Saturday, May 8, 2010

Ginger and favorites.

I know you guys have heard me go on and on about the amazing properties of ginger and flaxseed oil! Below is a discussion about the healing properties and everything that we treat in Ayurveda with ginger and flaxseed. Both are readily available and inexpensive. On a daily basis, I recommend drinking ginger infused hot water and taking 2 capsules of flaxseed oil. If I am suffering from a cold or cough, I will take up to 8 flaxseed capsules a day. You can take the oil straight up. I mix it with some OJ and do a "shot" in the morning when I am sick. It can make your belly a little icky, so use caution.

Ginger is considered
"sattvic" or pure in Ayurvedic terms.

Affect on Element:

Decreases The Wind (Vata) and The Earth (Kapha)

Increases The Fire (Pitta)


Click here for Recipes

Recommended for:

Ginger is used for the following

cold and flu


burbing and gas

abdominal discomfort from gas and bloating

abdominal discomfort from menstruation

heart disease
cold, cough and flu
mental stress
restlessness and anxiety

According to the American Cancer Society, preliminary research on animals has shown that ginger may be useful in treating cancer through chemotherapy.

How does it act and what does it do?


diaphoretic: induces sweating


carminative: can be used to treat food poisoning

antiemetic: effective against vomiting


FLAXSEED also known as linseed

Everyone should be ingesting Flaxseed daily. EVERYONE. It is easily accessible and inexpensive. It may be taken as a capsule, an oil, or whole. It has no negative side effects with the exception that it may cause digestive troubles if taken in excess for an extended period of time.

Affect on Element:

  • Decreases Wind (Vata)
  • Increases Earth (Kapha) and Fire (Pitta)


Recommended for:

This is an enormous list of conditions that improve with the use of flaxseed oil. Note that some of these conditions are quite serious and it is recommended to always seek professional medical advice. Ayurveda is widely practiced and accepted in Western society because it compliments modern medicine.

How does it act and what does it do?

What is it?
Annual plant
Combine with other herbs
Sweet, astringent, heating - pungent
Laxative, demulcent, emollient, expectgorant, nutritive tonic
Current Research
Lowers cholesterol
Dampen inflammatory reactions
Increase HDL
Breast cancer, malignant melanoma and colon cancer due to presense of phytoestrogen
Rich source of soluble and insoluble fiber. Omega 3 fatty acids and phytoestrogens and linolenic acid

Additionally, flaxseed is a rich source of soluble and insoluble fiber, omega 3 fatty acids, phytoestrogens and linolenic acid. It is known to strengthen lung tissue, bones, reproductive organs and promote healing. It is a source of protein and calcium.

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