Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Meditation...the foundation for dialogue

Tonight starts our Meditation Clinic. If you have fallen off your practice or would like to develop a practice, please plan to come on Tuesdays to EOM from 6:30 - 7:00 pm to be led through a simple and easy practice. We will have some instruction, a 20 minute guided meditation and more discussion. This is a FREE clinic. It will go through April 27th when the Elemental Immersion begins. (Feel welcome to stay for New to Yoga afterwards...its $13).

Meditation has been studied since the 1920s in both the US and especially in India and China where it is more a part of their culture. The findings are remarkable. It is widely accepted that meditation helps in the treatment of stress which is of particular importance to psychosomatic illnesses. Psychosomatic illness are illnesses that have a mental component associated with the stress of everyday life. These illness include high blood pressure, lower back pain, neck pain, IBS, ulcers, headaches, dizziness, aches and pains, anxiety, phobias and hypochondria. It is unclear that meditation is effective in the treatment of addictions and depressions, however, I believe with the combination of yoga, gentle movement and emotional clearing exercises, meditation can be effective.

University of Wisconsin, Madison, Feb2003, Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine:

  • Meditation strengthens the ability to ward off illness.
  • Mediation has clear effects on the parts of the brain which focus on emotion (left and frontal regions which respond to anxiety).

Dr. Herbert Benson, Cardiologist, Mind/Body Medical Institute of Harvard:

  • Stress management can benefit 60% to 90% of people who see doctors for illness. It is increasingly being added to traditional therapies for the treatment of patients with life-threatening illnesses like cancer and AIDS.

"The relaxation response helps decrease metabolism, lowers blood pressure and heart rate, and slows breathing and brain waves," he says. "Just about any condition that is either caused or made worse by stress can be helped with meditation."

For more findings, visit the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine.

Begin your practice by simply setting aside time. I personally prefer transcendental meditation, but you can grow into that practice. Below is a link to some beautiful music that will guide you for 10 minutes. Let you mind simply relax and go with the music. The important thing, at this point, is to take the time each day to perform the 10 minute practice:

I don't think people fully understand how powerful meditation can be. It is truly life-changing. Through meditation, we process all of our negative thoughts, emotions and beliefs. We are able to change our brainwaves so that they naturally lead us to choose the more nourishing choice. I believe that through meditation we begin the practice of nourishing and loving ourselves. I used to think that meditation was all about connecting to Spirit. I now see that meditation is simply my homework so that I can be with Spirit in every moment of my day. Shanti, Pamela

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