Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Our meditation clinic met last night for the first time. We had a bit of discussion about the benefits of meditation, established a practice and then practiced a bit. I was very curious as to why people showed up. Where did they hear about meditation? What was driving them on this journey? These are the questions that, as the instructor, I don't really get to ask and if I do, I'm sure I don't really get the personal answer that I desire. I'm just curious.

For me, I established a meditation practice after reading Dr. Chopra's book "The Book of Secrets". The real question to ask me is why did I chose to read that book. I honestly don't remember. I know that I was desperately searching for some answer to get me through chronic pain and a not so happy marriage. I know that I felt my life was lacking purpose and I wasn't sure where I was supposed to be going or what I was supposed to be doing with my life. Dr. Chopra's book seemed magical in some way, but so practical too that it didn't alienate me from all this spiritual/metaphysical stuff.

I found a Chopra Certified Primordial Sound Instructor in Columbus and took her course. I then signed up for a meditation retreat through the Chopra Center. The rest is history. I've been meditating pretty much everyday ever since...that was six years ago. It has profoundly changed my life. I'm much happier than I used to be. I'm much more positive too. I'm way less grumpy, much more empowered, kinder, more compassionate, less judgmental and to be honest, simply nicer than I used to be. I've learned to accept things as they are. I've learned to change the things I don't like. I've found quiet, stillness, self-confidence and independence of spirit that I didn't know existed. These are the things that I hope for my yogis. These are the things I hope for humanity.

How do you establish a practice? You simply must have discipline. Find silence everyday for 10 minutes. You can sit by a window and simply gaze out. You can sit with your eyes closed. You can use mantra if you choose. Just start the practice of setting aside 10 minutes each day as a nourishing time to heal, to destress and to calm. If you can't find 10 minutes in your day to focus on yourself, you really need to ask yourself the larger questions of life.

So many people tell me they simply don't have time to meditate. I always wonder if they have time to be sad, to be sick or to be unfulfilled. I don't. God gave me so many breaths to breathe and each one is going to be amazing.

Now, turn off the radio, the TV, the Cell-Phone and your computer! Go sit in silence and enjoy your mind.


  1. Thanks for sharing. It's good to be reminded of the why's, and to be aware of the paths taken by others traveling a similar journey. Namaste !

  2. Why----
    I want to get rid of the pain, hurt and guilt. I want to be free and happy within my mind, body and spirit. I'm in search of peace. I believe that yoga and meditation can help me with this quest. This may sound like I'm full of myself, but I'm not happy with the person I am today. I know that God has so much more in store for me, I'm just not in a position to receive. I want to stop carrying the generational baggage and move into the person I was created to be.
