Saturday, April 24, 2010


I was talking to my mother the other night about the state of the world. My mom is a gorgeous woman of 66. She LOVES Oprah. I love Oprah too, but I find I am short of time and attention for TV so I get my Oprah updates from my mother. Oprah has had all kinds of holistic health things on lately...nutrition, meditation, saving the planet and yoga.

I have been "preaching" the benefits of all this stuff to my mom for years. It took Oprah, however, to get my mom to a yoga class. My mother, 66, has become a yogi. She's also become an environmental activist and I now receive updates weekly. "We shouldn't use plastic bags. Stop drinking out of plastic bottles. Buy only organic vegetables and fruits. Don't eat meat, it's disgusting what they do to those poor animals. Switch your lightbulbs out to those enviro guys. Don't turn the air conditioner on. Consolidate your trips. Stop used and refurbished. You never know what someone is going more kind. Try listening better, it will improve your relationships. Stop spoiling your kids, they don't need all that junk. It ends up in the landfill anyway. Do you realize it takes a McDonald's toy 1000 years to disintegrate? Nuclear energy is not "clean" energy because they don't know what to do with the waste. Did you know that almost every fortune 500 company has been convicted of some crime? You realize that non-organic food is less expensive because we are subsidizing the clean up of pesticides with our tax payer dollars. Go to bed on time. Eat three meals a day, it's better for digestion. Make nice friends and look both ways before you cross the street. "

I sound just like my mother......

1 comment:

  1. I think it's awesome that your mother has become a yogi, and wonderful that you sound just like your mother ! (in the best way, of course ;-) Namaste
