Friday, September 11, 2009

Why does Yoga detoxify you?

Yoga is a beautiful system of postures that lengthen and strengthen every major muscle group. More importantly, yoga acts to detoxify you through twisting , bending and stretching your internal organs. Its the equivalent of receiving a massage from the inside out.

Concentration on breath brings more oxygen to your organs to nourish and cleanse them. Practicing a simple Durga breath can quadruple your lung capacity. Durga translated from the sanskrit means "invincible". To practice, simply imagine that you have a balloon in your belly. Inhale deeply into that balloon and fill it all the way up pushing out your belly. Pull the air up into your lungs and let it out through your shoulders. Use this breath when energy is low, if you have a headache or if you wake from sleep in the middle of the night.

The combination of Yoga and Breath facilitates a calm, connected and peaceful mind. Through yoga and meditation, we connect to our higher selves and find our life's purpose or dharma. When you are living in your dharma, you are happy and the world seems easy and perfect. You feel blessed.

Today, yoga is being used as a therapy to treat arthritis, high blood pressure, heart disease, weight gain, depression, asthma, chronic pain, inflammation, fibromyalgia, menopause symptoms and stress to name a few. We use as part of our Elemental Immersion to facilitate the detoxification of your body and mind and to connect to spirit.

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