Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Value System

I am currently drafting a business plan for EOM to facilitate not only its expansion, but also the development of a therapeutic product line. There is loads to learn and decide when developing a business plan so I've been reading many books and seeking advice from friends, family, clients and professionals.

A friend of mine asked me what my core values are and how they resonate at work. I thought it was a great question because I'm constantly challenging my Immersion participants to connect with what I call their "soul qualities". These are the "satvic" or pure qualities of their nature. They might include kindness, compassion, optimism or humility. I think core values are the same.

I took some time with this process and realized that what I personally want to do does align with what I want Elemental OM to do. I personally think there is nothing more important in life than learning. Michael Angelo said on his death bed in wonderment, "and still I am learning..." I want to say that on my death bed and I want all of you to say it too.

Education is a core value for me and for EOM.

I can only do so much for you in the one hour and fifteen minutes that you are in my class. I need you to do a lot of your work on your own. I want to empower you through my speech and my actions to take charge of your own healing. Ultimately, you must heal yourself. I can give you the tools, but you must do your work.

Empowerment is a core value for me and for EOM.

I want to create a space that is nourishing and facilitates healing. I want you to feel like you've walked into your best friend's home...you know the one where you can just go straight to the kitchen and dig through the fridge. I want the doors to be always open. Hang out. Borrow a book. Give me and EOM advice too!

Facilitate Healing is a core value for me and for EOM.

I expect you to do your work. It doesn't matter what you are going through in life...death, divorce, illness or depression; the cure is the same. Sit down and meditate. Express Gratitude. Move everyday. Choose the more nourishing choice for your body and your mind. You have to do these things everyday. I do feel for you. If you need a hug, I'm here. If you want to talk, I am here, but you still must do your work or you will never change yourself or your life.

Stern compassion is a core value for me and maybe for EOM...he has a hard time being stern.

I expect you to embrace your practice with joy and with regularity. This goes to the discussion about doing your work. Your work shouldn't feel like work. When you come to EOM, love every minute of it. It's your little world away from the world. As soon as you walk through the doors, you've got nothing else to do but work on yourself for the next hour. LOVE IT.

Joyful discipline is a core value for me and for EOM.

Putting this all together, my Personal Mission statement for EOM is:

"To educate and empower my clients in a compassionate, joyful and disciplined manner so that they might facilitate their own healing."

Now that I know my core values, I can always compare my business decisions to them. If it's a match, then it is a good decision. I challenge you to pause and think about the what you are trying to accomplish through your work. What do you value? What do you want to accomplish through your work? Does your place of employment match your values?


1 comment:

  1. Pamela, you demonstrated your core values and those of EOM at the outset. Seeing it written as a mission statement is a bonus; having already seen it in action is awesome. I love who you are and what EOM represents. Namaste !
