Monday, February 22, 2010

Delusions of Grandeur

Delusions of Grandeur - a delusion, common in paranoia, that you are much greater and more powerful and influential than you really are.

I am a person that truly believes in manifestation. I believe that through a simple daily practice that does include meditation as well as a few other things like embracing uncertainty, that I can have anything I want. The reality of my life does seem to support this. I was informed the other night as I went on and on about my "crazy" plans for the future that I suffer from Delusions of Grandeur. It didn't sound good and my instinct was to feel a little hurt and offended. I had to look the phrase up to be certain that feeling a little hurt and offended were appropriate. Once I read the definition, I had to laugh. I do suffer from Delusions of Grandeur. It's called being a yogi.

Yogis don't just believe that they are more great, more powerful and more influential than they really are. Yogis truly understand that they are more great, more powerful and more influential than anyone can imagine. Yogis believe that they are working side by side with spirit to create their existence. Yogis believe that through right choice making, right intention setting and right action they can manifest anything that they want. Yogis believe that the entire universe is conspiring for their personal success and that by simply taking an attitude of helping and serving, they will be guided to their life purpose. Yogis believe in abundance.

One legend of universal creation is that Ein Sof, cosmic consciousness, was all that existed. One day it became bored and intended to create something to amuse itself. First, it created a bubble in the space/time continuum. Next, it created a ray of light. It hadn't done this before, so it didn't know what would result. The ray of light that was created was so powerful and so beautiful that when it entered the bubble, it exploded into billions of little pieces. The dust and debris from the explosion of creation settled upon each little spark. Each little spark, having come from the divine, was indeed a spark of the divine. Each little spark that was conceived from pure consciousness, pure joy and pure play is a soul. Each person has a divine spark.

Covering your spark are layers of dust and debris that in yoga, we call Kleshas. There are five Kleshas, or obstacles to allowing that divine spark to shine. The Kleshas include ignorance, egoism or a feeling that you are separate, attraction or materialism, aversion or fear (especially of death) and finally dullness, or clinging to the routine of life. Until you vanquish your obstacles, you will not reach enlightenment and your little spark will not shine.

Now I certainly do not claim that I am enlightened. I believe I'm a work in process with that regards. What I now realize is that on the path to enlightenment you will enter a psychological term called Delusions of Grandeur. When those around you tell you that you are suffering from that dreaded disease, be happy that your spark is starting to show and be prepared to give them a pair of sunglasses.

"Hitch your wagon to a star." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

1 comment:

  1. "And while I don't expect you to save the world, I do think it's not asking too much for you to love those with whom you sleep, share the happiness of those whom you call friend, engage those among you who are visionary, and remove from your life those who offer you depression, despair and disrespect.” - Nikki Giovanni
    (African-American Poet, b.1943)
