Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Back to school....YOGA FAIL!!!

So, my kids back to school today.  I love back to school!  I especially love getting up and making breakfast and packing lunch.  It may be the control freak that hides inside of me, but I love that I know what they are eating healthy that day.  As I pack, I imagine myself in a "healthy packed lunch" competition on a world scale and I intend to win.

I'm not a total freak.  It's a recognizable lunch.  All organic, whole and local as it gets.  Whole wheat breads, butters and jams....fresh fruit and yogurt....a "special" treat of a specially crafted cookie or cracker.  It's the kind of lunch that would surely win the award.  I send them off to school proud and fantasize about how envious all the other kids must be.  Surely, they must think my kids more special and more loved with a packed lunch like that.

I eagerly await for my kids to return home.  My son is first and loved his lunch.  The cookie was "pretty good."  This satisfies me.  I feel smug.  Driving my daughter to volleyball practice, I inquire as to how happy her lunch made her.  She makes a disgusted face and explains that so and so got chips and so and so got Doritos and every other kid eats white bread with real meat sandwiches.  We argue.  I tell her about chemicals, obesity, heart disease, cancer and the deplorable state of the farming industry.  I explain the rules of parenting and how it's my job to make her the healthiest human possible.  I explain that kids in Africa are starving.  She rolls her eyes and agrees to eat just the fruit and sandwich next time.  I'm not to bother with the other stuff.

I head to the grocery determined to please her.  It's a competition after all.  Walking through the lanes, however, I begin to seethe.  I mean, I'm really pissed.  I grab some chips and put them back.  I grab some chocolate this and that and put it back.  I look at the turkey lunch meat and put it back.  I read the label on the white bread and put it back.  I get even more mad. 

Oddly, I'm not mad at her.  I'm mad at all the other parents who are packing white bread, chips, cookies, and soda.  How can I compete with that?  They are cheating at this game of mine.  It's not fair.  How am I supposed to raise kids that are healthy and holistic when they are surrounded by crud?  I know everyone is busy.  I know it's hard to feed and please a kid.  I know healthy cooking requires time, planning, and can be a frustrating.  I know.  Can't you help me out a little though? 

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