people adore him and how many people like him and how many people dislike him and how powerful he is. The only sense which makes to a teacher is will there be a teacher tomorrow that will be ten times better than me?  A student has to be ten times better than his teacher."

See you at 6!

Om Shanti,  Pamela

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Meditating in motion

Indian legend relates many stories about Lord Shiva, also known as “Rudra”. He is famous for being the embodiment of the power of destruction in an eternal cycle of creation maintenance, and destruction. Shiva is also associated with deep states of meditation where thoughts are absent and only silence and emptiness exist. It is said that Lord Shiva once entered a profound state of meditation for the benefit of mankind for a very long time. When he finally emerged from this state and opened his eyes, the deep joy, peace, and love he felt for the human race was expressed with sacred tears which ran down his cheek and fell to earth. Each tear generated a rudraksha tree whose tiny fruits are born of the tears of rudra—the Lord Almighty Himself.

The word rudraksha, in fact, comes from the two Sanskrit words rudra, a synonym for Lord Shiva, and aksha, meaning “eyes”. Botanically, the rudraksha tree is known as Elaecarpus ganitrus Roxb. These trees grow in very few places in the world including the Himalayas of India and Nepal, as well as in parts of Indonesia. They are large trees with a wide silhouette whose flowers bloom annually. The rudraksha berry varies in size (3-40 mm; 1/8 to 1½ inches). It has smooth light green skin and pulp much like a green grape. Lodged within the pulp is a single round seed which has a rough surface and a hole running through it from top to bottom. It is these seeds which are the rudraksha beads. Each seed also possesses fron 1 to 21 vertical lines running down its surface, like the longitude lines on a globe. These lines are known as mukhas, or facets, and are natural formations of the seed. Seeds with one vertical line are known as ek-mukhi (one facet); those with two lines are dwi-mukhi (two facets), and so on.

Many different Hindu scriptures written over many different periods of history describe divine qualities of this little bead. One intriguing aspect of rudraksha lore is that it is worn and worshipped by absolutely everyone regardless of caste, religion, sect, creed, color, or sex. Given the highly secularized history of India this is quite peculiar. Even today, as in past times, it is worn by the Brahmin priest while performing solemn ceremonies, by the soldier engaged in battle, by the store owner or stockbroker conducting business, by the student for knowledge, the poorest of our society for sustenance.

Generally speaking, one who wears the rudraksha in the prescribed manner will invoke the energies of Lord Shiva and negative thoughts and emotions will be destroyed. Rudraksha has a calming effect on the central nervous system. It is said that the rudraksha helps maintain a normal blood pressure and helps maintain health. It has no adverse effects and promotes peace of mind and prosperity for the wearer. In various ancient scriptures (i.e. Padma Purana, Shiva Purana, Mantramaharnava, Rudrajabalopanishad) it is proclaimed that if a person meets his death while wearing a rudraksha he is released from the cycle of life and death and achieves moksha (liberation).

How To Use and Care For The Rudraksha Mala

  • It is best to wear the rudraksha mala (i.e necklace) for the first time on a Monday. If at all possible it should be first brought to a Shiva temple for sanctification early on a Monday morning and then worn immediately after worship. If a Shiva temple is not available then simply wear it initially on a Monday.
  • At bedtime remove the mala and place it on the alter in your home. When traveling you should sleep with it on.
  • After bathing in the morning, hold the mala in the right hand and repeat the appropriate mantra aloud (see below) for 108 times.
  • Do not wear the rudraksha mala during periods of menstrual bleeding or while attending funerals.
  • The rudraksha mala has a very long lifespan. A properly cared for mala can be passed along to eight generations as a family heirloom.
  • The rudraksha mala can be washed occasionally with warm soapy water and allowed to dry naturally. Do not soak for extended periods of time.
  • Rudraksha beads vary in size from 3-40 mm. The size of the bead has no bearing on its effects. However a given mala must contain beads all with the same number of mukhis.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

What's the easiest path?

The 6 am practice is well underway.  I've got about 11 individuals that are showing up daily to experience yoga and meditation.  Today was day 4 of our 30 day journey.  There were lots of yawns in the room, including my own.  It isn't easy to get up at 5 am.  It's hard work and requires a lot of commitment and discipline.  Looking around the room this morning, I was overwhelmed for a moment to have such amazing people in my life.  As tired as I am, I can't think of a more wonderful way to start each day than with the energy of these committed and dedicated yogis. 

They get it.  They are doing their work.  They are on a spiritual journey full of self-discovery and hard work.  It's not just the getting up at 5 am that makes this journey hard work.  It's also the process of looking inward and allowing oneself to change.  It's the self awareness and self discovery.  It's more than hard work.  It's bravery.

