Sunday, August 12, 2012

Does the world really shift when you shift?

Elemental OM is halfway through it's Yoga Teacher Training course.  In my course, the teachers must experience the Elemental Cleanse and embrace an Ayurvedic Lifestyle for the duration on top of learning to be a yoga teacher.  This means that they have a daily personal yoga practice, meditation practice and lifestyle routine.  You might imagine that this facilitates some pretty serious physical, emotional and spiritual shifting.  The purpose of all of this to help the teacher transform into a healer.  Yoga teachers are healers after all.  Why not graduate with aura expanded and your divine light shining through?

One interesting thing that has happened in the last few weeks is that a lot of my teachers in training have started to ask for advice about their families.  There is concern for interpersonal relationships as well as for the health of family members.  It really struck me the other day because it seems EVERY one of them is asking about this.  My first response was to give them all kinds of advice for the situations.  But then, I had an "ah-ha" moment as I realized what was really going on.

You see, they are dynamically shifting in a very quick way.  (If you are on a spiritual path, you may be too.)  Their partners, families, and coworkers are not.  As you begin to vibrate on a different frequency than those you are used to (and them used to you) it causes some conflict until the others catch up to you.  Here's the rub.  You can't actually change anyone to help them catch up.  People change.  You can't change them.  You can only change yourself.  So, while you are doing your work of shifting, they are doing nothing.  By simply showing up your best self, however, you are going to help them shift unawares.

You may find yourself impatient with this process, annoyed by those around you, and simply DONE with a lot of the interpersonal "habits" that have developed through the years.  This is going to cause conflict in your relationships.  Drop into the heart center and do your best to simply meet people where they are.  All things happen with divine timing.  Stay your path with dedication and care.  Don't let others hold you back from your growth just because they aren't quite ready for it.

Sadly, you might find that some relationships go away.  The people who truly love you will follow you even if it's just a little tiny bit.  Make room for new friends that support your life's journey and dharma.

Om Shanti,  Pamela

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