Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Are you a stereotype? Take the Quizzes

We are all here on this earth to enjoy this big "play" or "drama" that is apparently supposed to teach our Souls some lesson. In Sanskrit, this is known as "lila". Each of us, as unique as we are, are still molding our thoughts and choices in common archetypes or stereotypes. Some of this is good and some of this is not so good. A few not so good stereotypes include the addict and the co-dependent.

Answer a few of the questions below and see if you fall into any of these stereotypes. Don't feel bad if you do. Just begin the process of learning about yourself and cultivate a plan to break the mold.

Are you Co-dependent?
  1. Do you suffer greatly from saying "No"?
  2. Do you put yourself in situations where you really didn't want to be there or help, but commit anyway? Do you find yourself resentful in these situations?
  3. Does helping others make you feel worthy or superior?
  4. If you stopped helping, would you feel guilty or worthless?
  5. Do your relationships end when there is no longer a need for your help?
  6. Do you resent those that you help and think that they are not grateful enough to you?
  7. Do have a very hard time asking for help and in fact, rarely do?
  8. Do you have a hard time receiving help?
  9. Do you pretend that everything is fine?
  10. Do you surround yourself with people who live in chaos and have one problem after another?
  11. Did you grow up in a family that had a lot of emotional chaos or addiction problems?
  12. Are you emotionally involved with an addict?
  13. As a child, did you take on the role of holding your family together?
  14. As an adult, is it important for you to be thought of as the “dependable one”?
  15. Are you a negative person?

If you answered yes to any of these and really took a pause of awareness, you may be what is termed "Co-dependent". Your mind has simply wandered into the territory of this archetype or stereotype as a means of coping. It's an unhealthy pattern that you can and must break to achieve happiness.

Explore yourself more and empower yourself with education. The following is my book recommendation to shed more life on this negative stereotype: "Codependent No More: How to Stop Controlling Others and Start Caring for Yourself" by Melody Beattie

Are you an Alcoholic?

Click through to this quiz prepared by Alcohol and then return here:


If you are taking a long pause right now, I suggest the following book to further empower you and to expand your education: "Healing the Addictive Mind: Freeing yourself from Addictive Patterns and Relationships" - Lee Jampolsky.

In this book you will find some classical thought patterns of Alcoholics.

Are you addicted to Sugar?

Take the following quiz. Be honest.

Do you eat refined sugar every day?
Do you find it hard to go a day without sugar?
Do you crave sugar, coffee, chocolate or alcohol?
Do you hide sweet snacks in your home or office?
Do you have a hard time stopping consumption after a small serving of sugar?
Do you have very few periods of time without sugar in your house?
Do you find it hard to resist sweets if they are in your home, office or at an event?
If you skip sugar, do you experience shakiness, fatigue or altered mood (negative mood)?
Do you eat something sweet after every meal?
Do you start your day with coffee and a sweet treat?
Do you drink sweetened soft drinks on a daily basis?

If you answered a lot of "yes" and are taking that long pause, please educate and empower yourself this weekend. EOM in Montgomery is having a special workshop on Sugar Addiction at 11 am with Becky Morrissey, Yoga Teacher and Mental Health Therapist. The price is only $15.

If you are "pausing" around your answers, congratulations. The first step of healing is developing awareness. Make a plan. Educate yourself and take action.

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