Saturday, April 30, 2011

What is your life's purpose?

Have you ever paused to consider that you are here on this planet at this time in this current situation for a reason? Have you ever paused to consider that you very well may have a job to be doing here as a human being? If not, you should because you are here for a reason. You have a life's purpose or what we call in yoga "dharma".

Dharma is loosely translated as "life's purpose", but it is much more than that. It is the law. When you decided as a Spiritual Being to come back here as a Human Being, you basically signed a contract that you would accomplish certain things. Why? Your soul craves to learn and grow. Your soul craves experience and knowledge. Your soul craves love.

Pause here to wonder for a moment what your life's purpose is.

When I ask people to do this, most of them simply give me a puzzled look. I mean, geez, that's a big one. I know it seems big, but its not that hard to initiate the process of finding your life's purpose. You simply need to start studying yourself. What are the things that you love to do? What are the things you are naturally good at? What are your talents? Hidden within these, is your purpose.

Questions to get you rolling?

  • Do you love to work with kids, the elderly, animals?
  • Do you love math or writing?
  • Do you love politics & change?
  • Do you love cooking, cleaning and taking care of your family?
  • What do you love?

Today is Saturday. In the Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, today is the day that we honor our Dharma or "Life's Purpose". Below is the practice for Saturday to start the process of connecting. Spend time in silence. Wonder why you are here.

Most importantly, ask how you can help and serve all day. When we connect what we love with serving others, we find our life's purpose and experience total joy.

Mantra in Sanskrit Om Varunam Namah
Mantra in English My life is in harmony with cosmic law.

The law of Dharma states that we are spirit in nature and that we have taken a physical form to have a specific experience and fulfill a specific purpose. Every person on earth has a purpose.

Each of us is here to realize that our true nature is spiritual. We are spiritual entities that are on this earth to have an experience.
Each person has a unique talent or gift that no other person has. There is one thing that you can do and one way of doing it that is better than everyone else.
You are here to serve humanity.
In yoga, move your body with awareness.

"OM" Work

Every day and in every situation, ask How can I help? How can I serve?
Practice witnessing awareness. Pay attention to the quiet stillness within you.
Make a list of things in your life that bring joy to you and to others while you are doing them.

1 comment:

  1. Pam, your spiritual name should be Yoga Dharma. You embody the the Bakti values.
