Saturday, May 22, 2010

Ayurvedic Medicine: An Introduction to Panchakarma

Ayurvedic Medicine: An Introduction to Panchakarma

Immersion Participants!! This is a wonderful article about Pancha Karma. This is for use in a clinical setting. Please keep in mind we are doing "self-administered" and are intentionally avoiding some of this as it does need to be performed under supervision of an Ayurvedic Physician....sooooo what I'm saying is don't make the tea and drink it because you think you might have something going on.....


  1. Dear Pamela,

    Remember to speak about Kitchari for those doing Panchkarma!

    Isn't Ayurveda awesome? Ayurveda has been practiced safely and effectively in India for the past 4,000 years. It must work otherwise Ayurveda would not have survived this long. It is holistic science that emphasizes prevention. It is also a lifestyle science as it incorporates in a daily lifestyle plan herbs, diet, exercise, and more.

    Here is a website I have found information that is easy to understand.

    Take their Dosha test, it is fun. Then once you know your Dosha you design a plan that includes herbs, diet, etc. It has helped me.

    One product I take everyday is Nature’s Formulary Chyawanprash. It is tasty and really helps my energy level and immune system

  2. Franchise of Ayurvedic medicines Very interesting thread. A lot of threads I these days don't really provide anything that I'm interested in, but I'm most definitely interested in this one. Just thought that I would post and let you know.
