Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Power of One

I didn't sleep good last night. Before going to bed I turned on CNN to check in on the success of cutting that pipe off and stopping this oil disaster. It didn't go so well. Apparently, things got jammed up 5,000 feet down where no human can go and now we have to try the less favorable method of cutting off the pipe which will not be as effective. The leak will officially continue until August. When I went to bed, over 32,000,000 gallons of oil had been spilled into the gulf.

I want to do something to help. I was going to take my son down with me and spend a weekend on the clean up effort, but the people cleaning things up are starting to get really sick from all the chemicals. That's not an option for my son. Going to bed feeling a little powerless I wondered what I could possibly do to help this situation. If we as co-creators have created this mess I want to know how to uncreate it and I want to know why. Where's the silver lining?

I'll start with my thoughts on why. I truly believe that this oil spill couldn't have come at a better time and to a better nation. I believe that people take action to move away from suffering. The suffering and devastation that this spill is bringing and will continue to bring will speak to our nation about the consumption of fossil fuel and the future of our planet in a way that everyone can finally hear. Americans are the most dynamic, creative, rich and optimistic people that walk this Earth. If any nation can invent, create, devise and fix, it's us. We can be a little naive sometimes because we don't have poverty, starvation and mass suffering walking our streets. Sometimes we need a wake up call and this one is big enough to wake up our entire nation.

Our planet is changing dynamically due to the effects of global warming. If you don't believe in global warming, it really doesn't matter at this point. The bottom line is our planet is changing. These changes are not slow. These changes have rapidly happened in the last 50 years with more coming even more quickly. Changes include the melting of the polar ice caps, the loss of species throughout the earth, depletion of the water table, erosion of coastline and dramatic changes in weather patterns. 14 hurricanes are predicted in the Atlantic this hurricane season. That's a record. If you woke up 2 years ago to the hurricane in Cincinnati, then I don't need to explain that these things are getting stronger. 1 billion people on this Earth do not have enough food and are starving.

You can't pollute the earth and truly think that it's going to be able to absorb or clean itself up simply because it is so big. We are all naive for thinking this or we are all irresponsible for not pausing to have the thought of this. Either way, we are all responsible. This is your fault. This is my fault. We made the mess, lets clean it up.

What can you do? Below is a list of things that you can do. Do them. Don't talk about it or think about it or justify not doing it because it is inconvenient, expensive or bothersome in some way. Stop talking and start doing.

  • Replace your old lightbulbs with the new energy efficient bulbs.
  • Unscrew every other lightbulb. You simply don't need THAT much light.
  • Keep the lights in the roos you don't use and the lights on the outside of your house off.
  • Turn your air conditioner up a few degrees. You will get used to it.
  • Take shorter showers. It's okay to skip a day.
  • Run your dishwasher only when full.
  • Buy organic and local produce. Go to for effortless ease.
  • Eat two vegetarian meals a day. You will save the planet and yourself.
  • Install a rain barrel.
  • Plant a garden.
  • Install a compost bin.
  • Create a brush pile for your yard waste...the animals love it.
  • Plant a tree in every empty spot of your yard possible. Use native trees.
  • Do not drink bottled water.
  • When you buy juice and beverages for your family, super size them. Avoid individual packaging.
  • Pack your lunch.
  • Recycle.
  • Buy used, refurbished and recycled hard goods.
  • Turn your computer off when not in use.
  • Turn the water off when you brush your teeth.
  • Stop will save money and the planet.
  • Consolidate your trips.
  • Do less.
  • Take your clothes to be mended when they tear, wear or break.
  • Educate yourself. Pick up a book, a magazine or a newspaper. LEARN.

Please don't let this opportunity pass you by. We can't wait for another disaster to change our ways. Let's do it now.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Pam. I am copying the list and posting it on my board. Challenging, yes but doable!
