Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Snow Policy & Sangha



We have struggled for two year now to create a snow policy that meets everyone needs. This has been hard to do for lots of reasons that support no closings, yet are countered by reasons that support closings. The bottom line is I am finding it very difficult to serve the individual desires and the collective needs.

Most western minds perceive that EOM is a "business" and expect the same "business" type service as they receive at groceries, department stores and other business spaces. Some aspects of EOM are a business. When you come in and shop, it is a business. I think you appreciate our flexibility, our willingness to give discounts and the need to never ever have a receipt or a reason. When you pay for yoga, know that you are paying rent, utilities and the instructor's fee.

When you come in to practice yoga, EOM is "community". This term in sanskrit is "SANGHA". Basically, that means that Elemental OM is a place you can come to to practice with like-minded people. It is a kinship of yogis who care about similar things and more importantly, care about each other's happiness and welfare. In Buddhism, Sangha is right up there with Buddha and your Life's Purpose or "Dharma". That's how important Sangha or community is in Buddhism.

So, I'm just doing what is safest for our community:

If there are school closings, winter weather advisories or you look out the window and question whether you should be driving or not......CHECK THE CLASS SCHEDULE! If we cancel, it will be on the schedule. I tend to get up very early on the days that it is coming down and watch the news and my neighborhood. I will then make a decision and post it to the class schedule.

I apologize in advance for the closings. I will save "embracing uncertainty" and "going with the flow" as topics for future blogs.

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