Thursday, February 18, 2010


Common Cold

It seems that everyone is starting to get a cold!! The first stages of a cold are always the Vata stage and pretty easy to quickly reverse with a Vata Balancing Routine. That means you must slow down and rest. The few days you spend will prevent that cold from hanging on for weeks.

The viruses that create colds are always present. Sometimes, if your elements are out of balance, your body becomes weakened and you can no longer destroy the viruses effectively. The result is the common cold. Prevention is best by following the diet and routine for your element. Take the Element Quiz to find out your element.

Once cold symptoms appear, follow the routine below.

As soon as you feel a cold coming on, you should begin to rest and follow the Wind Reducing Body Plan. Taking the time to rest at the first signs of a cold instead of waiting until you are bedridden will actually save you time in the end. Keep yourself warm and keep your face covered with a scarf if you are going outside. Wearing a shawl or scarf indoors is also a good idea. Your diet should be simple, easy to digest and served warm. Lemon and Ginger are your best friends especially in hot water.


Day 1

Fast. Fasting can include hot herbal teas and heated broth.

Teas Fresh ginger and honey
Fresh lemon and honey
Cinnamon tea with ½ tsp. of powdered turmeric added
Day 2 - 7 Eat a bland diet of easily digestible foods.
Avoid Salt
Avoid Raw Foods


  • Rest
  • Dress warmly
  • Open the windows and let fresh air in, unless it is very cold outside
  • Go for a slow walk outside
  • Soak your feet in hot water while covered with a blanket before bedtime
  • Follow your elemental routine

Herbal Therapy

The number one recommendation is to take FLAXSEED OIL!! I take it daily, but when cold symptoms appear, I will take up to 8 capsules a day. You can also take tablespoons at a time. I mix the oil with a little bit of orange juice in a shot glass and just gulp it down. If you have a sensitive belly, I do not recommend this approach. Instead, do the capsules.

Trikatu combo of black pepper and dry ginger with pippali (three spices)
Ginger Add fresh ginger to hot water

If you are taking Ashwagandha, ginseng or shatavari then stop taking these herbs until your cold is healed.

Yoga Pose

  • Sirsasana
  • Balasana or Child's Pose
  • Sarvangasana or shoulderstand
  • Uttanasana or hand to foot pose
  • Paschimottanasana or seated forward fold
  • Kurmasana or tortoise pose
  • Ujjayi Pranayama with inhalation retention
  • Legs up the Wall Pose or Vipariti Karani

1 comment:

  1. The other day I bought a big bag of organic milled flaxseed. I just sprinkle it in my cereal or oatmeal every morning!
