Thursday, March 10, 2011

thoughts about abundance

If you practice at EOM or take the Elemental Cleanse, you will hear me speak to a method for manifesting anything you want in your life. Honestly, it sounds so cheesy. The entire topic has been so overdone by the spiritual community. There's "The Secret", "The Law of Attraction", "Creating Money" and I could go on. These books and motivational speakers all say the same darn thing about notions of "right thinking" and "right action". There are even some really good exercises in them if you can motivate yourself to follow through.

My problem with all of it is that they leave out the biggest bit of information because you probably wouldn't buy their book if they told you. They speak to the masses hoping to touch a few sets of ears that are actually willing to (and here is the bomb) the work. It's work. Manifesting is work. You must do your work and let me warn's a lot of work. Why wouldn't it be? Why do you think you can have anything you want with effortless ease if you don't do the friggin' work to get the ball rolling?

So, what is the work?

1. Determination. Make up your mind that you want what you want and test the waters. Decide that you will get what you want without exception.

2. Clear Thinking. Settle your mind. If you've sat through even one of my yoga classes, you know the drill; spent time in silence, turn off the buzz of media, spend time alone and meditate.

3. Get busy being still. Please stop doing all the time wasters that have nothing to do with achieving your goals. Time wasters: watching TV, playing video games, engaging in boring "societal" conversation, being obsessed with neatness in your home, inability to delegate, constant running to and get the picture. Write down your goals instead. Make a business plan for your life. (see below)

4. Plan. (1) Gather information and educate yourself about that which you intend to manifest. You want to be a millionaire? You might just have to start your own business. You might have to go back to school. You might have to learn a new trade. What do you need to do and learn to achieve your dream? (2) Time to Reflect. This is about daydreaming and envisioning the fruition of your dream. Get very determined that this is how it is going to be. Let nothing sway you. (3) Push Yourself. Here we go! This is the hard work and what we call "right action". Every single day should be spent taking steps toward achieving your goal. Do you want love in your life? Well, sorry to be the one to break it to you, but you are going to have to get up every single day, shower, look good, take care of your body, get a smile on your face and make your adorableness contagious. Do you want to shift a relationship? Well, sorry again, but you are simply going to have to have those conversations you have been dreading and take responsibility for your part in the downfall. (4) Pretend. Find a hero. Find a mentor. Find someone who inspires you and motivates you and pretend to be them. Model their ways. (4) Pray. You are God's child and can ask for anything that you wish. Don't beg. Just humbly ask with gratitude. (I save prayers for the evening hours so that my Soul can flee through my dreams and work it out on the other side for me). (5) Faith. You must have faith and only a good experience of solitude, silence and manifestation will develop faith. Start your asking with some small shift in your life. You will get what I call a "hit" and then you are on your way to the bigger and bigger items on your dream list. These "hits" feel exactly like the feeling of joy.

If you supercharge these steps above with God's will, you will manifest anything that your heart's desire.

So in a nutshell, that's my way. Join EOM this weekend for our Manifestation Workshop. Kimberly is going to show you her way which "oddly" sinks up to my way! Kimberly is just as big a hard-ass as me too, so don't think you are going to get all fluffy and gooiey. Let's do some work!

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