Sunday, August 7, 2011

The EOM Manifesto

Drink for your body type. The Wind (Vata) needs to focus on drinking more water and being mindful of thirst. The Fire (Pitta) will drink when they are thirsty and don’t need to be told to drink. The Earth (Kapha) does not need to consume so much water. It’s bloating you. Drink when you are thirsty and don’t force yourself to drink when you are not.

Move every day. 30 minutes of walking and a little bit of gentle yoga. You don’t have to bend yourself into a pretzel to maintain health.

Do one thing a day that is only for yourself…meditation, quiet walking, a bath, a nice meal or a nice inspirational read.

Listen, listen, listen and then drop into your heart center to find your answers.

Sit down every single week and work on your intentions and desires. Bring them to life through meditation, correct thinking and action.

When things are not going your way, find the lesson in the situation and move forward.

Your thoughts become your words, your words become your deeds and your deeds become your whole life. Start with kind thoughts towards self and others.

Prioritize your needs placing your physical and emotional health first.

Poor health is caused and aggravated by stress. Take time to manage your stress daily. Breath, move and journal.

Let other’s achievements inspire you.

Change can be very difficult to implement. Simply accept your current situation and start where you are. It’s perfect where you are. Just begin.

Know what you value. Cultivate your own Niyama to guide your life. This is your personal mission statement.

Maintain breath awareness.

Take in good food and good water. A multi-vitamin each day as well as Calcium with D for women is a must. Use other vitamins and herbs with caution and sound advice.

Plan for financial security and financial “moksha”….freedom.

Plan for your death…in doing so, plan for your life. Live.

Observe your thoughts. Interrupt your less-favorable thoughts with mantra and thought replacement.

Spend time in nature. Know that you are deeply connected.

Spend time in a creative activity…dancing, singing, writing, reading, cooking, gardening, coloring.

A wish is simply a desire that lacks intention. Stop wishing. Don’t stop dreaming.

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