Some people can't stay the spiritual path.  They think it is too difficult.  I personally believe that being on a non spiritual path is just as difficult.  Perhaps you don't arise at 5 am, but there are other hardships.  Illness, disease, unhappiness, lack of fulfillment and ever eroding less favorable habits are just a few of the hardships.  I think it takes the same amount of energy to stay in one spot as it does to grow and expand.  Staying in a spot simply means you have to constantly battle the emotions, situations and people in your life that are trying to get you to change.  Changing simply means you are battling the emotions, situations and people in your life that trying to get you to stay the same.

Regardless, it's hard work both ways. 

The idea that one is easier than the other stems from the fact that staying the same has quick results.  Changing takes time.  To stay in your habits, your thought patterns and your belief system appears easy and takes no time.  It's impossible for some to envision the long-term consequences and hard work of staying the same. To challenge the ego and the mind and embrace the spiritual appears hard.  The ego does not like uncertainty and battles every step. 

Ultimately, as the ego subsides and the soul emerges, life does take on effortless ease.  In the end, the hard work was worth it.

Om Shanti,  Pamela

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Awesome Career or Dharma Questions to Ask Yourself

 I love to work.  I won't bore you with the astrological details of my Saturn (hard work) being conjunct my Venus (love) in my second house of money, but that creates a person that would probably choose to work over eating, sleeping, playing and just about everything else.  Work is play.  I guess that explains my entrepreneurial skills and my enthusiasm for building yoga centers, websites and creating workshops and products.

Another thing that I have tapped into that supports all of this is the ability to embrace uncertainty.  If you could relax into the uncertainty of changing jobs or launching your own career, you would find that the whole world colludes for your success.  Relaxing into uncertainty is a practice.  You can begin this practice by envisioning your dream job that is connected to your Dharma or life's purpose.  When you can combine your passion for work, need to achieve success, and desire for income with helping and serving, you have a slam dunk recipe for passionate work.

Think about the following questions:

  • If you had all the money and time in the world making those two things irrelevant, what career would you choose?
  • Today, how can you help and serve another?
  • What skills do you possess that are unique and set you apart from others?
  • What did you want to be when you grew up and how has that changed?  Has it changed?
  • What is your biggest material desire and why?  How will you feel when you receive that desire?  How will your life be different than it is today?
  • Who do you admire and why?  How can you cultivate that quality within yourself?
  • What is your biggest obstacle stopping you from having the career you desire?  What small thing can you do today to begin to move that obstacle?

Manifesting your dream job isn't really that hard.  I think the hardest part is simply giving yourself permission to dream.

Om Shanti,  Pamela

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Find Meaningful Work

Live as if you were living already for the second time ~ Vince Lombardi 

Last night I was teaching Week 3 of the Elemental Cleanse Course to my teachers in training.  Week 3 is fun because we have the opportunity to talk about Dharma or Life's Purpose.  Dharma is the idea that you incarnate in this realm to serve some specific purpose through the daily work that you do.  Finding meaningful work where you express your unique skills and talents in the capacity of service to humanity fosters happiness.

Tapping into Dharma is about getting up every single day of your life and LOVING the drive to work.  It's about being passionate about what you do.  It's about helping others.  We spend an exorbitant amount of time at work, so you know how important it is to be happy at work. Many have had the experience of serving a job that they were not happy in.  It takes a toll on your whole life including your emotional and physical health.

As I was speaking, I was picturing that last breath that each of us will take.  I imagined how your life flashes before your eyes.  For a moment, I was sad as I imagined a person greeting death, looking back, and not feeling like they had really embraced their life.  Don't do that.

Instead, tap into your skills and talents.  What are you naturally good at?  What do you do well?  What do you get lost in?  What activities do you engage in where time seems to stand still? Of course, I have yoga centers and teach health and wellness for my work.  I also have my own business and that means freedom to come and go.  I get to help people feel better all day every day.  It's an awesome job and I'm in my dharma.  I know that sounds fun and obvious, but what you might not know is that I used to be a CPA (certified public accountant.)  Each morning, as an auditor, I would slip on my suit, grab my briefcase, fight traffic and head off to a client to audit their books.  

If you've ever been audited, you can imagine.  You can also imagine that you aren't the most popular person in the building.  It's a tough job and requires about a 12 - 14 hour day most days.  There's extensive travel and the pay is lousy.


I was great at it.  You see, I took my job very seriously.  As a CPA, I knew that I was keeping the financial reporting system honest.  I also knew that I was helping the company to improve systems and flow.  I loved the travel and meeting new people.  I  was thrilled to have a stack of papers a mile high in front of me, to bury myself in it and to come up for air at the end of the day.  I was young and vibrant and loaded with responsibility which translated to "power" in my young mind.   

There was nothing spiritual about being a CPA.  Still, I was in my dharma.  Think about that.

Om Shanti,  Pamela

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

95% of People Gain Back Weight Post Diet

I guess that statistic shouldn't startle me, but it does.  95% of the people that lose weight on a diet will gain it back within 3 years.  This is according to many, but I'll credit Gary D. Foster, PhD,Director, Center for Obesity Research and Education, Professor, Medicine and Public Health.   So a person joins a program like Jenny Craig or Weight Watchers and goes through all the hard work, not to mention expense, of losing the weight just to gain it back in 3 years.  


