Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Never skip breakfast again...

From an Ayurvedic perspective, breakfast is an absolute MUST if you are a Vata or a Pitta. If you are a Kapha, you may choose to skip breakfast if you are not hungry.

Pittas eat breakfast because they get hungry and if they don't eat they get really grumpy. I find that I don't have to encourage Pittas to eat breakfast.

Vatas skip breakfast because they don't have strong appetites and they don't plan well. This is really bad for them as it adds to their lightness, their inability to focus and their inability to effectively manage immunity.

An easy fix for all is the Yogi Drink. It's packed full of nutrition, heating and super quick to make. If you are in a hurry, you can drink your breakfast in the car on your way to work. It's a great replacement for your morning caffeine as well. Here's the recipe:

1 cup of soy, almond, hazelnut, rice or your favorite non-dairy milk
6 almonds (organic and natural..no salt)
favorite spices (just choose the ones that you like):

Heat the milk on the stove with the almonds and spices. Bring it to the boil that just has little bubbles appearing on the sides of the pan.

Remove from heat.

Place the honey in the bottom of your mug (never heat honey). Pour your drink on top and you are good to go. The almonds get soft and warm and are oh so good!!

When you are choosing spices, consider the medicinal value of the spice. Turmeric is a great addition. It has little flavor, gives the milk a pretty yellow color and is a natural anti-inflammatory. Ginger is heating to your digestion and contains beneficial enzymes that boost immunity and sooth the liver. Have a little fun exploring what your spice cabinet can cure.

Enjoy! Pamela

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