Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Occupy Your Body, Mind & Spirit

Be where the problems arise.....

What do you do if you are a person who is doing everything "right" in their life and still suffering?

How do you answer the complicated questions and subtle challenges in your life when you are doing things right...or are things just slightly off?

How do you consistently choose the more "right" thing and what does that mean?

How do you transform problems in your life that relate to health, love and financial security?

Check out the November session of the Elemental Cleanse™. This seminar answers those pressing questions and so much more. It gives you a toolbox of transformation.

Beginning October 31st, this seminar delivers a comprehensive and immersive program to bring the passion, soulful connection and enduring self-love into your relationship with self and others. This happens as we peel back the layers though an amazing body, mind & spiritual Cleanse.

This Cleanse is like no other. It gives each person exactly what they need. If you need to lose weight, you will. If you need to gain weight, you will. If you need to transform your marriage, job, relationship with children, you will. If you need to establish a working relationship with Spirit, you will.

How does it do all that? it doesn't. YOU do. You will receive a program that holds you accountable for doing the hard work of life that you don't really want to do. You will establish a meditation practice, you will establish a movement practice, you will understand how your food choices are affecting your health, your weight and your emotions. You will learn to make better choices. You will become aware and once you are aware...there's no turning back.

A lot of people worry that this program is a lot of work. It is. It is FUN though. In fact, I can't think of a more fun way to shift than in a group environment full of love, compassion and loads of laughter.

Speaking of work...suffering is work. Learning to embrace joy and health...that's not work.

Best of all, if you sign up NOW we will extend your one month FREE unlimited yoga pass to TWO full months. LEARN MORE>>>

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