Thursday, March 25, 2010

More from Seduction

Today, Thursday, was my emotional day. There is always one at these events. My emotional breakdown came in a wave of grumpiness and the desire to be nowhere near the other humans at this conference. Needless to say, I ate lunch on the outskirts and spend a few hours on the beach skipping lectures. I think it odd that of 250 people here, I'm the only one that feels free to just do whatever I want. What is that? Isn't anyone else grumpy and sick of sitting in a conference room. Anti-unity consciousness...crud.

To be honest, my grumpiness is a result of a headache. My headache is the result of focusing so hard on my mantras and sutras in this ridiculous attempt to levitate. Today we added astral travel to our plans as well, so you can imagine that I really really want to do this. Attachment....crud.

Your mantra is intended to simply drift through your head. There should be no focus. All of this is about letting go. I do know this, but I just wanna be able to tell everyone I did it. Ego....crud.

Let me tell you about astral travel. It's really cool. You picture this little tiny guy with big ears, eyes, nose, mouth and hands. This represents your senses. I called him Hanuman who is the monkey god of Hinduism because I couldn't understand the name that Deepak actually gave to that guy. Deepak was a little grumpy today too, so I didn't want to ask him to repeat himself because he is very aware that we cannot understand his accent sometimes. Anyhow, you send your little guy back to your house to sit on your bed and just observe. He can walk around and play with your pets if you have any. My little guy played with my Golden Retriever. This could all have been imagination or my little guy could have been there. Unfortunately, Goldens do not talk so we will never know!

Off to have some fun. All work and no play makes Pamela a very grumpy yogi.

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