Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Coming off your Cleanse!

We are wrapping it up at EOM and YogahOMe in Oakley. The final week of the cleanse has included a nutritious and easily digestible diet. Meditation twice daily. Yoga, walking, being silent and working on various emotional clearing exercises. We've done a few "weird" things too with oil! I believe someone commented that it was the "hazing" portion of the program. I have to laugh, because they might be right. A dear teacher of mine once introduced me to my "Coyote Spirit". I guess that guy likes to do everything with a sense of play and fun and he runs wild through me!

I can honestly say that at this moment in time, there are no other people in Cincinnati as healthy and as connected as these participants. I don't know why the news crews haven't shown up yet. It is such a blessing and honor to me to see everyone show up, do their work and to see them reap the benefits. People have eliminated habits, lost weight, skin has cleared, some hard life questions have been asked and some tangible experiences of spirit have been had. Thank you!

Coming off of the cleanse needs to be performed very gently.

Gradually add back to your diet the things that were eliminated...or don't add them back. If you never eat red meat or drink milk again, that would be wonderful! As you add alcohol, caffeine, dairy, sugar and fried or processed foods, notice how your body reacts. Eat very consciously. It won't take but a few sips of coffee and you will feel that Vata buzz. One glass of wine will probably be enough. A filet and cheesecake will make you throw up if that is your celebration dinner. Listen to your body.

Eat for your dosha now that you are balanced. If you want to continue to lose weight, stay on the plan or eat a Kapha reducing diet which is a Vegan Diet.

Continue with your yoga practice. Practice 2 - 4 times per week. Allow one of your practices to be a yin practice to ground you. Hot yoga is great, but not for Pittas. Vatas need a grounded practice. Kaphas need to get it moving.

Of all the things we have done, your meditation practice is the most important. Make it part of your life. If you fall off, notice that your mind starts to run crazy and you become stressed. Commit back to it. Ten minutes a day will change your life.

Continue to work on your Intentions and Desires once a week. In the Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, we work on our Intentions and Desires every Thursday. Make it a practice. Set long term goals to eat for your Dosha and stay with Meditation and Yoga.

You may continue on the Neem and Triphala for life! The Guggulu is not necessary to stay on unless you are pushing weight loss or have high cholesterol. A lot of people stay on it because it hardens their nails and thickens their hair. Choose to do the Sesame Oil Massage for the rest of your life! In addition to Neem and Triphala, I recommend Flax Seed Oil daily and a probiotic.

Namaste, Pamela

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