Simple.  Dieting changes a person.  Dieting doesn't transform a person.  The constant in change is that it is always changing.  Facilitating change alone is not enough to empower an individual to not go back to their old habits.  To eliminate habitual patterns, a person must transform. 

That's where a lifestyle incorporating yoga, meditation and nutrition come in.  An Ayurvedic lifestyle transforms a person on all levels, body, mind, and spirit.  This is how the Elemental Cleanse™ works and why it creates transformation and not change.

In your mind are little roads for your thoughts to travel that you have created and maintained for a lifetime.  They are familiar to you.  So familiar, in fact, that you can get from point A to point B without even paying attention.  Think about the last time you experienced driving your car and doing just that.  Lost in thought, you arrived at your destination without running any red lights, but you don't really remember the ride.  The Elemental Cleanse™ takes you through a process where you become, not only very aware that you're driving on the road, but it also makes you aware that the road is in need of repair.  You  begin to realize that the road is actually quite ugly and not taking you to your desired destination.   In fact, the road isn't even a road.  It's a track just like at the races that goes around and around forever.

Through the process of Cleansing, you have a tangible experience of health.  Your mind and body receive an experience in what it is to feel good and the racetrack you have been on becomes very unattractive.  You decide to build a new road with a destination.  This is the energy and effort of the Elemental Cleanse™.

Once the choice is made, the new road goes under construction.  The new road is smooth, fresh and screams freedom.  You really like the new road and where it is headed.  Sometimes, though, you find yourself back on the racetrack.  You don't even know how you ended up there.  You were just driving along and there are you.

You notice immediately that it is bumpy.  It is uncomfortable.  You cannot stay there.  You quickly look for the exit to the new road.  This happens again and again until the racetrack slowly disappears.  The magic to the Cleanse is the bumpy road becomes unbearable.  You will not stay there.  Your soul won't let you.  You take action.  It's beyond willpower.

That's how the Cleanse works.  That's why it works for so many different situations.  That's why it will work for you. 

The Elemental Cleanse™ doesn't just work for weight loss.  It works to transform the root cause that is leading to the following symptoms of imbalance:

  • Poor digestion
  • Heartburn
  • Acid reflux
  • Indigestion
  • Constipation
  • IBS
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Gas & bloating
  • Weight Gain
  • Obesity
  • Acne
  • Itchy, flaky or dry skin
  • Eczema
  • Psoriasis
  • Allergies
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Arthritis
  • Headaches including Migraines
  • Joint Pain
  • Insomnia
  • Interrupted Sleep
  • Unclear thoughts and Forgetfulness
  • Lack of Energy and Enthusiam
  • Depression
  • Lack of Purpose
  • Lack of Joy
The In-Person experience is scheduled for August.  You can Cleanse anytime with the Elemental Cleanse™ ecourse.  Learn more>>>

Monday, June 11, 2012

Yoga Chitta Vritti Nirodhah

I'm on day two at Amrit Yoga Institute.  The days start at 7 am with the Amrit Yoga practice.  It's 26 postures designed to elevate the pranic body and still as Guru Dev says, the "modifications" of the mind.  Press points, or establishing yourself in your feet, and then drawing the spine up become your focus.  Your breath becomes your focus.  As you hold the poses for what some would say are excruciatingly long periods of time, the discomfort and sensations in your body become the focus.  All of these serve to bring you back to that sweet space in your mind where you are that, this is that and that is all there is. 

In other words, it's a tangible experience of oneness.  It's the settling and quieting of the mind that allows you to have "no mind" and therefore an experience of who you really are which is not your mind.

During practice today I found myself not wanting to move.  Holding a warrior for 1, 3, 5 or even 10 minutes would have been nothing.  The practice is so beautiful.  As you feel the obstacles and blocks in your body you send prana to that spot.  You softly move and adjust until the spot releases.  It's gorgeous.

Relaxed into my body and stilled in my mind, the mind which can be your best friend and introduce your to God or your worst enemy and keep you away forever, went still.  Gone.  Nothing.  No time.  No space.  No....  Spontaneous  mantra came to me:

Yoga Chitta Vriti Norodhah Yoga Chitta Vriti Norodhah Yoga Chitta Vriti Norodhah

Now this would make sense to me if this mantra had been present before practice or if I was focused on this, but I haven't thought this mantra for a very long time.  Honestly, I didn't even know I knew that by heart.  My Sanskrit is poor.  

Yoga Chitta Vriti Norodhah Yoga Chitta Vriti Norodhah Yoga Chitta Vriti Norodhah


"Yoga is the individual discipline that leads to the cessation of the fluctuations of the mind."


Om Shanti,  Pamela