Monday, November 29, 2010

Meditation slows and reverses again.

Cnn had an article today about the reversal of aging in mice. (CLICK HERE) Apparently it has to do with the length of these little caps in your body called telomeres. As we age, these caps are diminished, shortened and open up which causes us to show signs of aging like gray hair. The mice were genetically mutated so that the telomeres would do something or got complicated.

Anyhow, the end result was that the mice regained eyesight, smell and even fertility! It got me to thinking about those telomeres and what meditation might do to them. You can click through to the amazing published study below, but in a nutshell.....meditation and mindfulness training appear to slow the deterioration of telomeres and therefore meditation and midfulness can stop and possibly reverse the effects of aging.

You've been hearing me say it for ages....for every day you meditate, you save a day of aging. Forget the fancy creams...go sit on your butt.

Can meditation slow rate of cellular aging? Cognit... [Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2009] - PubMed result

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