Monday, December 3, 2012

What haven't you caught onto?

So today was one of those mom days where you kinda live in your car.  I picked my son up from school at 3 pm, drove him home, turned back around at 4 pm to drop my daughter off to a basketball game, drove home, turned back around at 6 pm to drop the son back off to lacrosse.....

I had one of those moments when I realized I simply couldn't do this anymore and stay sane.  It isn't possible to run this much and stay sane.  Seriously, this running the kids around like a lunatic that has been going on for 15 years simply must end.  Yea yea yea...I've done the carpool thing, I've said the "no" word, I've reworked, I've rescheduled, I've manipulated, and I've even sat in my car crying a time or two.

Tonight at 6 pm was different though.  My son got out of the car to join his teammates.  I took a deep breath in.  I took a deep breath out.  I did that again about hmmmmm 20 times.  That's when inspiration came as it always does with a few deep breaths and a lot of synchronisity.  You see, this morning I was simply fascinated by an NPR report on the new Ford F150.  Folks are using these as offices now and they are all set up so that you can even sit inside one and print.  Apparently, these trucks are the most important tool in their toolbox.  I got a Ford.  Granted, it's a baby blue hybrid escape, but it's got an electric outlet.  I got tools.  Granted they come in the form of holistic modalities.

So, 15 years later I have finally solved the mommy dilemma.  I have turned my car into a home office Zen retreat center.  I'm gonna do a little online xmas shopping so I don't have to go to any stores this holiday season.  Then I'm gonna meditate after I stare at the evening stars through my sunroof.  I might take a nice walk around the parking lot and get some fresh air.  After that, if I'm not too blissed out, I might just get a little work done.  Ahhhhh....the sweet delight of "me" time.

There is magic in the breath.

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