Wednesday, November 16, 2011

How Stressed are you? take the quiz.

We all are suffering from stress to some degree. It’s simply a result of the modern world we occupy and the pressures placed upon us. Your level of stress has a huge impact on your health and happiness.

Take the following quiz to find out the Ayurvedic classification of your stress.

Check any of the following that apply:

I am experiencing:


___Cold hands and feet


___Unusual weight loss

___Increased sensitivity to pain

___Racing hearbeat or palpitations

___An inability to concentrate

___Short term memory loss

___Nervousness, Panic or Anxiety



If you answered yes to 3 or more of these, you are experiencing stress that has pushed the Wind in your mind out of balance.


Please continue:

I am experiencing:



___Irritbility & Impatience



___Chest Pains

___High Blood Pressure

___Sexual Problems

If you answered yes to 3 or more of these, you are experiencing stress that has pushed the Fire in your mind out of balance.


Please continue:

I am experiencing:

___Chronic Fatigue

___Frequent Colds

___Frequent illness

___Eating Disorders

___Substance Abuse



If you answered yes to 3 or more of these, you are experiencing stress that has pushed the Earth in your mind out of balance.

Now step back and look at the big picture. If you had most of your “x’s” in the Wind area, we can pull you back to balance pretty quickly with lifestyle and routine modifications. Follow the plan for the Wind for a few days>>>

If you had some x’s in the Wind and then some in the Fire, now you should follow the plan for the FIRE for a week or more until symptoms decrease>>>

If you had “x’s” in all categories including the Earth, we are going to have to really spend some time pulling you back to balance. Your health needs to be a primary focus for you because you are heading down a really ugly path of feeling bad. To immediately relieve some of your symptoms, follow the plan for the EARTH>>>

Know that the Elemental Cleanse™ is designed to quickly bring you back to balance on all levels in 28 days. It is the most powerful and effective way to learn to manage and relieve stress. It will also help you to shift the stressors in your life and manifest a life that is stress free! Learn More about the Cleanses>>>

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