Sunday, September 13, 2009

Get that Kapha moving....

Each person is comprised of all the great elements; space, air, fire, water and earth in some unique proportion. If you have more earth and water than other elements, you are a Kapha. This doesn't mean that you don't have space, air and fire in you. It just means that you have a larger proportion of earth and water. If you have put on an extra few or more pounds, then you are probably suffering from an imbalance in the Earth. Additionally, if you feel sluggish, are having difficulty waking, feel a sense of boredom or loneliness or are simply feeling dull, then the Earth may be out of balance as well.

If you suffer for an extended period of time from an Earth imbalance you may develop obesity, heart disease and even depression. The good news is that you simply need to get the Earth element in your body and mind to begin to shift. When you think of the Earth element, think of a large boulder sitting firmly in the ground. It is heavy, dense and doesn't want to move. You can push and push and it wants to stay firmly in place. Once you push hard enough though, the boulder begins to move. It moves slowly at first and then builds up a lot of energy and it will just go and go because it has a lot of momentum.

The Earth in your body and mind works the same way. The first step in shifting this imbalance is to simply make up your mind to do it. Once the Earth commits to something, it will follow through. The next step is to simply force, and I mean force, yourself to begin. Turn the TV off, go for a walk and try lots and lots of new things. Listen to vibrant and uplifting music. Go shopping and surround your body and home with vivid reds, oranges and yellows. Choose spicy aromas like peppermint, orange and rosemary to scent your home. Cook all of your food and really spice it up. The Earth needs heat and spice to move.

Many people have a workout routine that they enjoy and so they have stuck to it for an extended period of time. They suffer because, although they are working out, they are not receiving benefits. This is an amazing example of how the Earth can settle on your body even when you are working out. Your body adjusts to anything that doesn't change and it gets dull. You need to change up your routine. If you only do yoga, try Zumba, bellydancing, hiking, biking or swimming. If you only run and lift weights, add yoga. Your body will love the diversity and shift.

The Kapha person must choose food wisely. They make the best vegetarians of all the doshas. Earth in your body IS your muscle, fat and bones. When you eat meat, you are eating earth. Adding Earth to Earth creates more imbalance. When choosing food, always go for the item that is less heavy and dense. Remember, heavy and dense means it has a lot of earth in it already and again, you are adding earth to earth. For example, a banana is much heavier and dense than an apple. An apple would be a better choice. Choose whole grains, leafy greens, fruits and tons of spice. Only drink when you are thirsty. The Earth already has a lot of water in it. Avoid salt, but spice up your food. Always cook your food and eat it warm. The Earth element is cold, so you must add heat to shift it. Choose baking, broiling and grilling. These are dry cooking methods.

For more information, visit our website at The Elemental Immersion is the perfect way to begin your shift to balance. Namaste

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