Thursday, September 10, 2009

Eating for your Element

Many people get very confused when they begin the process of eating for their element. There are tons of food lists out there an it can be quite confusing. The Fire or Pitta is supposed to avoid tomatoes, but you LOVE tomatoes and they never affect you in any negative way. The Wind is supposed to avoid crackers and popcorn, but again, they don't affect you. Or do they? Many Fires suffer heartburn and indigestion due to the sour taste of tomatoes. Many Winds suffer constipation due to the drying nature of crackers and popcorn. Only you know your body, so listen to it.

A simple way to approach food is to include all the colors and tastes of food in each meal. The colors are those of the rainbow; red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple. The tastes are sweet, sour, salty, spicy, bitter and astringent. Note that a meal is the size of your two fists. Meals should be eaten three times a day around the same time each day. Meals should be made of whole and fresh foods. Meat is to be taken in moderation...3 - 5 servings a week which compares to our American food pyramid. The Earth type makes the best vegetarian.

In general, the tastes can be categorized as follows:

  • Sweet: grains, dairy, breads, pasta, starchy veggies, fruits, nuts, oils, sugar, and animal products.
  • Sour: Citrus fruits, sour fruits, tomatoes, yogurt, cheese, pickles, vinegar and alcohol
  • Salty: Salt, seafood, sauces, meat
  • Spicy: peppers, ginger, mustard, cloves, thyme, basil,
  • Bitter: leafy greens and yellow veggies
  • Astringent: beans, legumes, lentils, cranberries, tea, dark greens like spinach.

When you think of yourself and your element, think of the tastes that are already present in your body:

  • The Wind or Vata has in their body a lot of Spicy, Astringent and Bitter taste. The Wind balances by favoring tastes that are sweet, sour and salty.
  • If you are The Fire or are suffering from a Fire imbalance, then you already have a lot of salty, spicy and sour present in your body. You balance by favoring tastes that are sweet, bitter and astringent.
  • If you are The Earth element than you already are sweet, salty and sour. You should avoid foods that increase this. Favor instead foods that are bitter, spicy and astringent.
For all elements, each taste is on your plate. It is simply a matter of dishing out the right portions. The Wind can eat a lot of whole grain pasta which is sweet. The Fire can eat a lot of whole grain pasta, but they will go light on the tomato sauce because it is sour. The Earth will have a small serving of pasta and their pasta sauce should be loaded with fresh veggies and tons of spice.

The other thing to consider is the quality of your Element. The Wind is cold, light and dry. If you are the wind, avoid food that is cold, light or dry. That means your food should be cooked and served warm. Fluffy snacks like popcorn and chips should be avoided as well. Saute your food. Avoid grilling and broiling.

The Fire is hot, light and intense. Spicy food is a big no no. Eat your food room temperature or cold. Fires do well with minted waters. Avoid oily and fried foods.

The Earth is cold, heavy and solid. All food should be served at room temperature or warm. Grill, bake and broil your food. Always choose fruits and veggies that feel lighter. For example, a banana feels heavy and is very solid. That would not be the best choice. Berries are light and perfect!

For more information, explore our website and explore your senses!

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